Conflicts of children at school and ways to resolve them


Conflict situations at school are inevitable. Another thing is that directing the situation in the right direction, from all you can benefit. Learning this without the help of adults is unlikely.

Children's perception depends on the reaction of others to certain actions. If the children are lucky with the teacher in elementary school, and conflicts will be resolved exclusively by the destructive method, then the school period will be remembered with warmth and tenderness for many years.

Causes of conflict between children at school

There may be a lot of reasons for misunderstanding in the school. Even the spirit of competition inherent in schoolchildren can be viewed as a provocation that stimulates action, cognition, the desire to become the best. The task of the teacher is to make the competition healthy.

Conflict may arise as follows reasons:

  • desire to become a leader;
  • personal animosity;
  • struggle for recognition, resentment;
  • unrequited feeling;
  • dislike and arrogant condescending attitude toward someone;
  • desire to be friends with someone against someone.

Sometimes at school children of different classes conflict. And it also happens that classmates are divided into clans.

Often, pets or those students to whom teachers constantly make public comments are also drawn into the situation. Children are cruel, they can dislike the strong not less than the weak.

How to avoid conflict situations

Not everything depends on the teacher, but much. It is on his shoulders to bear the burden of responsibility. To avoid conflict between children at school and try to smooth the situation is the sacred duty of the teacher.

Even after a torn lesson, "debriefing can be different." The first way is to look for the guilty among the students, perhaps even with the involvement of the principal and the class teacher. Guilty must exist, and fertile ground for fights between students in the future, too.

Constructive way looks different.

The situation is as follows. Having learned about the illness of the teacher, high school students agree to walk outside the school grounds. The replacement is at the last moment, but the decision to walk was made and not subject to appeal.

The only girl who comes to class is an excellent student. The teacher's reaction is a unit in her diary and no “debriefing” after. Non-pedagogical? Hardly. Only a real child psychologist could do that.

It is difficult to imagine what scale the conflict between the remaining student and her classmates could have reached during the "flight debriefing".

Causes of conflict

Whatever the reasons for conflicts between children at school, it is the teacher who has to resolve many of them. Sometimes it is not even necessary to openly intervene in this.

The teacher teaches not only literacy, he helps the child to adapt to the team, learn to communicate in a civilized manner, argue, defend his point of view, give in, understand and accept mistakes, be responsible for his actions.

Conflict Features

Conflicts between schoolchildren and classmates may have a slightly different nature. It is important to understand that any class is a collective. Sometimes misunderstandings can occur between older and younger students.

There can be a lot of reasons here, even jealousy of a beloved teacher who has taken on the upbringing of other students.

What if the child has a conflict with the teacher

It is much more complicated if the student and teacher are the conflicting parties. The reasons for the conflict between the child and the teacher may be different, even to a personal dislike.

Sometimes different methods of education in the school and in the family make themselves felt. Before taking sides, it is important to understand the situation. Sometimes parents do not know exactly how to determine that the child has a conflict with the teacher.

To get started is to go to school and talk with the teacher. This is the only way to understand who is guilty and what is really happening. Outcomes can be different: from the complete resolution of the problem without the involvement of outsiders to complaints to higher authorities and even transfer to another school.

Conflict prevention - how to avoid recommendations

You should always try to smooth sharp corners and not provoke the emergence of conflict situations.

If you do not want the child to close in himself and harbor a grudge against one and all, you can never scold him publicly, even if he is wrong. Listening to everyone is one thing, and depriving a child of support is another.

The one-on-one conversation with the teacher or the collection of information about the teacher, his upbringing methods and so on will not interfere. A peaceful path is always better.

What to do if a child conflicts at school - tips for parents

On the conflict of children at school, the actions of parents are different. It is always better to try to understand the situation first. In most cases, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Take peremptorily side of the teacher or child can not. Hasty conclusions are also not worth it.

Of course, with any complaints of a “beloved child,” it is possible to disassemble and immediately transfer the kolinochka to another school, but no one can guarantee that in a new team a son or daughter will be able to adapt and not clash.

Do not be afraid to communicate and openly express your opinion. This is the only way to find the true causes of what is happening and the options to eliminate the unpleasant situation.


Watch the video: CONFLICT RESOLUTION (July 2024).