Retinol cream for face: a list of the best products


Youth does not stay with a person forever, with age the body loses components that provide health and beauty. Thanks to scientists and manufacturers of cosmetics, women have many opportunities to restore the former attractiveness of the skin.

One of the important ingredients in cosmetic products is vitamin A. It makes our body healthy, provides strong immunity and helps our organs function. Vitamin is in fish oil, beans, liver, in many fruits and vegetables. When retinol was removed from these products, it was poorly combined with other ingredients, since oxidation occurred, after which the substance became unsuitable. Chemists managed to succeed by withdrawing the retinoid, which is now used in cosmetics.

How does retinol affect the skin?

Retinol stimulates the creation in the epidermis of its own collagen and elastin, regenerates cells, prevents the body from fading. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble antioxidant that neutralizes the reaction of active molecules. The substance affects the regeneration, removes toxins and eliminates skin problems.

Retinol, which is also pure vitamin A, is able to dehydrate the skin, so you should use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid or gluconolactone with it.

Cream with retinol has the following effects on the body:

  • Rejuvenates the skin of the face;
  • Promotes rapid regeneration of the upper layer of epidermal cells;
  • Protects from sunlight;
  • Regulates metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • Normalizes hydrobalance, not allowing dryness and flaking;
  • It influences the blood circulation processes, strengthens the capillary walls, thereby improves oxygen metabolism, the supply of nutrients, vitamins E and C, macro and microelements;
  • Returns skin elasticity and freshness due to the revitalization of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • Reduces greasiness of the dermis;
  • Improves tone;
  • Eliminates age spots;
  • It smoothes wrinkles, improves the elasticity of the epidermis, improves turgor, levels the surface.

Indications and contraindications

Retinol creams are distributed by age category: 35+, 45+, 55+, 60+. For each age a certain amount of substance is provided; it is very important not to exaggerate with the dosage.

Indications for use of cream with retinol:

  • Eczema and dermatitis, including the atopic variant;
  • Superficial abrasions and skin cracks;
  • Cheilitis;
  • Age-related skin changes;
  • Skin diseases associated with impaired processes of keratinization and protein formation;
  • In order to activate the reparative processes in dermatoses after glucocorticoid therapy.

With all its beneficial properties, the cream has a number of contraindications. Vitamin A is irreplaceable, but it has a very strong effect on the body and, if it is taken too much, it will contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions.

Before buying a cream with retinol, apply a little on the skin of your hand. If you continue to feel good for a couple of days and the skin where you applied the cream does not change at all, then buy the product.

Contraindications to the use of cream with retinol:

  • The presence of gallstone disease;
  • Hypersensitivity of the epidermis to the ingredients of the drug, leading to irritation;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Individual intolerance to vitamin A, provoking allergies;
  • Pregnancy.

Often at first, agents with retinol cause drowsiness, mild headache, lethargy. These side effects quickly pass, once your body gets used to the composition. One of the basic rules: small dosage. To get started, get a cream with a small concentrate of retinol, if your skin reacts painlessly, then you can gradually increase the dose.

How to choose a cream with retinol for the face?

Vitamin A is capricious, it is difficult to combine with other ingredients in cosmetics. Under the influence of solar radiation, it is destroyed, and with the wrong dosage leads to skin irritation and flaking.

Vitamin A is weaker than retinol. After applying it to the skin, our body makes some efforts to turn the vitamin into retinoic acid. Otherwise, maximum absorption and subsequent skin benefits will not be possible.

Before buying a cream with retinol, you should understand its forms. In cosmetology use several Vitamin A Forms:

  • Retinoid.It cures hyperpigmentation, acne and wrinkles, entering the epidermis cell without conversion. The retinoid is effective, but by using this substance, skin problems are likely to occur - redness and irritation. This phenomenon occurs when the dosage is normalized. Available medication with a medical prescription.
  • Retinol.Beauticians love to use products with this ingredient, because it is able to penetrate into the dermis because of its low molecular weight. In cosmetology, pure retinol is commonly used. Conversion to acid suppresses efficiency, but retinol works just as well. The substance retains a sufficient amount of punch. From the habit of the skin can cover the light irritation, which soon pass. Retinol is a good substitute for tertiary acid.
  • Retinol palmitate.This substance will be needed with a high percentage of concentration, because the combination of retinol and palmitic acid turns into retinoic acid for a very long time. The duration of this process leads to the inability to distinguish the cell DNA.
  • Retinaldehyde.The expensive ingredient is a form of vitamin A close to retinoic acid. It can lead to mild irritation, which passes very quickly. In order to turn into acid, the substance needs a minimal conversion. However, the concentration of the ingredient should be followed here, it should vary from 0.05% to 0.1%, in which case the effect will be maximum.

Cream with retinol is not only an anti-aging remedy, it also copes with such skin imperfections as acne, acne, post-acne. Much depends on what you want to fix.

Types of creams with retinol:

  • Day. Since retinol does not like ultraviolet rays, because of which it is destroyed, then compounds of retinoids are added instead.
  • Night.Vitamin A is most effective at night, as there is no need to resist the sun's rays. At night, the skin responds well to care, stimulating cell renewal.
  • Eye cream.The skin in this area is tender and sensitive, therefore it often suffers from dehydration. To keep the epidermis dry and irritated, retinol is put in small proportions, mixing with moisturizing ingredients like aloe and hyaluronic acid.
  • Cream for the neck and decollete. Retinol has the properties of tightening the skin and returning its elasticity.
  • Hand cream, smoothes the skin and protects against pigmentation.

During the period of increased solar radiation, it is better not to use day cream with retinol.

Choosing a cream with retinol, you need to pay attention to a number of components, which will be discussed later.

Substance concentration - An important criterion when choosing a cream with retinol. In cosmetic products, the dosage of retinol does not exceed 0.01 - 2%. Depending on the type of epidermis, the reaction to the ingredient is different. For sensitive skin types, we recommend using a face remedy with a retinol content of no more than 0.025%, for oily skin - 0.5%, since drying properties will only be useful. Application of the cream should start with once a week.

In the composition of a cosmetic product with retinol should be moisturizing ingredients.As mentioned above, retinol has the properties to dry the skin. Therefore, choosing a face cream, read the composition. It should include: natural oils, green tea extract, vitamin C, ceramides, peptides and hyaluronic acid. If in two weeks the epidermis remains dry and flakes off, we advise you to start applying moisturizing masks.

Cream texture It is selected depending on the type of skin:

  • Water-based products are suitable for normal skin;
  • For dry epidermis, apply a thick consistency cream with oils and moisturizing ingredients;
  • If you are the owner of sensitive skin, then buy a cream with a minimum content of retinol, it is desirable that the composition were hypoallergenic and soothing ingredients;
  • For oily skin type suitable cream without oils and pore-clogging ingredients.

When the cream with retinol only appeared, many used them only to eliminate acne and rash. Now this product is divided into age categories:

  • Age 30+. In order to prevent premature aging, a cream with a retinol concentration of 0.1% will suffice. The product is applied to clean, moisturized skin after using a serum or 20-30 minutes after applying a daily moisturizer.
  • 40+. At this age, the cream begins to fight wrinkles and skin fading. The concentration is gradually increased from 0.4 to 1%. Cosmetic smoothes the skin and removes the crow's feet from the eyes.
  • 50+. A high concentration of retinol restores and regenerates cells. This cream will smooth even the deepest wrinkles, narrow pores, lighten pigment spots. Also, collagen and elastin are synthesized, which the epidermis produces in smaller quantities every year.

Of course, retinol is rich in beneficial properties and miraculously rejuvenates the skin, but its excess can only cause harm. Excessive consumption leaves chemical burns, so we advise you to have no more than one remedy with this antioxidant. Also always read the instructions for use.

The skin of the face, hands, neck needs nourishment and hydration, therefore, in addition to applying cream with retinol, make masks. Use in addition natural oils, extracts, essences and serums with a high concentration of active substances.

Your skin will retain youth and freshness for a long time, if the use of retinol cream is dosed and systematic.

The best creams with retinol

Retinol creams are gaining their well-deserved popularity. The beneficial effect of vitamin A makes itself felt, because after only 2 weeks the skin of the face smoothes out, tightens and becomes radiant. Cream with retinol for the face can be bought at the pharmacy and in the shops of professional cosmetics.

Night cream for rejuvenationRetinol 0.3%, SkinCeuticalsgood to apply in the cold season. Light texture is quickly and deeply absorbed into the skin. A jar of 30 ml is enough for a full course - six months.

In a Spanish-made productLipoCeutical Retises Nanoretinol is found in nanosomes. They are solely a vehicle for the delivery of active substances, so that vitamin A goes deep into the skin. The cream is presented in concentrations of 0.15%, 0.25% and 0.50%.

Cream with high efficiencyRedermic R, La Roche-Posay does not irritate the skin, soft texture. Cosmetics are available for all skin types with signs of photoaging and pronounced wrinkles.

Eluage, Avéne includes a range of products for face and body care. The tool is made on the basis of retinoldehyde, which improves skin elasticity. Suitable for sensitive epidermis. For a person with normal, oily or combination skin, it is available in the form of an emulsion, for dry skin - as a cream.

In cream Kinetinol, Martiderm, retinol acts in synergy with such an active ingredient as kinetin, it also contains macadamia, carite, jojoba, vitamin E and regenerating complex. It has a regenerating and nourishing effect. Suitable for normal and dry skin.

Global brands also do not bypass the cream with retinol, taking care of the health and beauty of their customers. Retinol is a potent ingredient, and at home customers often use it in the wrong proportions, which only aggravate their skin condition. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, we recommend using certified cosmetics.

Ericson Laboratoire Nourishing Cream With Fresh Caviar Cells ranked first in the ranking for 2018. In addition to the mandatory components for creams with retinol, it contains caviar concentrate. Unsaturated calf fatty acids are essential for maintaining healthy skin. Also included are: emollient shea butter, which protects against environmental influences, mango oil and tritisol, which is a complex of hydrolyzed wheat proteins. The complex activates the production of collagen fibers, thanks to which new wrinkles are prevented.

SesDerma Retises Eye Contourdesigned for lifting the skin around the eyes. Cream removes dark circles and bags under the eyes, which contributes to the hibiscus extract. Plant extract regulates fluid balance in tissues and stimulates collagen synthesis. Vitamin C protects against premature aging.

CreamGIGI Retinol Forte Skin Lighteninglightens pigmented skin. Lightens freckles, scars, traces of post-acne, chloasma. In addition to retinol, they include kojic acid, bearberry extract, azelaic acid, glycolic acid. The tool exfoliates dead skin cells, disinfects and normalizes sebum production.

The Face Shop Smim Firming Carehas a protective and rejuvenating property. This cream with retinol includes: adenosine niacinamide, extracts of propolis and Tibetan mushrooms. Propolis has a bactericidal effect, it heals microcracks and enhances protective functions. Tibetan mushrooms retain moisture of the skin. Also included is niacinamide, which stimulates cell renewal. The skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed, age pigmentation disappears, production of collagen increases.

Klapp A Classic "Vitamin A"- It is a cream for the skin around the eyes. The tool has components such as retinol, vitamin E, aloe, wheat germ oil, beeswax. Aloe refreshes aging skin, retinol renews cells, beeswax tightens delicate skin and nourishes it. Wheat germ oil stimulates tissue regeneration, softens them and eliminates desquamation. The strongest antioxidant tocopherol protects the collagen fibers of the skin from aging. Bisabolol moisturizes and nourishes. As a result, the epidermis is renewed and rejuvenated.

CreamHoly Land Alpha-Beta With Retinol Restoring ideal for owners of problematic and sensitive skin. Lactic acid, which protects against UV rays, hydrolyzed anti-peeling silk and blueberry extract, which removes rashes and allergic reactions, is added to the composition. Fruit acids remove pigment spots and clean the skin. The texture of the cream is so soft that it can be applied around the eyes. Thanks to the cream, the skin of the face is restored and the existing wounds heal.

SkinSeuticals "Retinol 1.0"intended for aging skin, retinol concentrate is 1%. The cream removes shallow wrinkles, stimulates collagen synthesis, tightens the skin of the face and exfoliates the stratum corneum. Manufacturers advise starting at 0.3% and moving slowly to 1%.

Medical Collagene 3D Revital Line Collagen is a moisturizer for daily care. You can begin to use it at the first sign of aging skin. Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, complex of acids, panthenol, collagen, allantoin, olive oil and peach seeds. The tool replaces old cells with new ones, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the shape of the face.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy EGF Retinol- nutritious age cream, it is recommended to apply from 35 years of age. Macadamia nut oil accelerates the regeneration of new cells. Niacinamide retains moisture in the skin of the face, the substance moisturizes dry skin and improves blood circulation. The extract of the swallow's nest evens out the texture and tone of the face, it also gives a lifting effect.

Vitex Retinol + Mg "Daytime. Deep Action"- cream for all skin types after 35 years. The soft texture is quickly absorbed into the epidermis, leaving no greasy film or shine. Oils of red oil palm and wheat germ smooth microrelief. Retinol activates collagen synthesis, while magnesium strengthens skin fibers and relieves the muscles of the face. With daily use eliminates shallow wrinkles.

Choose a cream with retinol, which is suitable only for you, and your skin will remain healthy and beautiful for many years.


Watch the video: Best Retinol Products - My Favourite Creams & Serums (July 2024).