Pumpkin cake - a delicious and fragrant sunny dessert! Recipes of different pumpkin cakes: jelly, cottage cheese, biscuit


We are more used to pumpkin pies. Pumpkin cake - an unusual, but deliciously delicious dessert.

Perhaps for someone this is the only way to get household members to eat a healthy vegetable on both cheeks. You can cook pumpkin cake according to various recipes.

Here are the most interesting options.

Pumpkin Cake - General Cooking Principles

Pumpkin can be added to the dough or cream. Sometimes a product is present everywhere. Mashed potatoes or grated chips are usually added to the dough, sometimes juice is poured. In this case, it is desirable to use a drink with pulp, usually gently mashed with boiled water is diluted.

Pumpkin creams are usually made from mashed potatoes. To it add butter, cream, condensed milk. A frequent ingredient is cottage cheese. It not only goes well with the main product on the palate, but also adds to the dessert benefits.

Cakes for cakes are baked in the oven or in a slow cooker. Then they are cooled, smeared with creams. Dessert is allowed to soak. Without baking, jelly cakes are kept in the refrigerator until completely frozen. This will take at least three hours. Therefore, any of the cakes must be prepared in advance.

Pumpkin and Curd Jelly Cake

The easiest pumpkin cake recipe without baking. Gelatin soaking times are indicated on the packaging, follow the instructions.


• 0.5 kg of pumpkin;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 200 ml of milk;

• 0.45 kg of cottage cheese;

• 40 g of gelatin;

• 150 ml of water;

• vanilla.


1. Cut the pumpkin into slices, add prescription water to it, put it on the stove and simmer until soft, cover it definitely. You can do this in a slow cooker.

2. Drain the pumpkin juice so that only pieces remain. All cool. Add sugar (half) and half gelatin to the liquid, leave for a while.

3. In milk, we dilute the rest of the gelatin and add the remaining sugar. Leave to swell.

4. Rub the cottage cheese until smooth.

5. Separately, heat the pumpkin juice.

6. Pour a little pumpkin juice into the mold, a layer of about 0.5 cm. Cool to solidification.

7. Spread the pumpkin slices, fill with the remaining juice. Cool to solidification. It takes about an hour.

8. Heat the milk until the grains dissolve. As soon as the liquid becomes homogeneous, mix with cottage cheese.

9. We spread the curd layer. We put the cake in the refrigerator for another three hours. You can not freeze.

10. Before serving, lower the mold for a few seconds in hot water, then cover with a flat dish and turn over. Such a cake does not need decoration.

Pumpkin cake with sour cream and orange (in a slow cooker)

This pumpkin cake recipe is universal. Cakes can be baked in the oven (at 180 degrees) or in a slow cooker. The cream is prepared from fat sour cream and also does not require much time.


• 400 g pumpkin;

• 400 g flour;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 200 ml of vegetable oil;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 orange;

• 2 tsp cultivator.

For cream:

• 300 g sour cream;

• 7-8 tablespoons of powder;

• vanilla.


1. From the washed orange you need to remove the zest, chop. The pulp needs to be peeled, chopped finely.

2. The pumpkin needs to be grated, it is better finely.

3. Beat in a bowl immediately all raw eggs and sugar, add vegetable oil, stir.

4. Add pumpkin and orange with zest.

5. Put the flour together with the cultivator. Stir.

6. The dough needs to be shifted into a mold or in a slow cooker, to level the layer.

7. Bake in the slow cooker for an hour and 15 minutes. Take out, cool. In the oven, cook the cake to a dry stick.

8. For cream, you need to mix everything together, cool.

9. Cut the pumpkin cake into several thin layers.

10. Collect the cake, fold the cakes on top of each other, grease each cake with cream. You can decorate the cake with slices of orange, marmalade or sprinkle with chopped zest.

Biscuit pumpkin cake with limoncello

A variant of an amazing pumpkin cake with a very bright, fragrant and delicate crumb. Any cream will do for him. Here is the option with condensed milk. For flavor, the zest is filled with orange peel, but you can also take lemon peel. Instead of limoncello, you can use orange liquor.


• 20 ml of limoncello;

• 140 g flour;

• 4 eggs;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 120 g pumpkin puree;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 1 g vanilla and salt.


• 1 pack of oil;

• 380 g (1 can) of condensed milk;

• 1 tsp limoncello.


1. To make mashed potatoes, boil the pumpkin, wipe, mix with vegetable oil.

2. In two bowls, you need to separate the eggs, separately the proteins and yolks.

3. Beat the yolks with half the sugar, add the pumpkin puree and butter, continue to beat. Add salt and vanilla.

4. Introduce lemon liquor into the yolk mass. Or any other to your taste.

5. Add flour and cultivator, stir.

6. Beat the whites until lush, with the rest of the sugar.

7. Mix both masses, introduce the proteins carefully, do not upset the foam.

8. Transfer the pumpkin dough into a mold, bake a biscuit until cooked. Set and bake temperature 180. Cool.

9. Beat butter with a mixer until splendid, add condensed milk and liquor.

10. The cooled pumpkin biscuit should be cut with a long knife, smeared with cream with limoncello.

Pumpkin Cake with Curd Cream

A variant of a healthy and appetizing pumpkin cake with curd cream. Walnuts give a special taste to the dessert. To reveal the aroma, it is better to fry them a little.


• 3 eggs;

• 300 g pumpkin puree;

• 180 g flour;

• 0.5 tsp cinnamon

• 1 tsp cultivator.

For cream:

• 400 g of sweet curd;

• 200 g of oil;

• 50 g of nuts.


1. Pumpkin puree can be cooked and chopped on your own, or use ready-made, intended for children or any other food.

2. Beat the eggs until foam, all at once together: yolks and squirrels. Pour sugar, continue to beat until all the grains have dissolved.

3. Enter pumpkin puree, gently stir.

4. Now it remains only to pour a cultivator with sifted flour and cinnamon. The dough is ready!

5. Pour into the prepared form. Bake in a 180 degree preheated oven.

6. Leave the cake to cool for a couple of hours. Then cut into two or three flat cakes, depending on the height of the crust.

7. While the cakes were cooling down, it was necessary to soften the butter, beat until fluffy.

8. Mix the whipped butter with the curd, divide in half.

9. Add nuts in one piece. They can be crushed completely crumbs or chopped into pieces. Lubricate the cakes inside.

10. Top the cake with a cream without nuts, but you can sprinkle the cake with kernels on top. Decorate as you wish.

Pumpkin Cake with White Chocolate

For this cake you will need not only pumpkin puree, but also juice with pulp. You can simply dilute the mashed potatoes with a little water.


• 190 g flour;

• 75 ml of juice;

• 3 eggs;

• 75 ml of heavy cream;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 170 g of sugar.

For cream:

• 250 g of white chocolate;

• 450 g of thick pumpkin puree.


1. To prepare the dough you need to beat the eggs and sugar until a thick foam, as for a biscuit.

2. Flour and cultivator are introduced into the lush mass, gently mixed.

3. Cream and juice are introduced. Once again, stir well with a spatula, pour into a mold. Diameter is approximately 20 centimeters. You can do a little less or more.

4. At 180 degrees, cake of this diameter will be baked from 30 to 40 minutes. Check for a dry stick.

5. Cool pumpkin cakes, cut into three parts.

6. Crush the chocolate pieces, you can not grind. Combine with thick pumpkin puree in a saucepan, stir, place on the stove.

7. Heat over low heat, stir constantly. Wait for the chocolate to dissolve completely.

8. Remove from heat, cool so that the cream is not hot. But he should not freeze. Watch the temperature.

9. Coat all previously prepared cakes, top and sides also cover with cream. Decorate the cake to your taste.

10. Put in the cold, let it soak for 5 hours.

Pumpkin Cake with Mascarpone

The recipe for pumpkin pie cake, which is prepared with cream mascarpone cheese. You can take another similar product, for example, ricotta, almette. The taste will be a little different, but also worthy.


• 2.5 cups flour;

• 500 g pumpkin;

• 5 eggs;

• 200 g margarine;

• 250 g of mascarpone;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 200 g of sugar.

For flavor, you can use nutmeg, cinnamon, zest.


1. Bake the pumpkin in the oven until soft or steam on the stove. Grind until thick mashed potatoes, no need to add liquid.

2. Add spices to the cooled mashed potatoes at our discretion, spread soft cheese, stir the filling until smooth.

3. Add two eggs, if necessary, pour sugar, the amount to your taste.

4. Grind margarine with flour, season with the rest of the eggs, add sugar and slaked soda. Knead the steep dough, mash thoroughly until smooth.

5. Put the dough in the form, stretch the hand, make small sides with your fingers.

6. Pour the filling from the mascarpone, put in the oven.

7. The dessert is baked for 1 hour and 20 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

8. Before cutting, you need to cool the delicacy well, so that the filling gets stronger.

Pumpkin Cake - Useful Tips and Tricks

• If the cake is stuck to the mold, does not want to pop out, then you can put the container in the mold with water, hold for 20 minutes.

• Pumpkin puree for the cake can be prepared not only from fresh vegetables, but also from frozen. Only when chopping, do not add broth from the pan. Otherwise, the mass will turn out to be liquid.

• Not everyone likes the scent of pumpkin. Therefore, for the smell in the cakes, various additives are added: cinnamon, nutmeg, citrus zest, vanilla.

• Flour is added strictly to the biscuit dough according to the recipe; it is better to weigh the product. If there is a lot of flour, the cake will be tough. If there is little flour, then the cake will be baked for a long time, the texture will be weak.


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