Why do women live longer than men?


Japanese scientists have found the cause of female longevity. In their opinion, the female immune system, which controls the protective properties of the body, “ages” much more slowly than the male one, therefore women more effectively resist viruses and live longer than men.

To study age-related transformations in the immune response of women and men, a laboratory blood test of 356 respondents was performed. During testing, it was found that the number of leukocytes in the blood decreases with age, regardless of gender. Lymphocyte counts, in contrast, were higher in women.

Scientists believe that an analogy can be drawn between these indicators, since in men, the level of lymphocytes is higher. However, certain types of lymphocytes in women decrease more slowly. The authors of the study note - the immune system can indicate the biological age of a person due to age-related mutations of immune cells that have a direct impact on life expectancy.

“Age-related changes in immunological parameters differ between men and women. A study showed that the slower rate of decline in these parameters in women increases life expectancy. You must also take into account the fact that the female body produces more estrogen, which serves as a defense against heart disease before menopause. Sex hormones also play a role, affecting the immune system, primarily on certain types of lymphocytes. ”


Aristotle Pupkov 06/12/2016
Women live longer than men because they have no wives.

Alexander 01/20/2016
Women who live longer than their men are most likely distinguished by the fact that they sit on their men’s necks, do nothing, work nowhere and work for nothing, therefore they are better preserved and live longer. And all thanks to us peasants hard workers.


Watch the video: Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men? (July 2024).