April 29th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 29th.


Holidays April 29

International Dance Day

International (sometimes called World) dance day was established in 1982 at the initiative of UNESCO, in the same year the holiday was first celebrated. And they timed it to the birthday of the outstanding French dancer and choreographer Jean Nover - the great reformer and theorist in the field of choreographic art. He went down in history as the founder of modern ballet. Jean Nover developed genres in ballet, as well as the basic principles of ballet tragedy and heroic performance. In the mid-eighteenth century, his famous works were published entitled “Letters on Dances and Ballets,” where the talented choreographer outlined all the principles of the ballet play.

Every year on April 29, the entire dancing circle, including opera and ballet theaters, modern ensembles and dance groups, as well as other professional and amateur dancers, celebrates their professional, such a bright, positive and fiery holiday.

April 29th in the folk calendar

Irina Rassadnitsa

On April 29, the church commemorates the three martyrs - the sisters of Solunsky (Irina, Chionia and Agapia). According to legend, pious sisters were persecuted by the emperor Diocletian, but in the end they were caught and presented before the court, where they were invited to renounce the faith. Deeply religious women refused, for which they were sent to a brothel. However, there for their truly pure souls they could not touch. When the emperor found out about this, he ordered the sisters to be executed.

By the day of the Irina the Nursery, the rivers began to enter normal channels, leaving behind their “footprints” in the form of blurry banks and small gullies. The people were gossiping about this: "Irina, pluck the shores", thereby recalling that the shores washed by the flood can collapse underfoot at any time. Irina in Russia was called the nursery, because today the peasants were engaged in seedlings. It was believed that after Irene’s day, sunny days should follow, so that the seedlings quickly rose. On this day, it was also customary to whitewash the trunks of garden shrubs and trees to protect them from the ubiquitous hares, hungry after a long winter.

Historical events of April 29

April 29, 1897 - The world first heard about the concept of "electron"

The discovery of an elementary electron particle belongs to the English physicist Joseph Thomson. And this happened in 1897 in the scientist's laboratory during the study of a gas discharge. Soon, Thomson hastened to announce an important discovery in the field of physics, and on April 29 of the same year he announced this at a meeting of the Royal Society of London. A little later, the scientist, using the same discharge, was able to study the electron: determine its charge and calculate the ratio of charge to mass. Based on his work, Thomson developed a theory of the motion of electrons in electric and magnetic fields. In 1906, an English scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of an electron. The experiments carried out prompted Thomson to the idea of ​​creating a model of the atom. This was the first atomic model in history, but later, thanks to Rutherford's research, it was recognized as not quite true and changed.

April 29, 1913 - The zip clasp, now known as the zipper, was patented

In 1913, the Swedish emigrant Gideon Sundbek patented the zipper, which at that time was called zip. The first prototype of such a clasp was a zipper invented by the American Jadson, but his device was not convenient and reliable, so it was not very widespread among buyers. Being on the verge of bankruptcy, Jadson simply had to do something, and at the beginning of the 20th century, he hired the Swedish engineer Gideon Sundbek. After several months of work, Sundbek still managed to improve the zipper, or rather, to create a new version of it, consisting of two fabric ribbons and metal links running on both sides. And the structure was closed with the help of a small lock-slider (dog), sliding on the links. Fortunately, the new lightning proved its effectiveness and reliability and quickly found wide distribution.

April 29, 1931 - The beginning of the television era in the Soviet Union

Within the walls of the All-Union Radio Engineering Institute, the first telecast was broadcast, which lasted a little more than a minute, but, despite this, made a splash. Note that regular television broadcasting began in 1934. The first cities to watch television at the time were Moscow, Tomsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Leningrad. Each year, more and more cities joined the listed television audience. During the Great Patriotic War, television broadcasting was interrupted for a long time and resumed only in May 1945.

Born on April 29

Vasily Tatishchev (1686 - 1750 gg.) - Russian economist, geographer, historian and famous statesman. However, according to historians, for this man did not exist boundaries in professional knowledge, which he had not been in his entire life. It was Tatishchev who owned the first scientific works on history, and he is also the compiler of the first Russian encyclopedic dictionary. And this versatile person went down in history as the founder of Yekaterinburg. Not so long ago, a magnificent monument was erected to him in this city.

Alexander II Liberator (1818 - 1881) - the Russian emperor. Immediately after birth, they looked at the future emperor with great trepidation and respect, since it was he who had all hopes in the future to take the throne (Alexander's uncle, the emperor at that time, was childless). The young man was educated by a very experienced and wise teacher, who tried to instill a feeling for love, gentleness and compassion in the tsar’s pupil, trying to isolate him from the court and military atmosphere. At age 18, the young man spoke five languages, was well versed in mathematics, geography, physics, law, history, and also in the military sciences. He early enough began to take part in government affairs. At first, Alexander held conservative views, but later revised his policy. And for the liberation of the peasantry from serfdom, he was nicknamed the Liberator.

Michelle Pfeiffer (born in 1957) - famous American film actress. Before working in Hollywood, the actress managed to change many areas of activity. She worked as a cashier, and a saleswoman, and even a cleaner. However, in the 1970s, her talent was noticed, and, after several years, Michelle became widely known. Here are a few films with her participation: "Eastwick Witches", "Lady Hawk", "Dangerous Liaisons", "After Love", "What Hides Lies", etc. For many years, Pfeiffer is on the list of the most beautiful American actresses, I can’t even believe that in childhood she was terrorized and ridiculed by her peers because of her supposedly ugly big mouth.

Birthday April 29

April 29 celebrations: Abraham, Galina, Irina, Vasilisa, Mikhail, Leonid, Pavel, Nika, Fedor, Theodora, Agapia, Khioniya and Julia.


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