The meaning of the name Zlata


Name Zlata translated from the Old Slavic language as "golden". It is most common among some Slavic peoples, especially Czech, and Ashkenazi Jews, who once lived in Czech lands.

Zlata - character traits

Little Zlata is serious beyond her years, and amazes others with her truthfulness and responsibility. With age, she remains just as honest, but at the same time she manages to be very tactful and not hurt anyone with her directness. There is no vanity or boasting in Zlata, but there is that thoroughness that allows her to bring to the end any matter for which she undertakes. She easily learns, thanks to her love of reading and a wonderful memory, takes an active part in all school activities and attends sports clubs, and is often the headman of a class. Often Zlata has a talent for drawing and versification.

After graduation, Zlata usually seeks to enter a higher educational institution in order to receive a prestigious specialty. Her seriousness and responsibility here help her to realize the most ambitious plans. Thanks to these qualities, Zlata can become a real professional in her chosen field of activity, who will be entrusted with the most responsible tasks. She is very self-critical and intolerant of other people's shortcomings, even in the details she strives to achieve perfection.

Monotony of burdens is monotony, it invariably strives for changes, however, in relations with people it is extremely constant. Choosing friends for herself, she remains faithful to this friendship all her life. But if she is betrayed, or if she is disappointed in a person in another way, she will break off the relationship without hesitation. Zlata likes to spend time with friends with whom she is sociable and cheerful; with strangers, she is usually closed and silent.

When choosing a life partner Zlata, first of all, strives for a community of interests. Since she is usually very emotional, she and her husband may have quarrels over trifles, and yet, she is usually happy in marriage. Zlata knows how to save money and tries to never borrow money herself and not lend it to others. She is a wonderful hostess, a caring wife and mother, but she brings up her children, with all her great love for them, strictly.

Zlata - name compatibility

The strongest and happiest marriage at Zlata can be with Albert, Artem, Mikhail, Igor, Sergey, Edgar, Edward, Emil. Having connected her life with Anatoly, Gennady, Stanislav, Marat, Ostap, Khariton, Peter, Yuri, she is unlikely to be happy.

Zlata - famous people who wore this name

The most famous Zlats who left a bright mark in a particular area were: Russian linguist Zlata Volkova; Israeli art critic Zlata Zaretskaya; Russian translator Zlata Potapova; Russian-Israeli composer Zlata Razdolina; Moldavian composer Zlata Tkach; Bosnian writer Zlata Filipovic; wife and manager of entertainer G.V. Khazanov Zlata Khazanova; Russian pianist Zlata Chochieva.

Zlata - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Zlata - Scorpio;
- patron planet - Jupiter;
- color mascot - red;
- totem animal - elephant;
- totem plant - basil;
- stone talisman - jasper.


Milan 08/30/2016
100% hit. There is a familiar Zlata - it's all written off from her! How can this be ...

Zlata 05/18/2016
It's true about me, only I'm dumb but not smart

Irina 04/09/2016
I studied in the same class with Zlata. I think they came from the Czech Republic and arrived. True, they didn’t stay in our city for long. But I remember how all the girls looked at her like that! And somehow we shied a little, from the envy of light or something))) So I did not understand what kind of person this Zlata was)))

Tanya 04/09/2016
Everything written about the name Zlata is very impressive. And she loves to study, both economical and constant in friendship ... In general - not Zlata, but gold!)) I join everyone - the name is cool. And why is it not widespread in Russia ... It seems like everything is bright with us.

Daria 04/08/2016
Very good name feature. By the way, I’m thinking about what to call my daughter like that. Very beautiful, and most importantly - not hackneyed. I do not like ordinary names, or of which there are too many. I want your child to be special.


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