What does wine dream about: drinking wine, making wine, buying wine or tasting it? Basic Interpretations - What Wine Is Dreaming For


It's nice to see in a dream pastime with friends. It's nice to see a feast and a good company. Well, what a feast without good wine. What is the dream of wine for? It’s worth sorting out.

What is the dream of wine - the main interpretation

Wine is an ancient drink that has the properties of nobility and sophistication. Wine can be used as a pleasure drink and as a cure for many diseases. But why dream of wine?

Dream Interpretations say that wine is dreamed as a symbol of new pleasant meetings and acquaintances. Sometimes it’s worth taking such a dream literally when you taste a drink in it and enjoy everything that happens around you. You will likewise enjoy everything that happens around you in reality, and taste the delicate and pleasant feelings.

Dream books also say that if you dream of drinking wine alone - it will be in your life, but not for long. You will quickly cope with all life conflicts and difficulties. If you see yourself in a dream while intoxicated, you consider yourself a pretty good and nice person, but those around you see you in a completely different way. You seem to them a rather vulgar and spineless person who values ​​only himself.

If you have a dream in which you cannot open a bottle of wine in any way - do not be discouraged, you will not be able to get the attention of the chosen person for a long time, but when you succeed, you will become the happiest person in this world. You only need to want to overcome difficulties and you really succeed.

If you dream about how you accidentally break a bottle of wine - in reality you will not be able to restore friendship and love relations with the person you need for a long time. You will break someone’s feelings and then, when you realize that you did something wrong, it will be too late.

What does wine dream about according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that wine dreams when a person is filled with passion and lust. A person in this state is capable of many even very thoughtless actions, so it is worthwhile in the near future to moderate his ardor and monitor his words and actions.

If you dream that you eat a lot of fruits and drink them wine - such a dream means that you need help from the outside in order to resolve a lot of questions and problems of a personal nature. You looked at your relationship through your fingers for too long and now they have huge problems. You need to collect your thoughts and return them to their former passion.

If a young girl dreams that she is drinking wine with a stranger - such a dream suggests that she is waiting for a fleeting, but very exciting romance, thanks to which she will simply blossom and will be able to solve all her problems in the future.

If a man dreams that he makes wine himself - he will have new exciting feelings with a touch of passion. He himself will create a fairy tale in these relationships, and the partner will allow him to love herself.

If a couple dreams about how they drink wine together, such a dream means that they will live in peace and quiet for a long time, that they will begin real paradise relations in which there are feelings and a healthy passion. Such relationships need to be protected and not seek outside pleasures.

To a pregnant girl to see how she drinks wine is too careless about her health, which as a result will lead to problems during childbirth. Now she should save not only herself, but also her unborn child, because it is more important than celebrations and entertainments, to which she devotes a huge amount of time.

What is the dream of wine in the esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said that wine is not only a drink of fun and feasts, but also a drink of remembrance of the ancestors of the departed. Therefore, when you dream of wine - do not immediately rejoice that joyful events will soon occur in your life.

If you see that the wine is white - you should look at your surroundings, someone has long been envious of your success. You should discuss with your colleagues a further plan of joint action until you stand out from the team.

If you have a dream in which you drink wine but it seems bitter to you, the celebration of a grand event will turn out to be an unpleasant event for you, so dream books are not advised to go into all seriousness and forget about common sense.

If you dream that someone is pouring wine to you, but you don’t see who, expect a trick and unexpected problems from a stranger. If you see a dream in which you are advised which wine to choose, use the advice you have received and in reality. Choose the right scenario.

If in a dream you are poured wine under the threshold - someone is very envious of you and your success. It is imperative to wait and now not share your plans for the future with anyone and let anyone into your life completely. Let everyone know their place, while you always stay ready, come to the rescue.

Why do I dream of wine in other dream books

In the women's dream book it is said that if you fill your glass with wine in a dream, you will be able to meet friends and a loved one in a relaxed company in real life. If you dream that you go down to the cellar for a bottle of wine - your life will be filled with emotions, they will be quite pleasant. You will be filled with the desire to create something new and unusual. You will want to reach new heights in this life.

The opinions of others are also important to you, but from the point of view of receiving invaluable advice and experience. You value your friends and loved ones. For you there is no one closer to them. Also, you should devote enough time to your loved ones, because now you spend it exclusively on yourself and on your vacation. This situation can lead to disagreements within the family and to other problems.

If a young girl dreams that she enjoys drinking a drink, she will soon be able to marry a rather prosperous person. He can not only provide her with a carefree life, but can also enrich her spiritually.

• If you pour wine in a dream - soon you will change jobs;

• Break a bottle of wine on purpose — passion will sweep you;

• If you have been given wine, someone will make your life unforgettable;

• If you give wine, you can give someone an incredible feeling of hanging out with you.

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that wine is dreamed for many reasons, one of which is the possibility of stormy fun, but also such a dream can also mean tragic events that will soon befall a person. Do not relax, it is better to interpret the whole dream and look for some patterns in everything that happens.

• Drink a drink - for fun and feast;

• Treat - to the funeral of a loved one;

• Pour wine - to grief and misfortune that suddenly fall on your head;

• Drinking wine alone - to the bad news;

• Selling wine is a quarrel.

It is important to remember to whom exactly you sold the wine. Perhaps to no one, you simply traded in the market, but the buyer was not found - such a dream suggests that in reality you will defend your interests for a long time, but in vain. The dream book advises you to better prepare for all meetings and financial matters, because you can lose huge profits due to your negligence.

In the dream book, Grishina says that wine is dreamed only when significant changes are coming in a person’s life. This can be connected both with love games and with the professional sphere. If you have to drink sour wine in a dream, then unforeseen circumstances will await you, which will plunge you into shock. If you dream that you pour and drink a couple of sips of wine and it is sweet, but then it suddenly becomes bitter - do not count on quick success. Most likely, you will have to wait before the right decision comes to you.

If a young girl dreams that she scoops up wine with her hands - such a dream means long problems and disappointments for her. She will be completely drunk not only with joy, but also with grief. She will be alone for a long time after allowing herself a very vulgar behavior in the presence of her young man.

Whatever the dream, in any case, life happens in parallel with dreams, so you should not immediately get upset if something did not work out in your dream, or it turned out wrong. In reality, everything should work out for you in the best way, because dreams always indicate the right paths of life.


Watch the video: Iron & Wine - Call It Dreaming OFFICIAL VIDEO (June 2024).