Acne after childbirth: causes. What to do if acne appears on the face after childbirth: care and treatment


After giving birth to a woman, a difficult time begins.

Her body needs time to recover, and the baby requires constant attention. Physical and emotional fatigue take their toll, and here also skin problems. Often, after birth, acne appears on the face. Why is this happening and how to cope with the situation?

Causes of acne after childbirth

The main reason for the appearance of acne on the skin of a woman during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby is the same: hormonal imbalance. The release of a large amount of progesterone leads to increased production of sebum. A viscous greasy secret clogs the pores, contributing to the appearance of whiteheads - comedones. If an infection gets inside the comedone, inflammation occurs. Hence skin problems: acne, acne, redness.

There are other causes of acne after childbirth. Against the background of the action of progesterone, the following can become provoking factors:

• increased sweating;

• insufficient skin cleansing, improper skin care;

• diet errors;

• lack of movement and fresh air.

A woman is so immersed in caring for the baby that she often does not have either the strength or the desire to look after herself. The woman makes up for the huge losses of physical and emotional energy in the simplest way: pampering herself with junk food. Condensed milk to enhance lactation - in cans, cookies for tea - in packs, fried chicken - in kilograms. Along with being overweight, skin problems appear, and thank goodness if the baby does not have colic or allergies from mother's milk.

The lack of active movement in the fresh air is also not the most favorable way affects the condition of the skin. Metabolic processes and blood circulation slow down, which can lead to the appearance of acne.

More serious causes of acne after childbirth are various ailments:

• disorders in the thyroid gland;

• infection with staphylococcus;

• allergic reaction;

• diseases of internal organs.

If everything is in order with nutrition and movement, there is proper skin care, and acne does not go away, you need to consult a dermatologist. The causes of acne after childbirth can be caused not at all by hygiene or diet errors, but by the debut of some disease.

To do if acne appeared after childbirth: we change the diet and lifestyle

Nutrition is the main concern of a nursing mother. The period of breastfeeding is very responsible, because a woman has to focus not only on her tastes, but also on the baby’s health. Its immature intestines and immune system, which continues to form, instantly respond to the mother’s diet.

It happens that after childbirth acne appeared on the face. What to do in this situation? First of all, analyze your diet. It is necessary to refuse all potentially dangerous products for the baby: chocolate, citrus fruits, industrial sweets. You can’t sit on milk and tea. It is better to eat a bowl of soup or borscht than a packet of cookies.

The appearance of acne, the body can report a banal lack of vitamins. The cause of acne after childbirth can be caused by this. A suitable vitamin and mineral complex should be prescribed by a gynecologist to a nursing mother. You can simply buy the same vitamins that a woman took during pregnancy. They usually contain the correct dosage of "beauty vitamins", which are responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair.

The basis of the diet of a nursing mother should be cereals, green vegetables, lean meat. At first, you need to be careful with fruits: some weaken the intestines of the baby, some weaken. But if a child responds well to apples, peaches, plums or seasonal berries - why not? You can cook compotes from them or make fruit drinks. Sweet sparkling water during this period is completely prohibited.

What to do if acne appears on your face? Pay attention to intestinal function. Constipation due to malnutrition can slag the intestines. In this situation, you should help yourself. For example, a pediatrician or gynecologist may prescribe a complete course of probiotic drugs. They not only normalize the digestive processes of a newborn, but also help his mother cleanse acne.

If acne occurs after childbirth, how to care for skin

The skin in the postpartum period can become very tender and sensitive. With a lack of care amid increased work of the female homon, the pores can become very clogged with sebaceous secretions. If acne appeared on the face after childbirth, what should I do in terms of care?

First of all, provide a full cleansing. It is important to use appropriate face cleansers in the morning and evening. It can be a gentle foam or a light gel. Instead of hard scrubs, you can use peels, including those of independent origin. Deeply cleanses pores with peeling from hercules or sea salt.

You need to find time to care for yourself and at least 2-3 times a week to use cleansing, tonic, moisturizing masks. The period of breastfeeding does not mean that you need to forget about yourself and completely surrender to the baby. On the contrary, the good mood, which is accompanied by self-care, is sure to be passed on to the child. He will become calmer and happier.

Important notes that relate to personal care and are directly related to the delicacy of this period:

• Do not use perfumes, vigorous deodorants and creams with sharp perfumes. The baby should smell clean maternal skin. The skin of a newborn can react to harsh aromas by diathesis;

• it is better to wear underwear and clothing exclusively from their natural cotton or linen;

• cosmetics should be as natural as possible;

• the use of essential oils is allowed, but not at the time of feeding (pimples well dry, for example, tea tree oil);

• at the time of child care, bathing, feeding on the face and body should not be any makeup.

• do not squeeze acne. Similar procedures lead to the appearance of wounds on the spot, which, in the absence of proper treatment, heal with scar formation. The cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to speed up the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides a wide spectrum of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only to wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under dressings. The tool has not only a wound healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, it promotes wound healing without a rough scar(1)

These are the simplest rules, which, nevertheless, can be useful in solving the problem of acne on the face in the postpartum period.

What to do if acne appears after childbirth: herbal remedies

Traditional medicinal herbs are an excellent way to combat postpartum acne. Decoctions, compresses, ice wipes do not harm lactation, as they do not penetrate the mother’s milk and blood.

To prepare a decoction, pour a tablespoon of dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. The broth can be used in any way: make a cleansing lotion on its basis, wash it with healing water several times a day or freeze it in ice tins and tone the skin in the morning. You can prepare an anti-inflammatory mask with a healing broth.

Natural plant components work perfectly on the skin of a young mother and can be more effective than industrial creams with fragrances and preservatives.

To prepare decoctions, you can use such herbs:

• celandine;

• St. John's wort;

• calendula;

• sage;

• succession;

• chamomile;

• plantain.

With wormwood infusions, you need to be extremely careful, since they can be allergenic for both the mother and the baby. But the healing aloe juice can be safely used on the skin. If this magical plant is not at home, you can buy aloe juice in a pharmacy, use it pointwise, or use it as a component of an anti-inflammatory mask.

What to do if acne appears after childbirth: pharmacy drugs

According to the appointment of a dermatologist in the postpartum period, you can use various pharmacy products. In addition to aloe extract and multivitamins, you can buy popular and quite safe external preparations:

• simple salicylic alcohol, which is in every pharmacy, will perfectly dry the inflammation. Its drawback is that this remedy will not be able to prevent the appearance of new acne, and therefore it can be used, but nevertheless, the cause of the problem should be found out;

• cheap zinc ointment has an equally strong ability to dry areas of inflammation on the skin;

• Tsindol has an excellent pronounced effect, which can be used even on the skin of newborns. It dries and relieves inflammation;

• a pack of sea salt can help a young mother more than once in the period after the birth of the baby. The main thing is that there should not be any fragrances in it. Based on the product, you can make not only wonderful scrubs, but also clean your pores in the form of lotions;

• Cosmetic clay is very good as a local remedy for acne on the face in the postpartum period.

What to do if acne appears on the face after childbirth? Adjust nutrition, change face care, spend more time outdoors, walk a lot. If the problem persists, it's time to get a specialist consultation. Most often, nothing serious happens. But the competent appointment of vitamin and external preparations will help to get the result faster - beautiful, clean, radiant skin.

1 - E.I. Tretyakova. Comprehensive treatment of nonhealing wounds of various etiologies. Clinical Dermatology and Venereology. - 2013.- No. 3
It is necessary to read the instructions or consult a specialist.


Watch the video: Put an End to Adult Acne (June 2024).