The first wrinkles - how to protect yourself from them?


This article provides simple recommendations on how to avoid first wrinkles under the age of 30.

The wrinkles around the eyes of women aged 25-30 do not yet indicate the beginning of wilting, but they indicate that the face is rather poorly looked after. Wrinkles are also the result of excessive use of cosmetics.

To preserve youthful skin for a long time it is necessary:

1. To minimize the use of cosmetics, because in its manufacture far from the most harmless components are used, and you yourself will never reliably know which and how exactly they actually affect your skin.

2. It is not recommended to use mascara, pencil or eye shadow daily, otherwise you cannot avoid wrinkles around the eyes.

3. You do not need to wash your face several times a day, and even more so with soap. After washing, do not rub your face with a bath towel. Better after washing, gently pat your face with a soft cloth.

4. Premature aging of the skin also leads to prolonged exposure to the sun under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, choose - either a permanent bronze tan - or a younger skin.

5. Stop smoking, drink alcohol, try to stay less in dusty places and rooms.

Nobody can escape the natural aging of the skin, but you can postpone this unpleasant moment if you protect the skin and properly care for it, and not create the prerequisites for its premature wilting.

Learning to wash properly.

Water is the most affordable and at the same time useful skin cleanser. However, there are women who believe that water contributes to premature skin aging. But, meanwhile, this is not so at all. Water acts as a factor that perfectly tones the skin. It cleanses, revitalizes, degreases, refreshes the skin, acts on the nerve endings of the skin, thus allowing it to maintain its firmness and elasticity for a long time, accelerate metabolic processes. Hard water can cause peeling and dryness of the skin due to the increased content of calcium and magnesium salts in it. Soften hard water by boiling or adding baking soda, boric acid or milk at the rate of 1 tsp. per 1 liter of water.

When is it better to wash yourself - in the morning or in the evening? Much depends on the condition and properties of the skin. With irritated, inflamed, flaky skin, it is better to refrain from morning washing with water. With normal skin, you should wash your face twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime, using soap only for evening washing. If it’s warm, you can wash yourself with cool water in the morning, as it perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, enhances blood flow. Before going to bed, it is better to wash with warm water that is pleasant to the skin. This procedure calms, relaxes and promotes quick sleep.

Very delicate skin can be washed with infusion of a mixture of plantain, mint and chamomile before washing. For dry skin, when washing, it is good to arrange a “contrast shower” - wash your face alternately with cold and warm water, and end the procedure with cold. An excellent result with withering dry skin will be given by washing with a decoction of sage, chamomile and linden blossom, field horsetail, mint, dill seeds. Washing with this decoction cleanses the skin, helps to make it supple and soft. Owners of oily skin are recommended to wash themselves with soap, use lotions, tinctures, decoctions and juices of medicinal plants.

Wash your face properly, take care of your skin - and the result will be, as they say, on your face!


Inna 07/31/2016
You can advise you to use new cosmetics from wrinkles to restore and rejuvenate the skin, and makeup would not be needed! //


Watch the video: How to reduce forehead wrinkles with face yoga (July 2024).