How to exchange “teachers” for male teachers: MP’s initiative to radically change teachers


In January 2017, State Duma deputy Boris Chernyshev (LDPR) initiated a controversial bill. According to the text of the document, men who enter pedagogical universities on a budgetary basis will be provided with maximum benefits. The public immediately began to find out whether it was good or bad.

Becoming a student at a university is not a problem!

It is assumed that the privilege will be granted to college graduates, that is, young men who have received secondary special education. In order to enter the pedagogical university, the young men actually do not have to do anything. The main thing is to get to the selection committee and submit documents. Male applicants will be given a green light to enroll.

Young people will easily cherish the treasured for any student budget places. It is assumed that students accepted on the basis of gender will be able to study at any of the levels of the current university education (bachelor and master). What in return? Only one: after receiving a diploma, university graduates are required to work within five years in their specialty at a school or educational preschool institution.

Male educator worth its weight in gold

According to the deputy, it was men who should play a major role in raising boys. The situation in which less and less male teachers remain in schools has a bad effect on the psyche of future defenders of the fatherland. So, it is necessary to create such conditions that any future Sukhomlinsky could enter the pedagogical university freely.

Chernyshev convinced: the big mistake is to underestimate the importance of male educators. Therefore, it is necessary to form in the eyes of young people choosing a life path, an attractive image of the school as a place for future work. Choosing to enter a pedagogical university, a man will create an attractive image of a modern school for a boy.

Who will we put on the board?

The last thought sounds slurred. Although generally clear. Another question is what to do for those Montessori who cannot get through to the budget? In addition, it’s somehow unworthy to select schools by gender. But to provide the most intelligent and worthy students with the opportunity not only to receive a free higher education, but also to revolutionize the realities of a boring, frankly, school life, is a completely different matter. It is necessary to make sure that enrolling in a pedagogical university is prestigious - because of respect for society, social success, decent wages.

Undoubtedly, if energetic, creative male teachers take the place at the blackboard, the attitude of children to the profession, to school, and to study will become completely different. But here's how to attract talented young people to the profession - the State Duma and the government should think seriously about this issue!


Watch the video: FNN: Red for Ed rallies across AZ, child shot in Glendale (July 2024).