Stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese - spectacular mushrooms! Recipes of stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese and not only


Stuffed mushrooms - a simple, tasty and effective dish.

It can be served hot or used as a cold snack.

It all depends on the filling used, it has a huge number of options.

Only cheese remains unchanged.

Only with it champignons look harmonious and finished.

Stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese - the general principles of preparation

For stuffing use only closed caps of a semicircular shape. It is best to choose large mushrooms that are close to each other in size. The leg is removed, it is possible to remove the gills and part of the pulp of the mushroom, so that more filling will fit. Typically, the waste is not thrown away, but also crushed and added to the stuffing.

Hard cheese is more often used. It is added to the filling, used for sprinkling. But for laying in hats, you can take a processed product, cheese. It also turns out delicious with them, although they do not give a beautiful crust.

What can be added to mincemeat for mushrooms:

• onions, garlic, carrots;

• boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat);

• meat, chicken, bacon;

• sausages;

• sauces (mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup);

• herbs, various spices.

The preliminary preparation of these ingredients depends on the recipe. Some products require heat treatment.

Released hats are filled with minced meat, sprinkled with cheese, placed in a greased form. It is desirable that they are in contact and support each other. Stuffed hats are baked for 15 to 30 minutes. The exact time depends on the type of filling and the size of the mushrooms. You do not need to set a large temperature. 180-190 degrees is enough.

Stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese and sour cream

The recipe for the simplest stuffed champignon in the oven with cheese. At the same time, the dish looks elegant, takes its rightful place even on the festive table.


• 300 g of large mushrooms;

• 80 g of cheese;

• 1 onion;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• spices, parsley.


1. Rinse the mushrooms. Carefully remove the legs, remove part of the pulp from the caps. The blanks can be immediately moved to the baking dish, do not forget to grease it before that.

2. Chop the onion finely.

3. Transfer to a frying pan with oil, fry.

4. Cut the legs of the mushrooms. Send to onion, fry together.

5. Mix half the grated cheese with sour cream in a bowl, add the fried mushrooms to them.

6. Season the mass with spices, herbs. Salt a little cooler, as the hats are fresh.

7. Fill the workpieces with filling.

8. Put on top a pinch of the remaining cheese, which also needs to be grated.

9. Put in the oven. Temperature 180, cooking time from 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the size of the hats.

Stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese and tomatoes

A variant of delicious mushrooms with amazing filling. Fresh tomatoes give the minced meat an extraordinary taste and juiciness.


• 10 mushrooms;

• 1 tomato;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Release the caps from the legs.

2. Cut the legs into cubes, fry in oil, leave for a while to cool.

3. Cut the tomato into cubes, add to the fried mushrooms.

4. Season the filling with mayonnaise, salt. Here garlic, greens, pepper will go well, season to your taste. Stir.

5. Fill the previously released hats with filling, shift to the mold.

6. Rub the cheese coarsely. Distribute between all the hats. Press so that the product does not fall out.

7. Send the bake dish. The process will take about twenty minutes.

Stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese and eggs

To prepare such mushrooms, boil hard-boiled eggs. You can add mayonnaise or sour cream to the filling.


• 700 g of champignons;

• 1 onion head;

• 4 boiled eggs;

• oil, spices;

• 80 ml sour cream, mayonnaise

• 150 g of cheese.


1. Release hats from all superfluous. Cut the legs with any pieces of arbitrary shape, but small in size.

2. Chop the onion head into cubes, put in a frying pan with oil. Start frying.

3. After two minutes, add the mushrooms. Fry until half cooked. Transfer to a bowl, let the filling cool.

4. During this time, peel the boiled testicles, cut into cubes. Arrange to mushrooms.

5. Add half the grated cheese, chop the rest of the product, but set aside. He will go to the finish topping.

6. Stuff the minced meat with salt, pepper and mayonnaise, stir.

7. Fill prepared hats, transfer to a baking dish.

8. Top with sprinkled cheese. Bake until cooked.

Stuffed Mushrooms in the Oven with Cheese and Rice

A variant of a hearty meal with cereal filling. Rice is better to use long, it will turn out tastier. You can take unrefined cereal, it will be more useful.


• 400 g of champignons;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 50 g of rice;

• onion;

• carrot;

• oil, spices;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. Fry the onions and carrots in a pan. Cut as you like.

2. Cut the legs of the mushrooms and unnecessary parts of the caps. Add to vegetables, fry together until half cooked. Cool.

3. Boil rice, drain the water. Arrange to mushrooms.

4. Season the rice filling with sour cream, garlic. Add greens, pepper, salt at your discretion.

5. Grate the cheese and put a third to the mushrooms. He will combine the ingredients of minced meat.

6. Fill the empty hats with rice filling.

7. Place the grated cheese on top of the mushrooms. Distribute the entire product evenly.

8. It remains only to put the hats in a greased form and bake for about 15 minutes, bringing the hats to readiness.

Stuffed Cheese and Chicken Mushrooms in the Oven

A variant of delicious mushrooms with chicken. For such stuffed champignons in a cheese oven, it is best to use thigh trimmings. If you take the fillet from the breast, the dish may turn out to be a little dry.


• 150 g of chicken;

• onion head;

• 600 g of mushrooms;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 25 ml of oil;

• spices;

• 50 ml of mayonnaise.


1. Cut the chicken pulp into cubes half a centimeter.

2. Onion, too, cut into small cubes.

3. Remove the legs with part of the pulp from the hats. Chop with a knife.

4. Spread in the heated oil with an interval of two minutes: onions, chicken, mushrooms. Fry food for another two minutes together, season with spices, cool.

5. Put mayonnaise in the filling, stir. Add garlic, herbs if desired.

6. Fill the mushroom caps, press the filling with your fingers.

7. Lay the cheese on top. You can not rub it, but simply cut it into pieces according to the number of hats.

8. Send to bake for 20-25 minutes, see if mushrooms are ready.

Stuffed mushrooms in the oven with cheese and meat

For such mushrooms, you need minced meat. Removed legs can not be added, but if they have nowhere to put, then lay in the filling. This dish differs from previous recipes in that it does not need to pre-fry foods for the filling.


• 15 fungi of the same size;

• 200 g of minced meat;

• 100 g of cheese;

• onion head;

• a spoon of sour cream;

• a spoon of tomato paste;

• salt and pepper;

• a spoonful of oil.


1. Chop the onion, add it to the minced meat.

2. Pour salt, pepper, immediately put the tomato paste with sour cream.

3. Rub the cheese coarsely and also send to the meat filling.

4. If there is nowhere to put the legs from the champignons, then chop them, put them in the mass for stuffing.

5. Stir the filling thoroughly.

6. Fill prepared hats.

7. Lubricate a suitable mold, shift the mushroom caps with filling.

8. Put in the oven.

9. Since the minced meat is used raw, the mushroom caps will be baked for about half an hour. Set the temperature immediately to 200.

Stuffed Mushrooms in the Oven with Cheese and Ham

For this dish, you can use not only ham, but also any sausage, sausages, sausages. Garlic is optional, you can not add.


• 10 champignons;

• 100 g of ham;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Rinse the mushrooms. Cut the legs and some of the pulp out of the caps. Finely chop the mushroom trimmings with the legs, lightly fry with the addition of oil.

2. Add ham, grated cheese and mayonnaise to the mushrooms, season with garlic, salt. Choose spices to your taste.

3. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes, remove the core with seeds. Instead of pepper, you can similarly use a tomato, but not very juicy. Send the pepper to the filling. Stir everything well.

4. Fill the caps, take the slide so that the filling does not fall out.

5. Place on a baking sheet or in a greased tin.

6. Bake until cooked, serve with fresh vegetables, herbs.

Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms in the Oven with Cheese - Useful Tips and Tricks

• When removing the champignon legs with a knife, it is very easy to damage the hat. To prevent this from happening, you can use a teaspoon. It is convenient for her to clean the gills of the mushroom, to remove part of the pulp.

• Champignons can be stuffed simply with cheese, without the addition of other ingredients. Cut the product into strips, put it in the hole of the mushroom with a hat and a leg, it is desirable to add the inside. Bake in foil or just in a mold.

• Toppings for hats usually get more than necessary. But this is not a problem at all. Next to the mushrooms can be placed small tomatoes or peppers stuffed with minced meat. In time, they cook approximately the same.

• If the cut legs are not needed for the filling, they can be added to any other dish, for example, minced meat for cutlets, vegetable stew or any soup. If nothing else is being prepared at the moment, then send it to the freezer.


Watch the video: Healthy Cooking 2: Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty (June 2024).