Female opinion: A real man should not smell later, but clean


The fact that every profession has a special smell, everyone remembers from childhood. However, any person, whether he is a hard worker or unemployed, smells something. This is especially true for men, who, as science has shown, smell sharper than women. Today, on the shelves there are a good hundred names of all kinds of deodorants and colognes, designed to help a man cope with the smell of sweat and add a twist to his image. However, some gentlemen believe that there is nothing more attractive to a lady than a natural bouquet of aromas of secretion of sweat glands, tobacco, fumes and herring under a fur coat.

The portal “Women's Opinion” decided to clarify this issue by giving real women the opportunity to speak out on the question “What should a real man smell like”.

Alas, few people appreciate the male’s amber, coming from the stronger sex. Only 5.2% agreed that this smell is attractive and excites the imagination. Moreover, choosing the answer “Then with tobacco”, some women made a reservation that they respect the aroma of expensive tobacco, and not Belomorkanal. And if you have to endure the smell of sweat, then the source should be the horse of a fragrant man (the content of which costs $ 2500 per month).

A good perfume is preferred by 41.8% of respondents. They themselves choose the cologne to their beloved in order to enjoy its smell during the day. Some are ready to enjoy its smell without a man at all.
53% believe that there is no smell better than the fragrance of a clean body and clothing.

“A man, first of all, should smell of cleanliness. And perfume is not necessary, and in moderation,” says one of the survey participants.

It turns out that the established opinion of men has no basis. But fortunately, most women prefer the natural smell of cleanliness, so it’s not necessary to spend money on expensive toilet water. Moreover, it is better to do without perfume at all than to buy a cheap fake - women will not appreciate such a claim to chic.

3870 people from 113 cities of Russia shared their opinions. The age of respondents is from 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: You STINK! 6 Reasons You Smell BAD And May Not Even Know It (June 2024).