Daily hairstyles for long hair


Girls love to change from day to day. Owners of long hair with this especially lucky, because the length of the strands allows you to create a lot of interesting hairstyles for every day that will surprise the male half of humanity. If you follow simple guidelines for the implementation of the image, the process will take no more than 5-10 minutes, and the result will delight the whole day.

Recommendations for creating a daily hairstyle for long hair

To make no mistake when choosing hairstyles for every day you need to follow the general rules:

  • Hairstyle should be simple and not loaded. No need to construct complex structures, to do high bouffant, to suffer with a dozen weaves. The simpler the hairstyle, the more comfortable and more appropriate it is on a weekday;
  • Image creation time should not take more than 10 minutes. Attempting to make a cumbersome styling in shorter periods can spoil the hairstyle;
  • It should not be overloaded varnishes and gels. Many styling products not only spoil the curls, but also make the hair look artificial;
  • The chosen hairstyle should correspond to the image and place of stay.

In everyday images there is a huge plus - you do not need to be a professional stylist to bring them to life.

There are several types of hairstyles for every day:

  • Kosoobraznye. Presented in the form of braids or with their elements;
  • The tails. They can be both an independent hairstyle and a platform for another;
  • Consolidated. This type represents loose curls that can be fixed in different ways.

The easiest option to perform is loose hair. It is enough to lay your hair in large curls or to collect a part of the strands in a hairpin - a romantic casual look is ready.

A lot of interesting solutions offers tail-shaped hairstyles. You can make the tail: smooth or with curls, inside out, with a bagel and much more.

Simple everyday hairstyle tails

Tail - This is a great everyday hairstyle that can be done in just a couple of minutes. Most often, girls make high or low tails, and sometimes the fantasy ends there. However, there are many alternatives that will enliven the boring image.

Hairstyles-tails are comfortable to wear, curls do not climb into the eyes and do not interfere with work. Hair can be collected both long and medium length. Especially hairstyle is suitable for thick curls with a straight or curly structure. It is not recommended to make such an image for owners of thin and sparse hair.

The tail will be perfectly combined with the street, casual or smart casual style. It is not a shame to appear with such hairdress and in a romantic image.

Tail on the side

The easiest way to freshen a pony tail is to make it not in the middle, but at the side. A high tail on the side will make the image more playful and mischievous, and a low asymmetrical beam will make you a romantic beauty.

To make the image complete, you can wrap the strand around the tail. For this you need:

  • Collect curls in the tail with your hands and a comb;
  • Wrap them several times with a rubber band;
  • Separate a large strand of hair and twist it around the elastic (as long as the length of the strand allows);
  • Fix the result invisible.

This version of the tail will make the image more thoughtful and serious.

Smooth tail

Smooth tail ideal for a serious willed image. Hair will emphasize the beautiful shape of the head and facial features. Owners of even hair type will not take much time to make hair. Girls with wavy or curly hair will have to spend more time.

Follow the suggested sequence:

  • Straighten clean hair with a flat iron;
  • Collect them in a high ponytail;
  • Remove any bumps with gel or hair wax.

Perfect, smooth horse tail ready.

Curly Tail

Curls give the appearance of greater romance and expressiveness, and facial features will appear softer and more pretty.

To make a hairstyle, you need:

  • Screw the curls with a curling iron (or ironing). For a casual look, it is not necessary to pay close attention to each strand or to make bouffant. To save time, you should horizontally divide the hair into 2 parts, then twist the large strands, starting from the middle of the length. It makes no sense to wind strands from the root, since they will still be collected. Periodically hair should be sprayed with varnish. So the hairstyle will last longer;
  • Then you need to collect the hair in a bun, separate one strand and twist it around the elastic band, secure the strand invisible. Instead of a rubber band, you can use a beautiful hairpin, which will make the image more festive;
  • Spray tail a little with hairspray.

You can also pull out short strands at the temples and twist slightly. Your image will become more romantic, elegant and feminine.

For owners of medium hair length, there is a way to make the tail visually longer. To do this, twisted hair must be divided into two parts. Then first collect the low tail at the back of the head, and then the high tail at the crown. After the curls are superimposed on each other, visually the hair will appear longer.

Tail inside out

The tail inside out is popular. This simple hairstyle can be done for 3-4 minutes before going.

For this you need:

  • Comb your hair and collect them in the tail. The most convenient way to do a low beam in the back;
  • Tie hair with a rubber band. You do not need to make a tight knot, since in the next stage it will be inconvenient (and painful) to work;
  • It is necessary to take the tail with both hands at the base, with the index fingers to divide the hair between the elastic band and the nape;
  • Thread the tail through the hole.

Hair with a twisted tail is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with a flower or hairpin.

Light hairstyles with buns for every day

Hairstyle-bundle is a classic version of the everyday image. The bundle looks perfect with any style of clothing, be it a classic suit, an elegant dress or sweatpants.

Many girls believe that for registration of this type of hair you need to get up for a couple of hours to go to work. However, a little dexterity and patience will allow in 5-7 minutes to get a classic bundle.

The beauty industry has long invented special "invisible" hairpins that simplify the process of creating hairstyles, increase the volume and save valuable time. These include: bagels, twisters, haegami, etc.

Retro bun

Retro Bundle make the appearance more sensual, and everyday outfit festive. From the first time, perhaps, to realize your plans ideally will not work. But, if you practice a few times, you will be able to do your hair before going to work in 5-7 minutes. The main thing - to arm themselves invisible.

Ideal hairstyle for owners of wavy hair. In order to twist the hair on the back of your head you will need a hair roller. So the hairstyle will turn out more voluminous and simple in execution.

Follow simple steps:

  • First you need to make a tail. It is advisable not to make it high;
  • Then thread the roller and distribute the hair around it. The result is to fix the elastic band and invisible, hide the tips under the hair.

If desired, you can pull the front strand of hair and make it a "wave", securing invisible. The image will be even more vintage. Such a bundle is suitable not only for daily affairs, but also for special occasions.

Romantic bunch

In order to make a romantic bunch, which is not a shame to go on a date, just 4-5 minutes of free time is enough.

To do this, you need to make a high tail and braid a pigtail. The resulting braid should be wrapped around the rubber band and hide the tip under the bottom, securing it with invisible heads. It remains to straighten the braid, so that the hair seemed larger, and the image is ready.

Bagel bundle

In order to make a beautiful bunch you will need "bagel"And invisible. Bagels come in different sizes, with a diameter of 6, 8 and 10 cm. Usually they are chosen depending on the solemnity of the occasion and the idea. For a casual look, small or medium size will do.

Hair make out as follows:

  • Make a high tail;
  • A bagel is put into it;
  • Distribute hair evenly in a circle;
  • Pick up one strand and twist inside. In a circle capture all the hair and braid around a bagel;
  • The end of the strands hook up stealth.

A bundle with a bagel is ready, you can safely go about their business.

Classic bunch

Classic bunch known since ancient times. It is convenient and easy to use. This hairstyle is ideal for working week: it is neat, restrained and, with all this, feminine.

To make a perfect beam, you need:

  • To collect hair in a low tail and secure with a tight elastic band;
  • Carefully wrap the strands around the rubber band and secure with pins;
  • The tips of the curls hide under the bundle.

If necessary, you can sprinkle hair with lacquer. This will extend the stay hairstyle in perfect conditions.

Braided hairstyles

Hairstyles with elements braid always been in fashion. They look elegant and appropriate for any event. Especially hairstyle is suitable for owners of long, thick hair. But for girls with sparse hair, there are a number of tricks when doing braids.

There is a large number of variations on the theme of braids. You can make weaving from three, four or even five strands, braid only part of the hair or completely, you can also combine them with a high tail.

If you practice in weaving, you can please yourself in a new way every day and be irresistible.

Volume braid

To make Spit volume air braiding will help. Especially effectively this hairstyle looks on melirovanny hair. To weave the braid it will take 8-10 minutes.

To braid hair properly, you must perform the following steps:

  • A little hair comb at the roots. Comb them back and smooth;
  • From the roots separate 2 small locks;
  • Make 1-2 props of ordinary braids. With the next prolettes, tuck the strands down and pick up the loose curls alternately from one side to the other. This will turn the French braid backwards;
  • Finish the braid to the end and secure with a rubber band or barrette.

To make the hairstyle become voluminous, you need to stretch the outer sections of the props, moving from the tip to the forehead. If necessary, you can sprinkle spit varnish.

Fish tail

Weave braid "fish tail" very simple. In the eyes of others, you will look like a craftswoman, although you will spend no more than five minutes on it. To make a hairstyle, you must follow these steps:

  • Comb the strands and divide them into two equal parts;
  • Take one small strand in your hands and shift it to the opposite part. The right strand is shifted to the left, the left - to the right side;
  • Movement is repeated until the end of the length of the hair. The hair is fixed with a rubber band or barrette;
  • It should stretch the strands a little to the side so that the hairstyle seems more voluminous.

If necessary, spit sprinkled with hairspray. Also “fish tail” can be decorated with various decorative elements.

Asymmetrical braid

Asymmetrical braid - This is a great alternative to simple hairstyles. It is based on the usual three-strand Danish braid. In order for the spit to come out without flaws, it is better to have an assistant standing nearby.

To braid the braid, you must perform the following steps:

  • Comb hair to one side;
  • To separate the hair layer from above, divide it into three parts (as for a usual braid);
  • Weaving traditional. Only strands do not need to overlap each other, it is necessary to attract strands from below, thereby braiding the braid on the contrary;
  • On the second weave you need to increase each strand. To do this, take the hair from the next layer (in the same amount);
  • Strands evenly thicken. The closer the spit to the neck, the thicker the strand. Asymmetrical braid should include all strands;
  • In the end, it is better to stretch the braid on the sides, which visually seemed more hair.

If you decorate your hair with bright accessories, then with such a hair is not ashamed to attend a special event or go on a date.

Braid around the head

To make braid around the head It is quite difficult from the first time, so it is better to practice several times on a day off. However, this hairstyle always looks unusual and interesting. Braid in the form of a rim looks very romantic and is especially suitable for young girls with long hair.

In order to weave a braid around your head, you must:

  • Comb the hair on the right side;
  • Split hair in the shape of an arc. The parting should go through the crown from ear to ear;
  • For the left temple you need to take three strands, as for the usual pigtails;
  • Weave a braid, gradually moving to the opposite ear. Strands need to be thickened by the parting;
  • After the spit reaches the right ear, you need to continue to weave, picking up strands from below;
  • At the base of the neck, the braid should be woven to the tip and wrapped in a bun;
  • Secure the improvised circle with the studs;

It is advisable to fix the hair with lacquer or gel, so that during the day the hair does not get out and does not spoil the look.


Hairstylewaterfall"- a combination of loose hair and braided braids. A convenient option for those who like to show beautiful curls and at the same time feel comfortable. Any casual look with such a hairstyle will become more light and feminine.

In order to learn how to make a braid, you do not need to train for a long time. It is enough to be able to perform the usual weaving of three strands, as well as arm yourself with stealth and thin elastic bands.

To braid braid waterfall, you need:

  • To separate from the front a wide strand with which the weaving will begin;
  • Divide it into two parts. The first strand from the face to throw over the second;
  • Separate a small strand from the crown and place it over the first face strand;
  • Next you need to slightly tighten the first curl and pick up the next from the crown. Leaves intertwined from the crown to hang loose;
  • According to this scheme, you need to weave the whole braid.

Hair falls can be done horizontally or diagonally.

Light daily hairstyles

Long, shiny and healthy hair - the key to a beautiful hair. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of their care.

Try to limit the harmful thermal and chemical effects that make the hair brittle and dry. The use of balm, conditioner and masks will make your hair attractive, and you do not have to look for complex hairstyles to hide wilted strands.

Owners of long hair doubly lucky. To put the curls in the hair, it is enough to get a few hairpins and play with their location every day.

Hairstyles with flowing hair

Speaking of hairstyles with flowing hair, it is worth mentioning a wide range of hairpins, which tend to save our time and give an image of individuality.

Hairpin-comb came from ancient times and is used to this day. It looks like an elongated plate with teeth. The number, length and frequency of teeth can be different.

Montara is a convenient hairpin in use. It consists of two combs, which are connected by elastic threads. With its help, you can pick up both loose hair and bunches.

One of the easiest hair clips to use is a crab. Hairpins can be different in size, be functional or decorative.

Fresh trend - use stealth and studs as decorative hairpins. They will not only help support the hair, but will also become a profitable accessory that complements any, both everyday and festive look.

Do not be afraid to experiment. So you will choose the image that is right for you.

Hairstyle shell

Shell Style Hairstyle will make any casual look elegant, and will also emphasize cheekbones and a long neck.

The work will require: a flat comb with frequent teeth, a massage brush with rare teeth, invisible and means for laying. To make the perfect shell, you need:

  • Dry hair clean with cold air, simultaneously straightening and putting them back. If necessary, you can straighten hair iron;
  • Comb the hair to the side and make a low tail. From the height of the tail depends on the location of the finished hairstyle;
  • The tail should be twisted into a bundle;
  • The resulting harness must be wrapped inside and secure with studs.

With the help of varnish or gel for hair, get rid of sticking strands. Hair is ready. If you practice a little, you will learn how to do your hair in a couple of minutes no worse than any professional. In order to make a "shell", the length of the hair must be at least below the shoulders.

Greek hairstyle

Hair in the Greek style is very easy to do with the elastic rim. This requires just a few steps:

  • Put the bezel on top of the hair;
  • Bend the strands on the sides under the gum;
  • Gather the remaining hair together;
  • To wrap the strands under the gum, you can remove all the hair at once, or do it alternately.

Hair is ready. Depending on the style of the rim, you can make a more elegant or casual look.


Watch the video: 10 Quick & Heatless EveryDay Hairstyles. Long Hair. Glossips (June 2024).