Stew with potatoes and meat - hearty and healthy. A variety of recipes for stews with potatoes and meat: simple and complex


What could be more pleasant for a true connoisseur of dishes than to try a fresh version of your favorite food?

Ragout with potatoes and meat can hardly be called gourmet food, but he also has a lot of fans, as well as those who constantly experiment with ingredients and diversify recipes.

Therefore, goodies and pleasures await the one who cooks with his own hands and wants the food to be not only fragrant and satisfying, but also healthy.

You just have to choose your favorite ingredients and start cooking stew with potatoes and meat.

Stew with potatoes and meat - the general principles of cooking

The basis of the dish is meat and potatoes. Stew - a hearty meal and having prepared it, you do not need to bother with the side dish.

In most recipes, and in the classic version, the meat must first be fried, and then stewed with vegetables. Very often, thick sauce is added to the dish.

Any meat and a variety of vegetables are suitable for stews. Best of all, they are seasonal. Stew is not complete without a bow. Added carrots, sweet pepper, tomatoes, garlic, eggplant and even pumpkin.

Spices decorate the taste of the dish. Therefore, it is good to add ground and allspice, cumin, mustard seeds, basil, bay leaf, curry, turmeric. However, one should not forget that overdoing with spices can easily drown out the taste of meat. In addition, you should rely on your own preferences.

Greens gives stew with meat and potatoes freshness and pleasant aroma. It is added both during cooking and directly in a plate with a dish.

Of kitchen utensils, you will need a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom, a frying pan and a small saucepan.

1. Stew with potatoes and meat "Classic"

Stew cooked in a simple way is glorious and aromatic. Vegetables with meat is a wonderful dish that will feed tasty and satisfying.


• Low-fat beef meat - 500 grams.

• Potato - eight pieces.

• Two onions.

• 2-3 cloves of garlic.

• Art. a spoon of tomato paste.

• Art. a spoonful of flour.

• Bulgarian pepper.

• Lavrushka.

• Kitchen salt and pepper - to taste.

• A teaspoon of rosemary.

• Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

• One carrot.

Cooking method:

Cut the beef into slices. Put in a strainer and rinse. Leave the glass to water.

Chop garlic and onion very finely.

Pour in sunflower oil in a cookware and heat.

Add meat and lightly fry. Put it on a plate.

Send onion to the pan, then garlic. Fry for about five minutes and add the tomato paste. Continue cooking by continuously mixing the ingredients.

Put the meat back in the pan. Pour flour, stir everything. Fry for three to four minutes.

Pour in water and wait until it boils. Add salt and pepper. Add dry rosemary and lavrushka. Simmer an hour and ten minutes.

While the meat is being prepared, cut the pepper, carrot and potato into squares. Pour into a saucepan with stew. Add water so that it covers vegetables. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the dish for another half hour.

2. Stew with potatoes and meat "Assorted"

Ragout with just one potato is not interesting. You need to add a little more other vegetables, and the dish will become tastier.


• 0.300 kg of veal.

• Ten medium potatoes.

• One eggplant.

• Carrot.

• Onion.

• A tomato.

• Red bell pepper.

• Seasoning for meat.

• Kitchen salt.

• Three tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Cut the veal into medium cubes, season with seasoning and coat each bite on all sides. Leave on for about twenty minutes.

Prepare vegetables: cut onion and tomato into half rings, carrots and peppers into thin strips, potatoes into medium cubes. Peel, cut and hold the eggplant in salted water for about twenty minutes.

Fry the onions in a deep skillet, then add the carrots. Fill eggplant slices, and after a couple of minutes - tomato and pepper. Pour boiled water, add salt. Stew vegetables until half cooked, stirring them periodically.

Place the meat in a saucepan with warmed sunflower oil. Twenty minutes later, add potatoes, salt to taste and cook the same amount. Sprinkle vegetables from a pan into a saucepan, mix.

It will take another fifteen minutes to completely prepare the dish.

Serve stew with potatoes and meat with sour cream or a spoonful of mayonnaise.

3. Stew with potatoes and meat "Delicious ribs"

A full-fledged second course with fragrant ribs, tender potatoes soaked in the juices of all other vegetables. The dish gets a special touch thanks to the pumpkin. It gives the stew an unusual but pleasant taste.


• A pound of pork ribs.

• A pound of potatoes.

• Two large onions.

• Three hundred grams of pumpkin.

• Three carrots.

• Two bell peppers.

• Salt.

• Three tablespoons of sunflower oil.

• Half a teaspoon of basil and a mixture of peppers.

Cooking method:

In a saucepan with warmed sunflower oil put the ribs, salt. Fry on all sides.

Cut the onions in half rings. Cut the carrots into thin slices, the Bulgarian pepper into strips, and the potatoes and pumpkin into cubes.

Add the onions to the fried ribs. After a few minutes pour the carrots and potatoes. Pour hot water into a saucepan. She should cover the vegetables. Simmer under a closed lid for about twenty minutes.

Add bell peppers and pumpkin. Simmer for another fifteen minutes.

Stir the ingredients. Pour basil and pepper mixture. After ten minutes, the dish is ready and it can be laid out on a plateau.

4. Stew with potatoes and meat in a spicy sauce

Stew cooked in spicy sauce is very juicy and aromatic. A hearty meal will feed tasty and varied.


• 700 g of pork.

• Six potatoes.

• Big sweet pepper.

• Yellow pepper and half green.

• Red and green chili.

• Red onion.

• 30 grams of butter.

• Vegetable oil.

• Art. a spoonful of tomato paste and sugar.

• Three tbsp. spoonfuls of flour.

• Two cinnamon sticks.

• Two pinches of fragrant caraway seeds.

• Eight peas of allspice and black pepper.

• Three lavrushki.

Cooking method:

Dice two into two, cut the meat. Fry on all sides in a skillet.

Chop onion, potato and pepper in large pieces.

Chili pepper chop medium slices.

Put all the vegetables (except potatoes) on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 280 degrees.

Put butter in a bucket and pour a little vegetable.

Add a spoonful of tomato paste. Stir on high heat for up to seven minutes, stirring constantly. When the taste of raw tomatoes leaves, the oil turns yellow-red.

Add sugar and tie it with pasta. Pour one and a half tablespoons of flour to achieve the consistency of the sauce, constantly stir. Pour boiling water. To salt.

Place cinnamon sticks, peas of allspice and black pepper, and lavrusha in a saucepan. Pour caraway seeds. Leave for ten minutes to prepare.

Pour the meat with flour. Fry a little and pour into a deep saucepan. Add potatoes and pour in spicy sauce. Cook for at least half an hour. About ten minutes before the end of cooking add vegetables from the oven.

5. Stew with potatoes and meat, with white wine

Delicate and aromatic food with a sweet and sour flavor of spices - a good lunch or dinner.


• 700 grams of beef.

• Bow.

• Four cloves of garlic.

• Three carrots.

• Five potatoes.

• Two sprigs of rosemary.

• Celery.

• Art. a spoon of tomato paste.

• A quarter liter of white wine.

• Mix of peppers and salt - to taste.

• Meat broth.

Cooking method:

Cut the beef into small slices and put in a deep skillet. Salt and pepper a little.

Cut vegetables into medium slices. In a separate frying pan, fry the onions first, then add the garlic and carrots. Fry for a few minutes and put the celery. Cook until half cooked, gradually pouring the broth.

In a saucepan with meat, place tomato paste, mix well, put rosemary.

After a couple of minutes pour white wine, wait until the alcohol evaporates and pour the meat broth. Remove rosemary. Pour potatoes half an hour before cooking.

For fifteen minutes to the end, add vegetables from the pan.

6. Stew with potatoes and meat: summer with chicken

A dish is prepared in the summer with vegetables that have just been removed from the garden. The stew is very fresh and fragrant.


• 800 grams of chicken.

• Eight potatoes.

• Onion.

• Carrot.

• Bell pepper.

• Three wedges of young garlic.

• 300 grams of cabbage.

• A pinch of curry.

• 50 grams of cheese.

• 150 grams of sour cream.

• Sunflower oil.

• Half a bunch of dill and parsley.

• 120 ml of broth.

• Kitchen salt.

• Mix of peppers.

Cooking method:

Cut chicken into small slices. Salt and pepper. Fry in oil until half cooked.

Dice potatoes into a saucepan for meat.

Turn the pepper and carrot into straws, chop the onion into cubes. Put it out together in a separate frying pan.

Add vegetables to the skillet with meat. Pour curry.

Slice the garlic and add to the meat. Pour the broth. Simmer for about fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.

Chop cabbage and put in a saucepan.

Grate cheese, mix it with sour cream. Pour into the stewpan. Stew under the lid for another ten minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with plenty of fresh herbs.

Stew with potatoes and meat - tricks and tips

  • It is better to stew meat in a neutral environment, so it is advisable to fry it and vegetables in separate pans.

  • Tomato paste must be bought in glass jars so that the composition can be seen. In the process of cooking stew with potatoes and meat, it is necessary to pre-fry it. From sour pasta will become sweet and piquant.

  • To speed up cooking, it doesn’t hurt to always keep boiled water in the kitchen. Better is broth. If you add just water, the dish may lose a bit of taste. The broth must be cooked in advance, poured into plastic cups and kept in the freezer.

  • All ingredients must be prepared immediately and kept on a work surface. This will help to work faster and more efficiently.

  • In a saucepan, the oil is first heated and only then the meat is poured for roasting and subsequent stewing.

  • Add some sugar to the pork stew. Sweet meat is popular in Chinese cuisine, and many enjoy such an unusual taste.


Watch the video: Crock Pot Beef Stew (June 2024).