The meaning of the name Stanislav


Name Stanislav has Slavic roots. It is formed by the combination of the two foundations of the words "become" and "glory." Thus, the name literally means "become glorious, gain glory."

The name Stanislav was known in Ancient Russia. It was worn by one of the sons of Prince Vladimir. Later, in many princely and tsarist families there was a boy Stanislav, but in the history of Russia there was not a single ruler with this name.

The name itself is not among the Christian ones, and the babies who received it in the world are most often baptized by Vyacheslav or Svyatoslav. Since the Christian church at all times since its inception in Russia was a clear authority, the name "Stanislav" was and remains not very common. Although, of course, it is beautiful and sonorous.

Stanislav - character traits

Little Stanislav is an independent and impressionable child. He is curious and active. From an early age, he is interested in books, reading, he learns the world through the experience left over the centuries. And it is very important what kind of literature will become a source of knowledge for Stanislav. If he is fascinated by adventure novels about the musketeers, then there can be no doubt that a real knight and fighter for justice will grow out of a child. This happens most often. After all, Stanislav can become glorious only by helping people.

In adolescence, this boy will bring a lot of trouble to his parents. All this will happen only because the fabulously romantic mood of Stanislav, gleaned from literature, will often go against the realities of life. Stanislav will learn by going through obstacles and overcoming temptations. He is cute and pleasant in communication, so for women he is a desirable object for conquest. Such attention from the fair sex will lead to an early marriage, not always out of love. But until this man’s inner world adjusts to his life, Stanislav will feel discomfort and disharmony.

Mistakes of youth will be committed in incredible numbers. But there will come a moment of rethinking oneself in this world. This will happen in middle age, when Stanislav finally meets the woman he dreamed about and who would be the embodiment of his youthful fantasies.

In his career, Stanislav is an exceptional performer. He is not destined to become a great boss, but at his workplace he will be the best of all employees. A clear judgment, the ability to think reasonably and the ability to convince will help him in this.

Stanislav will prove himself best in technical work, although he feels art very subtly.

Stanislav is patient, and this quality will help him build a good and strong family.

Stanislav - name compatibility

In relation to women, Stanislav is a knight. But it is impossible to force him to do something within the framework of traditions. He is much more pleasant to give gifts to his beloved not on March 8, but just like that, because he is in a good mood. For Stanislav, reciprocal feelings are important, he is able to wait for his love and achieve it.

Stanislav will find happiness with the same romantic nature, which needs a reliable and strong man nearby. The most successful will be relations with Angelica, Daria, Natalia. But Tatyana, Larisa, Olga or Elena will not be able to make him happy.

Stanislav - famous people who bore this name

Stas Sadalsky - actor, producer, director.

Stanislav Govorukhin - director, actor, politician, public figure.

Stanislav Zhuk is an outstanding figure skating coach.

Stanislav - interesting facts about the name

The director of the cult film "The meeting place cannot be changed" is Stanislav Govorukhin. This is one of the paintings that are familiar to every viewer. A lot of quotes from the film became winged expressions. Regardless of the number of screenings, you want to watch the film again and again. Govorukhin managed to create images of heroes who were immediately remembered and loved by viewers. There is no ordinary personality in the film. Each character is incredibly colorful and unique. For the role in the series, the best actors of the era were selected.


Dasha 04/18/2016
What to name the baby? We have been arguing with my husband for a whole week, the child is all without a name. I call Bunny, Chick, Baby. Today we will pull notes with a name, Stanislav is there!

mamaStasa 04/18/2016
Stasik, Slavochka - I love this name, that's the name of my one-year-old baby. We have Stanislav Yuryevich, in my opinion, it sounds very cool :)))

Victoria 04/18/2016
About the mistakes of youth correctly noticed: my husband Stanislav made a lot of them. But who in his youth was not mistaken? This is the lot of all young people.

Rita 04/18/2016
At least one Old Russian name with Slavic roots. I really like it, it’s beautiful, melodious, and you can think of a lot of affectionate names.

Zhanna 04/18/2016
Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav - all these are Glories. Stanislav can also be called Stas. Most prefer to be Stas rather than Glory.


Watch the video: Stanislav Meaning (July 2024).