The meaning of the name Vadim


About the origin of the name Vadim disputes have not subsided so far. Some believe that it comes from the old Russian word "vaditi" - a bully, a debater, troublemaker; perhaps this is a short form of Slavic Vladimir. There is also a version according to which the name Vadim is a derivative of the Slavic roots “vadit” - to attract, attract and “ima” - to have, to possess.

Vadim is about 3,000 years old. Not every name has such a long "life" and a rich history. Vadim the Brave was the initiator of the uprising against Rurik. Novgorodians, dissatisfied with the policy of the alien and his one-man inhabitants, under the leadership of Vadim rebelled against them, in defense of the lost liberty.

Rev. Martyr Vadim - the patron saint of the name - suffered for the faith in the Messiah, zealously defending Christianity. For his teaching, he was executed at the direction of King Shapur, but did not renounce Christ.

Vadim - character traits

In childhood, Vadim is characterized by high activity and mobility. Like an egoza, he can spend hours running around the apartment. Moreover, parents need to be vigilant and carefully monitor their son so that, God forbid, he does not fall from the balcony or runs out onto the carriageway in search of exciting sensations.

It’s rather difficult for little Vadim to concentrate on a certain business, everything is to blame for a huge supply of energy, restlessness. He is studying medium; his strength, but for a good deed! But no! A child prefers to run and frolic with friends, rather than investing unspent potential in school and homework.

Adult Vadim - unusually purposeful and hardworking. Having taken up the matter, he will not calm down until he achieves the intended result. He is a man of his word, if something promises, rest assured, he will not fail! A representative of the name will make a good leader.

Vadim - peace itself. It is almost impossible to piss off; thinks everything in advance - thoughts, actions, and does not go ahead. Not without cunning, ingenuity and some prudence. All these qualities help to achieve great heights in life.

Vadim is rarely entertained, but if he had such an opportunity, he acts on the principle of "walking, so walking," Vadik will come off to the fullest. By nature, he is a fatalist, his enormous supply of energy requires a constant exit, and so he has to “amuse himself” to the last. Prefers to spend time in the company of friends or alone with a long-legged beauty.

Vadim - name compatibility

In relation to the weaker sex, Vadim is unstable. In search of the ideal, he can sort out hundreds of women, sometimes he finds him in the first girl. In the understanding of a young man, a woman should possess both external data, and a beautiful figure, and high moral principles, she should be able to create a comfortable atmosphere in the family, to be a good wife, mistress and mother of future children.

They can satisfy his needs: Anastasia, Alexandra, Valentina, Galina, Zoya, Larisa, Lydia, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Olga, Polina, Sofia.

But representatives of such names as Angela, Raisa, Veronika, Regina and Julia are unlikely to become a suitable candidate for Vadim.

Vadim - famous people with this name

V. Delone - poet, V. Abdrashitov - actor, film director, V. Sinyavsky - journalist, V. Persian - reverend martyr, V. Tonkov - artist, V. Andreev - actor, V. Kazachenko - singer, entertainer, V. Perelman is an American film director, V. Palmov is an outstanding pianist, V. Nabokov, V. Kukushkin is a Russian scientist, V. Osadchy is a documentary filmmaker.

Vadim - interesting facts about the name

- zodiacal representation - Taurus, Pisces;
- cosmic body - Moon, Mercury;
- colors - yellow, brown, blue;
- the number of the name is 5;
- plant - dahlia, nut;
- animal - ox;
- stone mascot - black opal, lapis lazuli, blood.

The patron saint of the name is Vadim of Persia, name day on April 22. According to the legend, if there is no rain on this day, then the summer will be clear and warm. If precipitation does occur, the summer is expected to be cool and rainy.


Vadim 08/22/2016
99% match

Snezhana 04/14/2016
A handsome male name is Vadim. And the character of Vadimov, I am very impressed! I like men who are active, open, able to achieve their goals. A man should not be a beech. Silent and serious. Still, a sense of humor - it still didn’t hurt anyone, rather - on the contrary!

Vlada 04/14/2016
I, like everyone else, were also hurt by the words about the “wrong” childhood. Of course, there are children with a certain mentality, they like to learn, they are not interested in playing in the yard. But, if the child is not like that, you do not need to break all the joy of his young years. Moreover, Vadim, achieve a lot in life, and energy is only to their advantage.

Emma 04/14/2016
Oh, I have never met an active, nimble child who would direct his energy to study !!!! Yes, this is generally absurd !!! We study, work, think, solve something all our life ... Childhood is childhood, it only happens once !!!

Squirrel 04/14/2016
I believe that a child should be active! Let the egoza, albeit not assiduous, all this more or less "settle down" in adulthood. In the meantime, there is the opportunity to behave recklessly, not to think about business and family - so let him enjoy life!


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