September 1: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 1.


Holidays September 1

Knowledge Day

Which of us does not remember this excitement of the first call on the first day of the school year. A sea of ​​flowers and bows, a large briefcase full of textbooks. Traditional world lessons dip into the atmosphere of the school, only emphasizing the solemnity of the moment. All participants of the educational process - teachers, schoolchildren, students and teachers celebrate knowledge day today. Especially solemnly the initiation of small first graders is held. Knowledge Day is celebrated in all CIS countries.

Uzbekistan Independence Day

After the collapse of the USSR, as well as in other republics, a declaration of independence was adopted in Uzbekistan. According to the law on state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the flag and coat of arms of the republic are also approved. An independent country overcomes many difficulties, but the desire for freedom is the main priority in following its own path. On this day, meetings and celebrations are held. The center of events is the national park of Uzbekistan, celebrations are also attended by President Islam Karimov.

Day of the gas, oil and fuel industry

Representatives of various specialties related to geological industries share a common destiny, rallying them around the most important industries. The main branches of heavy industry are incredibly important for the development of the state; they determine the possible comfort of citizens and the stability of the work of other components of industrial production. A holiday for the brave and courageous people of a difficult profession is also held in other CIS countries.

Father's Day in Australia

Mother's Day in the country has been celebrated since time immemorial, but Father's Day became a national holiday only in the 20th century. The role of the father in raising a child is very large, the holiday is a true dedication to all fathers, especially those who raise children alone. One of these fathers is the American Civil War veteran Dodd Smart, who independently raised six children. It was in his honor that his daughter Sonora Dodd initiated this holiday. The tradition is rooted, and today it is picked up in many countries of the world. All fathers receive gifts, it is noteworthy that the most popular gift on this day is a men's tie.

Wine Festival in Portugal

In late August - early September, Madeira Island is raging - shows, folk dances, stage performances. All attention is given to the main thing - the world famous drink. The festival of young wine lasts a whole week. Many wine cellars open, tables are just on the streets, the hosts invite for a tasting. The symbol of Madeira is the wine of the same name, its origin has several legends.

One of them tells of a merchant who wanted to take several barrels of wine by sea. However, not all barrels fit in the hold, and the scorching sun on the deck killed the wine - at least, the owner thought. However, when the "ruined" barrels were opened, an unusual original taste of wine was discovered. Today this effect is achieved in a simpler way, however Madeira has become a real symbol of the holiday.

Folk calendar September 1

Thekla - Beetroot

In 304, many Christians suffered for the faith, and three saints Timothy, Agapius and Thekla were at the center of events. They were brought to the emperor and accused of eliminating idols and other crimes against paganism. They burnt Timothy, and at the same time Agapiy and Thekla were injured in another city - they were given to be torn to pieces by wild animals.

Beet harvesting began on beetroot, which has long been valued in Russia for its healing properties and sweet taste. Crushed leaves help with inflammation of the eyes, raw roots are used for toothache - they need to be kept in the mouth. The cooling, diuretic and laxative properties of beets are known. The main dishes are borsch and botvina. Sauce beets were prepared for boiled potatoes in winter. If the wind blew on Thekla from the south - you can expect a good harvest of oats.

Historical events of September 1

September 1, 1255 - foundation of the Konigsberg fortress

The fortress is located in a very convenient place where the Pregol flows into the Baltic Sea, the city has been located here for more than 700 years. The Postdam Conference in the summer of 1945 secured the city to the USSR; years later, the city was renamed Kaliningrad. Immediately after the transition of the city, the production of Russian newspapers began; the newspaper Novoye Vremya also appeared in German. In schools, children also studied in German. Soon the German population was relocated to Germany. The city was quickly populated by new residents, production was restored. The strategic location of the city determined its semi-closed status, in 1960 the last ruins of the old Koenigsberg fortress were demolished.

September 1, 1910 - Aprelevka record plate factory opened

The village near Moscow unexpectedly became a center for the production of phonograph records. The owners of the plant - two German entrepreneurs, created the trademarks Metropol and Record. In the early years, about 400 thousand copies were produced. At fairs, bazaars, in shops and stores for several weeks it was possible to meet a novelty, in almost a few weeks all copies were sold out. Music was everywhere - at home, at weddings, wires, in entertainment venues and clubs. With the help of gramophones with huge trumpets, one could hear Russian folk songs, ditties, musical works. The diameter of the pipes of the gramophone increased, sometimes it was possible to meet almost half-meter pipes. The revolution brought the creation of the department "Soviet record". Recently, the structure of the plant has collapsed, new CD products have almost replaced the good old records.

September 1, 1939 - Gleivitsa provocation, which became the occasion for the beginning of World War 2

Reinhard Heydrich, together with his subordinates (a sabotage group led by Alfred Naujoks) organized actions on several sections of the Germany-Poland border that could serve as an occasion for the outbreak of war. Dressed in Polish military uniforms, members of the sabotage group broke into the territory of the radio station in Gleiwitz and aired an anti-Hitler appeal. Further, a forestry in Kreuzburg was attacked and one of the customs checkpoints was destroyed. The bodies of the killed prisoners of the concentration camp were used as those killed during the attack, which is why the operation was called "Canned". The signal to start the operation is the code phrase "Grandmother is dead."

September 1, 1951 - the creation of political intelligence "Mossad" in Israel

Mossad does not take any action, collects information and transfers it to the political leadership of Israel. Relevant decisions are made only by the governing bodies. The principle of intelligence is known - more information, more knowledge. The number of full-time employees in the organization does not exceed 2000 people, while there are no military ranks, although each candidate should have military service behind him. The organization's activities are classified, as well as other similar services in the world.

September 1, 1714 - by order of Peter I, the first Russian public public library was opened in St. Petersburg. The Tsar’s handwritten command has not reached our days, but his undertaking is still flourishing today, bearing the honorary title of “Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences”. Currently, the temple of the book, located on Vasilievsky Island, is one of the largest libraries in the world. Initially, the storage fund was composed of manuscripts of the Kremlin Tsar’s Library in Moscow, the tsar’s personal book archive, as well as his associates.

September 1, 1827 - An unpleasant date for peasants who lived in the first half of the 18th century, it was on this day that people of this estate were forbidden to accept for higher and secondary educational institutions.

September 1, 1900 - the Paveletsky railway station was opened in Moscow, it was intended to serve the Ryazan-Ural Railway. This branch was managed from Saratov, which is why, after the opening, the object became known as Saratov. Renamed one of the largest train stations in Moscow after World War II.

September 1, 1953 - on the Lenin Hills in Moscow, the famous high-rise building of Lomonosov Moscow State University opened, which for many years was the largest-scale construction of the Russian capital. The height of the building reaches 182 meters, given the size of the spire - 240 meters. The construction was erected over four years according to the designs of architects Iofan, Rudnev, Chernyshava, Abrosimov, Khryakov and Nasonov.

September 1, 2004 - At school No. 1 of the small town of Beslan in North Ossetia, terrorists took hostage the students, their teachers and parents. A terrible event happened during the solemn ruler. 2.5 days the bandits kept more than a thousand people in the school building, after which there were explosions and special services began an operation to free people. 334 died, 186 of them children.

Born on September 1

Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) - American writer

Burroughs is a writer of adventure literature, his first work Under the Moons of Mars was published in a magazine. The author’s second novel opened the cycle of the most famous works about Tarzan - the human foundling of monkeys. These works are still superbestsellers; they have been filmed many times by various film studios. Fascinating, famously twisted, plots and fantastic adventures of heroes. Burroughs were allowed to buy a ranch in California, where the writer continued to create. During the Second World War, the author switches to military journalism. His work had a great influence on world literature.

But mu hyung (1946 - 2009) - Korean President

Mu Hyun’s career began with the end of a free commercial school, followed by a law degree. Since 1980, his political advancement has been focused: first - a deputy of the parliament, then the President of the country. In 2003, he was accused of receiving a large bribe ($ 6 million), and the president was impeached. Unable to survive the accusation and the decline of a political career, But Mu Hyun committed suicide in 2009.

Sergey Bobunets (1973) - Russian musician of the group "Semantic Hallucinations"

The first musical instrument that Sergey was learning to play was domra. The first group - “Ajax” - is named after the names of its creators - Andrey, Yakov, Sergey. In 1989, his group “Meaningful Hallucinations” appeared, then a music club was created as a base for the group. The general public recognized the group when it already had several albums.

Name day September 1

Name day celebrate: Timothy, Thekla, Andrew, Nikolai.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (June 2024).