Dewdrop - medicinal properties and uses in medicine


Rosyanka - general description

Sundew - a small grassy insectivorous perennial from the family of sundews. The plant has a shortened stem with a rosette of leaves pressed to the soil and several flower arrows. On the upper side of the leaves are reddish glands with droplets of viscous mucus.

When small insects land on them, they immediately adhere. Mucus envelops the victim, the leaf bends and the sundew gets its prey. The plant has white, small flowers, collected in one-sided brushes. The fruit is an oblong and smooth tricuspid box. Flowering sundew usually falls in June - August.

Rosyanka - types and places of growth

A common plant for many areas of the northern hemisphere. It occurs on peatlands and sphagnum bogs, sometimes on wet sands in the temperate climatic regions of North America and Africa. It is common for the non-chernozem zone of Russia, the Far East, Siberia and Ukraine (excluding the southern regions).

There are 150 species of sundew, of which three varieties are common in the European part of Russia: round-leaved, English (long-leaved) and intermediate.

Dewdrop - medicinal properties

In traditional medicine, tinctures based on sundew grass and its extract, which is part of many drugs intended for the treatment of baby pertussis, cough and relieve asthma attacks, are actively used. Also, these drugs are effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to relieve spasms. In homeopathy, a sunflower preparation “Drosera” is prepared, which helps with whooping cough and suffocating cough, accompanied by pain in the chest area. Before using "Drosera", you should always consult your doctor.

In folk medicine, sundew has been used for many coughs for centuries. Due to its antispasmodic effect, it is widely used for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis and convulsive cough that has arisen on nerve soil. Its use in hemoptysis, lung disease, fever, chronic hoarseness, atherosclerosis and intermittent claudication (obliterating endarteritis) is also justified. For the treatment of warts, sundew is used externally.

Rosyanka - dosage forms

The aerial part of the plant is harvested during flowering. The sundew is cleaned of moss, roots and dried in the attic with an iron roof or in another room with good air circulation.

For medicinal purposes, tea, infusion, tincture of sundew herb and juice from a fresh plant are used.

Rosyanka - recipes

Sunflower infusion: 1 teaspoon. lies. dry stuff fill the stack. water (100 ° C), let it brew for half an hour and strain. Reception: after meals, 1 table. lies. 4 p. / Day.

Sunflower tincture: dry grass is poured with alcohol (40%) or vodka at the rate of 1:10, infused for a decade in a darkened place and filtered. Reception: 15 cap. in 1/3 stack. water 3 p. / day.

Infusion of sundew with bronchial asthma: tea. lies. dry grass pour a cup of water (100 ° C), insist for an hour and strain well. Reception: before meals, on the table. lies. 4 p. / Day.

Tincture of sundew with candidiasis: table. lies. without a slide of dry grass pour 100 ml. alcohol (40%) and insist for a decade. Reception: after a meal, 10 cap. in a glass of water 5 p. / day.

With a strong cough, tea based on sundew is consumed. One serving needs a teapot. lies. dry herbs pour boiling water and set aside for 15 minutes. Then the tea is filtered and sweetened with honey to taste. Reception: no more than 2 cups per day.

Rosyanka - contraindications

With an overdose of its drugs, nausea and vomiting may occur. Caution should be used in patients with epilepsy and tuberculosis.


Oksana 05/06/2016
I wonder how small insects does this grass absorb? So it would be possible to plant it in the garden around the perimeter, which would destroy all kinds of bugs, or better, mosquitoes))) Well, seriously, if medicine recognized the sundew, then its properties are valuable and strong.

Polina 05/06/2016
Not, well, seriously, even with a strong cough, I personally hardly began to drink tea from this plant! I do not dispute its medicinal properties. Perhaps if you do not know how the sundew looks, you can be cured by it. But, if you know ... Nothing would make me drink tea from dead insects!))

Alena 05/06/2016
I am amazed, my sister has laryngitis, and she has also been treated with this herb. But, I didn’t think she was like that! It would be interesting to look at this plant in nature, and not in the photograph. It looks, of course, creepy. As if saturated with blood.

Kira 05/06/2016
And I could not imagine that in our country, such plants grow! Terrible thing! Of course, you yourself will not go to harvest such grass. But, if it is used in traditional medicine, then there is an effect.

Nina 05/06/2016
Oh my God! This plant looks scary! And when I read that it feeds on insects, I really didn’t feel like it being treated)) The plant is a predator! It is not surprising that the juice of this sundew can easily get rid of warts!


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