The benefits of the horizontal bar: the rules for the formation of good posture. Exercises on the bar - the benefits of the horizontal bar for children and not only


For most people from a young age, the horizontal bar is associated with pull-ups, various upheavals, ups and other tricks of the yard "athletes". In fact, the horizontal bar is an excellent shell for gaining a healthy back and spine, a beautiful posture, a strong corset and a healthy body.

The formation of a beautiful posture, abs, strong back and arms - the benefits of the horizontal bar for various muscle groups

For gaining a beautiful wide back, the horizontal bar will become the best assistant. In the formation of the relief of the torso and back, it is difficult to come up with a decent replacement in the form of ordinary exercises or simulators. Ordinary pull-ups can be performed with various grips, however, it is the classic wide or medium grip with the palms of the hands that is most effective for pumping the back. When performing elements, you should follow the elbows - they should be directed to the sides, but not inward. Wide-grip head pull-ups are even more effective.

When using the horizontal bar, dreams of big and bulged shoulders will remain dreams. The crossbar is capable of only slightly loading the front and middle brachial muscles. The back muscles can be slightly pumped with a narrow back grip when pulling up, but the effectiveness will not be too noticeable.

There is no doubt about the hands - classes on the horizontal bar strengthen and involve absolutely all of their muscles, including even the triceps brachii, in their work. That is why gymnasts or horizontal bar lovers are always the owners of strong hands.

The muscles of the press are another area that gets a load when doing exercises on the horizontal bar. Moreover, even ordinary exercises on the hands, for example, pull-ups, indirectly involve the muscles of the press. There are special exercises on the press on the crossbar, such as pulling up the socks in the bar, lifting the bent legs at the knees to the chest, which are performed at the time of hanging.

The use of the horizontal bar for women, men and children

Physical exercises on the horizontal bar are useful for everyone: for women, and for men, and for children. But for each category of people, the horizontal bar plays a certain role.

Women do not often choose the crossbar as the main projectile for their workouts. And those who use the horizontal bar get a beautiful posture, the opportunity to lose weight and quickly pump up the press. A significant part of women is engaged in sedentary work, while the simplest pull-ups are able to relax the spine - after the exercise it stretches, the tension that accumulated during the day is completely removed from it, and posture is normalized.

Using the bar as a shell for pumping up the press helps girls quickly burn excess calories and lose weight. Pulling the legs to the chest is one of the most effective exercises for beginners. The main thing is not to forget to compose complex programs and eat right to lose extra pounds.

For men, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are usually commonplace, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle or athletes. The benefits of a horizontal bar for men are huge, including:

• strengthening of the spinal muscles;

• support for physical fitness;

• strengthening the spine;

• Vis increases stamina;

• pull-ups with a narrow grip makes your arms strong;

• pull-ups with a wide grip develop the back.

Each type of exercise is capable of its own specific benefits for the body.

For children who are always hunched over when doing homework, sitting at a table, playing on the phone, watching TV, horizontal bar exercises will be the best prevention of developing problems with posture and spine. To prevent the development of various pathologies with the spine, it is advisable for the child to instill a desire to engage in a horizontal bar from an early age. You need to start with ordinary vis, which will straighten the spine, strengthen the muscle groups of the back, abs, arms, improve health. It is not necessary to force children to pull up immediately, usually the first time it is given to them is difficult, especially if physical training is completely absent.

The benefits of the horizontal bar for various diseases

If we consider the issue on the part of medicine, the benefits of the horizontal bar are, first of all, in the prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and scoliosis. This is due to the restoration of capillaries and blood vessels during the exercise, which restore normal nutrition of the spine. Elementary vis is able not only to quickly distribute the load between the vertebrae, but also to normalize the blood circulation in the body, to stretch and relieve muscle tension after physical exertion, and simply favorably affects a person’s back.

With existing complications in the form of erasing tissues in the intervertebral discs, stretching the back is necessary. Daily exercises, even just a few minutes of hanging a day, can reduce the load on damaged areas and return the lost natural curvature of the spine.

With the existing intervertebral hernia, doing exercises on the horizontal bar is allowed only to people who are at the first stage of the disease. Since vis is able to increase the distance between the vertebrae, the horizontal bar fits positively into the daily schedule of patients. However, prior consultation with your doctor regarding classes will not hurt.

When correcting posture due to lordosis, it is necessary to avoid deflections during the time of hanging. You should hang evenly so that your back does not bend.

Hypodynamia is a progressive disease of our time. Increasingly, people become lazy, lead a sedentary lifestyle. But they forget at the same time that passivity can be the cause of many diseases, and physical activity can easily replace many drugs, be a disease prevention and a way to increase immunity.

You can maintain a healthy mind in your body even by regular, but regular exercise or hanging on the horizontal bar.

The benefits of the horizontal bar: important factors and rules for performing exercises

To increase the effectiveness of classes and to avoid causing harm to the body during the exercises on the horizontal bar, you should know how to properly perform them. The main rules will help in this:

1. First, you should definitely do a warm-up to warm up all the muscles.

2. Holding onto the crossbar should be a direct grip, with the arms at the same time shoulder-width apart.

3. The muscles of the legs, arms, shoulders and back during exercise should not be tense.

4. If possible, try to keep your head level, directing your eyes straight in front of you.

5. Avoid sudden movements, you can not jump, releasing the crossbar. You must first calculate the height of the crossbar, based on your own height, so that at the end of the exercise you can go down neatly on toes.

In addition to the basic rules, the presence of chronic diseases should be taken into account. Those people who have problems with the joints, it is advisable to first visit the doctor and get his approval for conducting classes on the horizontal bar. In many cases, the crossbar can worsen the condition of the body in such diseases.

In order to find a sports form, increase the endurance threshold and strengthen many muscle groups, sets of exercises on the horizontal bar should be used.

Conventionally, all exercises on the crossbar can be divided into two main groups:

• simplified visas - they are used for the most part as a warm-up for training and warming up muscles;

• reinforced visas with physical activity.

In the light group, you can apply the following exercises:

1. Movement of the hands - with this exercise, the body must be under full control. Keep the body level, avoid swaying. During execution, you need to tighten the muscles of the buttocks and back as much as possible, keeping your arms slightly bent.

2. Swinging of the legs - the position of the body during the execution should be tried to be fixed as much as possible, only legs should work, moving forward and backward. You can alternate rocking with the image of walking on weight.

3. "Swing" - an exercise in which the body is included in the work. It must be rocked in all directions.

4. Circular rotation of the legs - the body should again be kept straight and carry out uniform calm movements in a circle with the legs.

5. Circular rotation of the body - similar to the previous exercise, in which you need to work with the body, not legs.

When moving to a complicated stage, you will need such exercises:

1. Pullups and vis - are necessary to strengthen the muscles of the arms and back.

2. Raising the legs during hanging - this exercise will help to build up the abdominal muscles. In order for the results to be tangible, you should try to reach with your feet to the crossbar.

3. Vis with leg movements similar to cycling. When twisting the imaginary pedals of a bicycle in weight, the hips and gluteal muscles are included in the work.

4. Exercise for statics - during a hang you need to hold an angle of 90 °, the lighter element for the first time is an angle of 45 °.

The horizontal bar brings even more benefits to the body when alternating dynamic and static training on it. You should not give preference only to the most complex elements - so you can overload your spine and harm the body. It is best to alternate exercises of varying complexity to evenly distribute the load throughout the workout.

Useful tips to facilitate the exercises on the bar:

1. If the muscles are inelastic, then physical activity for the body will be difficult. Therefore, it is very important to take some time before or after stretching exercises.

2. Water helps the body gain strength, as it is a source of energy. If you drink a lot of water during training, then the necessary balance in the body will be maintained, and consequently, the effectiveness of classes will increase. For the full work of the body, non-carbonated water is required.

3. Proper nutrition is another positive factor that increases the effectiveness of classes. The diet, which is under control, will make the body more resilient, and will also help get rid of extra pounds - aggravating factors during classes on the horizontal bar.

4. Maintaining an active lifestyle can develop positive habits and is easier to relate to any kind of physical activity. You can move, walk, walk, swim, play outdoor games in nature or at home for longer.

5. It is necessary to control the level of sugar, which is the main source of energy for the brain. Its excess will lead to the formation of fat, and the lack of constantly pursuing fatigue. These factors are reflected in the energy and stamina of the body, which are important when conducting classes on the horizontal bar.


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