Some features of the successful cultivation of tomato seedlings at home. Tips of experienced summer residents on growing tomato seedlings at home


Up to 30-40 kg of tomatoes can be grown on one square meter, and this is not the summer cottages, but just a matter of the correct, scientifically organized technology, which involves not only growing a high yield, but also minimizing the physical efforts to grow tomatoes.

Favorable temperature for growing tomatoes 20-25ºϹ.

This is a thermophilic plant, but at + 30ºϹ the tomatoes feel very uncomfortable; 8ºϹ is the critical lower temperature at which one should not expect a crop.

At a temperature of 15ºϹ the plant will not freeze, but it will not bloom.

Tomatoes do not like moist air and irrigation, and they get all the necessary moisture through a powerful root system when watering. The number of warm and sunny days for the full growing cycle of tomatoes is 90-130 days, from the day the seeds germinate. Some later varieties have a longer growing season, up to 150 days.

Growing tomato seedlings at home: soil preparation

Tomatoes love light soil. The optimal conditions for its cultivation are sandy and loamy soil.

A plot for growing tomatoes should be maximally lit by the sun and it is desirable that the source of water be as close as possible to the area reserved for tomatoes: heavy watering extremely important. We need to think about how to create shading on days when the air temperature approaches 30º приближ. Although the excessive lack of light is also unfavorable, like the scorching rays of the sun: plants are stretched, spending energy to increase the growth of stems. Proper lighting should also be kept in mind when growing seedlings.

We must not forget that best precursor plants for tomatoes - cabbage, legumes, garlic and spicy crops, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, but after potatoes and other plants of the solanaceous family, it makes no sense to grow tomatoes. The soil for growing tomatoes must be prepared well in advance, and in this sense, one needs to take care not only about the rules of crop rotation, but also autumn digging, with the introduction of phosphate, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers.

Early planting of tomatoes in the ground can be carried out if manure is introduced into the soil during autumn digging. Natural fertilizer has, in addition to all other positive properties, one feature: with the first rays of the spring sun, the areas where manure was introduced quickly warm up. In the fall, fresh mullein can be used, and in the spring, shortly before planting, use only rotted fertilizer so that the seedlings do not burn out from the carbon dioxide released, which heats the soil. The depth of autumn digging should be at least 40 cm. In spring, when the snow melts, it is enough to carry out harrowing. In this case, ammonium nitrate and mineral fertilizers can be additionally introduced into the soil using ready-made mixtures according to the instructions on the package.

To facilitate further planting seedlings mark on the site with a marker, which is not difficult to make from any boards: this device is a frame with stuffed stakes, the distance between them is 30-50 cm in a row and 70 cm in aisles. Prepare pegs and twine for garter bushes. Such a markup will make it possible to pre-calculate the number of seedling bushes and save from unnecessary trouble in its cultivation. But in this case, one must always take into account the likelihood that some plants will not take root during transplantation into the soil, they will need to be replaced: a small strategic supply of seedlings will not be amiss.

If you plan to use the land from your site for growing tomato seedlings, then it is also better to harvest it in the fall or winter, for growing seedlings, you will have to spend money on ready-made, special mixtures.

Growing tomato seedlings at home: the choice of planting material

Perhaps the most difficult question is connected with the choice of high-quality seeds and a particular plant variety due to the existing variety of offers. Currently, there are more than 2000 varieties of tomatoes, and this list is annually and generously updated.

Getting started sowing seeds for growing tomato seedlings at home, it is important decide on the economic purpose of the grown tomatoes, to obtain the best effect, with minimal time, useful area and material resources. Small fruits with a dense skin are suitable for pickling and pickling, in general. Large, meaty tomatoes are suitable for making juice.

The next point in varietal selection is the climatic conditions in which tomato cultivation is planned. In addition to the fact that the plants are divided into early ripening, late ripening and late varieties, which accordingly affects their growing season, it is important to take into account the variety in order to determine the onset of the initial moment of growing tomato seedlings. If, for example, a variety of early ripe tomatoes is selected in rather harsh climatic conditions, then seedlings of early tomatoes may be ready for planting much earlier than a favorable and stable temperature of the soil and air. If flowers appeared on the seedlings, but it was not planted in the ground, in a permanent place - this is a prerequisite for reducing the yield of the bush, because in this case the plant will spend energy on strengthening the root system, and not on flowering and fruiting.

But at the same time, for the regions of central Russia, it is the early cultivation of tomato seedlings at home that is the only way to get a tomato crop. Moreover, seedlings should be planted at the age of 50-55 days, when the first buds are already forming on it. In this case, it is better to opt for varieties intended simultaneously for growing in greenhouses without heating and in open ground. As a rule, early and middle tomato varieties correspond to such selection criteria. But late tomatoes are valuable for preservation, and first of all, for obtaining juice, with a rich, characteristic taste. Only one way out is seen: you need to shift the time for growing seedlings, and start germinating seeds, at least 10-15 days earlier than necessary for tomatoes of early and medium varieties.

Even if you like a particular variety, it’s not a fact that, transferred to another site, it will produce fruits of the same quality and quality. In this regard, if you already have experience in growing a certain variety of tomatoes, then you should not radically replace it - try to grow 5-6 bushes of a new variety in your area, in the experiment.

Important seed selection criteria - resistance to drought and frost, to diseases and pests.

From the point of view of saving space for planting, it is advisable to opt for high-yielding varieties: Gribovsky, Siberian, Raspberry Miracle, Moscow, Budenovka and many others.

Each housewife approximately knows what the annual need for her family is in tomato juice, different types of canned tomatoes and other preparations using this vegetable, not counting its costs for seasonal consumption. Hence, paying attention to the yield of one or another variety, it is not difficult to calculate the expected yield; sudden weather changes, attacks of Colorado or Kapustanka will also have to be taken into account, only in this case it will not be possible to make up for losses by replanting additional bushes.

Seed germination

After preparing the soil, you need to again focus on the choice of seeds, this time paying attention not to the variety, but to the quality of the planting material.

If you use the collected seeds of last year's crop, then you need to check for germination and disinfection. To identify full-weight seeds saline solution is used (3%), for disinfection - a solution of manganese, pale pink. After saline, the seeds need to be washed, as salt inhibits growth. A solution of potassium permanganate requires careful handling: too high a concentration is detrimental to the seed.

To improve the effect, quick and friendly start of seeds, gardeners resort to tricks, using the method of soaking the seeds in specially prepared mixtures. Special mixtures ("Humate", "Epin", "Zircon"), as well as aloe juice increase seed germination by almost 100%, supplying them with the necessary mineral complex at the very initial stage. In the case of using aloe juice for pickling, manganese is not necessary for this purpose, since the juice has all the necessary antibacterial properties and after its use, unlike manganese, the seeds do not need to be washed. Soaking seeds requires clean water, preferably rain or thawed snow, not lower than 20º 20.

It is important to provide for material for germination. Within 24-48 hours at the seeds of tomatoes prepared in the described way, roots are pecked. If they are kept on gauze or cotton bedding, then the roots will start to stick into the fabric and break. In addition, such material, despite its hygroscopicity, quickly loses moisture, which must be maintained before planting seeds in pots.

In connection with this fact, there is one little trick: vermiculite is very useful for seed germination - a mineral whose properties are widely used in crop production. Its main advantages in this industry include its high ability to absorb moisture. 100 g of the mineral retains 500 ml of water and moisturizes the soil, gradually giving moisture to the roots of plants. Mineral is characterized by chemical inertness. In addition, it improves the structure of the soil, is not favorable for insect pests and rodents, is not susceptible to microorganisms that cause rot, and also does not react with alkalis and acids. In crop production, vermiculite is used for aeration and mulching of the soil. Mineral saturates the soil with useful trace elements. Using vermiculite when growing tomato seedlings at home, transfer it to the soil when planting plants in the soil, and it will create favorable conditions for the plant until the end of the growing season, and also improve the soil structure on the site.

Growing seedlings in peat pots

How to sow tomato seeds? First they need to be germinated in a flat and wide container filled with vermiculite moistened with a nutrient mixture. It is important to constantly observe the temperature regime: install a thermometer near the container. Some prefer to sow seeds in the ground, bypassing the germination stage. If this works out well, then continue to do as you are used to, but still, when the whole process literally lies on the surface and there is an opportunity to control everything and fix it in time - it’s somehow calmer and more reliable. After all, as they say, "spring day feeds the year."

When the roots appear, start planting the seeds in pots filled with soil mixture. Make a recess in the soil mixture so that the roots are freely located in it. When laying the seeds in the recesses made, try not to cover them too deeply or crush the soil so as not to break the fragile roots: the soil should remain loose. Seeding depth is 3-4 cm. Seedlings should be disinfected if you do not use special “purchased” mixtures. It is advisable to use the same soil for growing seedlings in which tomatoes will be grown later. Suitable for disinfection copper sulfate, manganese. From natural "protectors" use a decoction of onion peel. By the way, in order to save land and at the same time protect tomatoes, plant leek, garlic in the aisles.

To decide in which capacity to start transplanting seedlings, you should first decide Do I need to pick tomatoes and how to do it? Some gardeners prefer to dive tomatoes even 2 times during the growing of tomato seedlings at home, believing that the tomato root system is thus strengthened. But it must be borne in mind that after a dive, part of the plant’s roots is damaged, and the next phase of growth is accompanied by the fact that a fragile root system, weakened by mechanical damage, begins to recover, which, in turn, slows down the growth of the stem and leaves, they develop thin and brittle, often very stretching in length, which is undesirable.

If picking is carried out in order to slow down the growth of seedlings, then it is better to replace this method not by transplantation, but by hardening the plants, placing them for 5-6 hours a day in a cooler place. Of course, increasing seedlings require placement in larger containers or other containers.

Do this: initially plant the seeds in the smallest peat pots of a block type, and with the appearance of two real leaves, put the peat pot with the sprout in a prepared plastic cup or bag, or a larger peat pot: make a recess in it so that it fits completely small peat a pot, covering the soil with a larger capacity filled plant stem to the first two leaves, after plucking it off with tweezers or cutting off the lowest leaves (cotyledons) from a cat with a sharp blade The growth of real leaflets began. Over the next month, root branches form in the places of cut, a small peat pot will dissolve under the influence of moisture that gets in when seedlings are watered. Peat pots, protecting the root system from hypothermia, at the same time supply it after dissolution with nutrients.

This method of growing seedlings is not only saves time on a divebut with it strengthens plants. When using peat containers, it is important to choose a quality material that has a fragile structure. Please note that some manufacturers produce peat containers, adding to it in order to save a considerable amount of pressed cardboard, which dissolves worse in the soil and can impede the development of the root system.

It should be noted one more advantage of using peat containers: such a capacity for a month after planting seedlings in open ground will protect the root system from disease and some pests, which is a significant part of the growing season of tomatoes and gives plants the opportunity to confidently gain a foothold in the soil, which subsequently affects the increase in yield to 30%.

When growing tomato seedlings at home, constantly pay attention to lighting. The lack of light will cause the seedlings to stretch in length, as a result of which the seedlings will be weakened, with thin and fragile stems, not able to give a good ovary and retain the fruits. It is necessary to protect seedlings from sunburn. It is better for the young shoots to be under even, scattered light, at least 12 hours a day. Periodically, pots with seedlings need to be turned to straighten the stems, stretching in the direction of light.

Before planting tomatoes in the ground, for 14-15 days, seedlings must be hardened. Take it out into the open air during the day, and in the last two days leave it on the street all night.But keep an eye on the air temperature. During hardening, the thermometer should not fall below 8ºϹ. Reduce the watering of tomatoes and make sure that evaporation does not appear on the leaves due to the temperature difference: remember that tomatoes do not tolerate moisture on the leaves; this can cause yellowing of the leaves, and the seedlings will die. If suddenly the weather conditions turn out to be unfavorable, you will have to wait 2-3 days, but usually in early June the risk of night frosts disappears.

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground

If the variety is intended for cultivation both in greenhouses and in soil, then planting in a greenhouse can be carried out from mid to late May, and in the first decade of June, tomatoes can be planted directly in open ground. In order not to make a mistake with the time of planting tomatoes, there is a popular sign: if lilacs, acacia and chestnuts bloomed, then it was time to plant tomatoes - nature is not mistaken. When planting tomatoes in open ground, the night temperature should be stable, + 15ºϹ.

In addition to the soil preparations that have already been mentioned above, additional measures can be taken to improve the tomato crop and protect the plants from some of the vicissitudes of "garden life". Till the soil 2-3 days before planting: disinfect and apply biostimulants to the soil. Ready for planting seedlings should have a height of 25-30 cm. Higher bushes immediately need a garter. If the bushes lie on the ground, then the risk of infectious diseases increases significantly.

Plant a bush, immediately digging part of the stem. Hills need to be repeatedly planted before fruiting, so that the plant can form a powerful root system

Take care of proper watering in advance. Tomatoes need to be watered only at the root, trying not to moisten the earth around the plant, so that moisture, evaporating, does not "burn" the lower leaves. A little trick to avoid dry crust after watering: when planting bushes in the ground, drop a plastic bottle next to the plant. A peg for a garter can be threaded into it, and water or a nutrient mixture can be poured into it, which will go through an in-depth funnel directly to the roots, without spilling around on the surface. This device has an additional benefit: air will penetrate the soil through the funnel, improving soil aeration, but that is not all. Tomatoes have a formidable pest - cabbage. But this pest is very afraid of noise, and if wind noise or other surface sounds penetrate the topsoil through a plastic funnel, the harmful predator will bypass the area with tomatoes.

You need to water tomatoes daily if there is no rain. The best time for watering is evening hours. During the ripening period, it is better to completely stop watering, in order to avoid cracking. Every two weeks, until the start of ripening, mineral fertilize with phosphorus-potassium mixtures.

When planting tomatoes, arrange rows from east to west to increase natural light between rows.

If the period of autumn cooling found green fruits on the beds, pull out the bushes along with the roots and transfer them to a room with a temperature of at least 15ºϹ for ripening; suspend them with their roots up, after checking them and removing damaged fruits.


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