Greek Salad: classic step by step recipes. Cooking delicious, healthy and fresh Greek salad according to classic recipes


Greek salad is one of the best ways to cook fresh vegetables. It turns out light, fragrant, but not commonplace. This salad stands out among all other types by the presence of very tasty and thoughtful dressings. You can also change the amount and type of additional ingredients.

Here are the most detailed step-by-step recipes for classic Greek salads with the best dressings.

Greek salad - general principles of preparation

Vegetables for Greek salad, it is important to choose ripe, juicy, but not overripe. Cucumbers should not have large seeds. If they have a thick skin and there is no possibility to replace it with another vegetable, then the peel is cleaned. Tomatoes need red, but not soft, otherwise they will quickly lose their shape. Pepper is better to use color than green. Vegetables can not be cut and seasoned in advance. Greek salad is best prepared before consumption. In an hour, he will lose his attractive and fresh appearance, vegetables will float.

What products are used:

• vegetables (cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, salad onions);

• olives;

• Chees Feta;

• crackers.

Feta cheese is not always found in stores, but it can be replaced with feta cheese or other similar brine types. Goat cheese, which is often found in bazaars, can diversify a classic Greek salad.

The main ingredient in the dressing is very often olive oil and it is very important that Extra virgin is marked on the bottle. Only a quality product will give that particular taste to the salad. But there are often options for dressings based on yogurt, below is a step-by-step recipe for such a Greek salad.

Greek Salad: a classic step by step recipe with olive dressing

The classic step-by-step recipe for Greek salad uses a traditional dressing made of oil with lemon juice. It perfectly complements the taste of vegetables, gives a wonderful aroma and spicy sourness.


• two large cucumbers;

• one ripe pepper;

• one salad onion;

• 100 g feta;

• 20 large black olives;

• half a lemon;

• a couple of pinch of oregano (popularly oregano);

• 3 tbsp. l oils;

• two tomatoes.


1. Rinse all vegetables, wipe dry. For cucumbers, cut the ends, cut first in half, then again and across in large enough pieces. We make bars of 1.5-2 centimeters. It turns out whetstones, no need to grind. Pour into a bowl.

2. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the attachment point with the stem. Cut again in half, then each quarter across. Get large pieces. We choose dense vegetables so that the form remains beautiful, the tomatoes do not crumple during the mixing process.

3. First cut the pepper in half. Select the middle with the seeds, then cut along and chop across the straws, but not quite thinly. Pour to the main vegetables.

4. We clean the onion salad. Cut into thin rings. We disassemble the layers so that the vegetable is evenly distributed in the salad.

5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. This amount of vegetables will take about one and a half tablespoons. But dressing needs to be matched with the taste of tomatoes. If they are sour, then you can pour less.

6. Combine olive oil with lemon juice, beat until smooth, add oregano.

7. Vegetables pepper, lightly sprinkle with salt and pour the dressing. Gently stir the salad. Usually two spoons or spatulas are used for this. With their help, gently lift the food from the bottom of the bowl and turn it over.

8. The mixed salad can be laid out in a beautiful dish or immediately laid out in portions.

9. Feta cheese is cut into neat cubes, you can not make it very large, and put it on top in a chaotic manner.

10. We take olives pitted. They can be put in a whole salad or cut in half. But in the second case, we cut only along. We spread between feta cubes.

11. Greek salad according to the classic recipe is not decorated with greens, but it will not be superfluous. If necessary, then supplement with a sprig of dill, parsley or spread all the vegetables on top of the lettuce.

Greek Salad: a classic step by step recipe with spicy dressing

Recipe with cherry tomatoes. If they are not, then replace with ordinary tomatoes, calculate the approximate amount, depending on size. This step-by-step recipe for a classic Greek salad uses incredibly delicious and aromatic dressing. For its preparation, acute mustard is used. If the sauce is not sufficiently vigorous, then we increase the quantity at will.


• 25 olives;

• two cucumbers;

• a dozen cherry;

• half of the onion;

• romaine lettuce leaves;

• 100 g brine cheese.

For refueling:

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• a spoonful of soy. Sauce

• one tablespoon of apples. vinegar

• 0.3 tablespoons of mustard (spicy);

• a little oregano;

• five grams of honey.


1. This salad will be laid out on a dish covered with green lettuce leaves. It can be replaced with an iceberg, they often use Chinese cabbage, removing hard veins. We prepare the dish, lay out the leaves. If you like their taste, then you can cut and fall asleep as the first layer, it will be more convenient to eat.

2. We are preparing a gas station. We mix apple cider vinegar, which can be replaced with lemon, with honey and mustard, rub it thoroughly, add oregano, salt and all other ingredients according to the list above. It’s best to beat the dressing well, you can use a blender. Set aside, let the sauce infuse.

3. Rinse and wipe the vegetables dry. Cut the cucumber into large pieces. If the skin is thick, it is best to immediately remove it. It is convenient to use a vegetable knife for this. Sometimes not the whole skin is removed, but strips are made, alternating the white flesh with the green peel. It turns out very beautiful and unusual pieces. We shift the prepared cucumber to the prepared lettuce leaves.

4. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters or halves, as you like. If ordinary tomatoes are used, then we cut into neat slices. Spread on top of the cucumbers.

5. Now we take the onion, cut off the half, we do not need the second part. Cut into half rings, disassemble by hand, sprinkle cherry tomatoes on top. Sometimes onions are laid under them, that is, on cucumbers. This is not important.

6. Now we are taken for cheese. It is always cut into neat cubes, laid out on vegetables.

7. Cut the olives in halves, put between pieces of cheese or just sprinkle carelessly.

8. Basically, the salad is ready. It remains only to sprinkle it with previously prepared sauce, which has already managed to stand. But sometimes the dressing is served in a separate gravy boat. This is convenient because you can independently adjust its quantity and the sharpness of the salad.

Greek Salad: a classic step-by-step recipe with crackers and yogurt

A variant of amazing dressing for the most delicious filling. The step by step recipe for a classic Greek salad uses crackers. In no case do we take ready-made products from sachets, we only cook on our own.


• four tomatoes;

• three cucumbers;

• two peppers;

• one head of lettuce;

• half a loaf;

• 160 grams of brine cheese;

• 100 g of olives;

• 2 bunches of salad.

Yogurt dressing:

• 100 g of thick Greek yogurt;

• 0.3 tablespoons of mustard;

• a spoon of lemon juice;

• a spoonful of oil;

• one clove of garlic;

• 0.3 tsp dried oregano;

• salt and soy sauce to taste.


1. It is better to start the salad with crackers so that they have time to cool. It is advisable to use yesterday’s or yesterday’s loaf, that is, a little callous. We take a good knife and cut it into slices, then into small cubes. We spread it on a baking sheet, put it in the oven and cook until it is rosy.

2. We take out crackers, we cool.

3. Now make a dressing so that it is infused. For the sauce, it is best to use thick yogurt, the fat content is arbitrary. Put it in a bowl, add chopped garlic, lemon juice, pour a little dry oregano. You can take fresh chopped greens, then you need 2-3 branches. We put mustard, you can pour a little soy sauce or salt. Rub to homogeneity, set aside the dressing, let it brew.

4. We are engaged in vegetables. We cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 6 parts, then cut them into pieces across, make bars of 1.5-2 centimeters.

5. Spread lettuce leaves and pour cucumbers on them.

6. Now chop the tomatoes, spread on top of the cucumbers. We do not make small pieces. Can be replaced with cherry tomatoes, cut in half.

7. Onion cut into half rings, sprinkle with vegetables.

8. Cut the cheese into cubes, olives in half, add crackers to them, stir between them and send it all to a dish with cucumbers and tomatoes. In general, you can mix all the products together and put on lettuce leaves, but crackers from fresh vegetables quickly soften and then do not crunch.

9. Before serving, water the Greek salad with a fragrant dressing based on yogurt or offer it separately. This option is convenient if you need to stand for a while. Without refueling, it will not flow; it will retain an attractive appearance for longer.

Greek Salad - Useful Tips and Tricks

• No sweet salad onions? You can cut the usual onion head, pour into a colander and pour over boiling water. Another wonderful option is to pickle the onion. It will turn out just chic! You need to cut the vegetable, pour acidified vinegar with water, leave for half an hour. To soften the taste, sometimes a little vegetable oil is added to the marinade, a pinch of sugar.

• Very often meat products are added to Greek salads. Their choice will directly depend on the taste of the cheese. If it is salty, bright, then it is better to take fresh boiled chicken or turkey. If the cheese is fresh and tasteless, then beef or pork will help to ennoble the dish.

• Salad lovers with vibrant flavors can add some pickled or salted mushrooms. They will complement fresh vegetables, give the dish its flavor.
