Why can mascara dry? The better and how to dilute mascara: carcass dilution liquids


Every girl wants to hide her flaws and emphasize the merits of her appearance - that's why decorative cosmetics is so popular.

One of the must-have items on a makeup bag

How to extend the term of its use and bring it back to life if it has already dried up?

For what reasons can mascara dry?

It happens that both expensive and cheap carcasses dry up and lose their original texture. It is logical that if the carcasses did not dry out, they would be bought less often, of course, manufacturers would suffer from this. They are not profitable to sell "eternal" cosmetics. In addition, many seek to increase profits not by raising prices, but by lowering costs, in other words, by worsening product quality.

However, there are reasons that lead to premature drying of the carcass. Typically, these are:

• incorrect operation (it is necessary to ensure that the carcass lid is always tightly closed, otherwise air will enter and dry the product; this simple rule can help significantly increase the life of the carcass);

• operation is too frequent (some ladies make several quick translational movements when opening the carcass to capture more paint with the brush - this is wrong, as it also contributes to the quick drying of the product; it’s correct to close the mascara, shake it slightly and carefully remove the brush);

• mascara is initially of poor quality (sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers use poor-quality makeup, which leads to its quick drying, so choose mascara of well-known brands that have recommended the quality of their products on the market - this mascara can last even several months).

How can I dilute dried mascara?

Of course, it is not necessary to throw out the dried up or already dried up mascara, it will be enough just to dilute it with some kind of liquid. However, not every liquid is suitable for such manipulations, since not all of them are safe and effective.

Below are 6 ways in which and how to resurrect dried mascara.

1. Water. If there is no paraffin in the composition, water will be needed. A couple of drops of distilled water must be placed in a tube of mascara and shaken. However, it should be remembered that water is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora, so this method is suitable for those who are not prone to allergies. In addition, you should avoid adding excess water to the mascara, as in this way it will quickly lose its consistency (in other words, it will become too liquid and less saturated).

2. Eye drops. An ideal option for diluting dried mascara is to add eye drops to the tube (2-3 drops of a mucosal moisturizer). This method is suitable for those who are prone to allergies, since it is completely harmless.

3. Lens storage fluid. Like the previous version, the lens storage liquid is safe for allergy-prone people, because it has the same properties as eye drops. However, it is necessary to use this method with extreme caution, since such a drug can have serious side effects, and it is impossible to determine the sensitivity in the eyes.

4. Strong tea. Strong black tea must be brewed, sweetened generously and mixed thoroughly. A few drops should then be placed in a tube, and the washed and dried brush should be placed in a glass with tea.

5. Eye makeup remover. Only one that does not contain alcohol is suitable. The method is good in that you can certainly know how sensitive the eyes are to a particular remedy. The ideal option is if you use the means of the mascara manufacturer.

6. Peach seed oil, almond or jojoba oil. Two to three drops will be enough to restore the original texture of the carcass. However, it should be remembered that it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the mascara will be less resistant.

In addition, if the carcass contains paraffin, it will be enough just to place the tube for 15 minutes in a container of warm water, and then shake it. After such an event, the carcass will have an initial texture, in quality it will not be inferior to fresh carcasses.

What can not be diluted with dried mascara?

Diluting mascara is a sure way to restore its original quality and consistency. However, there are liquids that should not be added to a tube of cosmetics, since it can not only be useless, but also harm, because the eyes are an extremely sensitive area to external irritants.

So, you should never use the following 4 fluids.

1. Saliva. It is known that saliva contains millions of bacteria that, if ingested, can cause inflammation. That is why it is impossible to use saliva in any case. In addition, it helps to accelerate the drying of the mascara, so this is not only a harmful, but also ineffective way to dilute the mascara.

2. Peroxide. This medical tool, which is in any first-aid kit, can easily provoke a burn. It is strictly forbidden to add it to mascara. If it gets into your eyes, vision loss may occur. Also, it has the ability to bleach materials, so that it will easily lighten black eyelashes or cause them to fall out.

3. Vegetable oil. This liquid is excessively oily and poorly absorbed, so after adding it to the mascara you can see how it rolls into lumps. You can add, for example, almond oil, castor oil, peach seed or jojoba. Vegetable oil can lead to clogging of the eyelash bulbs, and this can easily lead, for example, to the appearance of barley.

4. Liquids containing alcohol (including alcohol). This also includes perfumes and colognes, as well as alcohol tonics to cleanse the skin, which in no case can be added to mascara, since they can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane and severely damage the thin skin of the eyelids.


Watch the video: How To Fix Dry Mascara Instantly. Three ways to fix dried mascaras (June 2024).