Hand bath recipes at home. How to make paraffin baths for hands at home?


The appearance of the hands reflects not only significant physical activity, but also the negative effects of temperature factors, severe irritation with aggressive detergents, and even the state of health.

Only competent care and regular cosmetic procedures allow you to keep the pens in order and keep them youthful.

Simple, but quite effective procedures include hand baths, which can easily be done independently at home.

Hand baths at home: to do or not to do?

Trying to give their hands a beautiful and well-groomed look, women resort to the most intricate procedures and the use of expensive cosmetics. But you can achieve excellent results from cosmetic procedures in a simpler way, using hand baths available for home use.

Such manipulations are a real salvation for the fair sex, faced with the problem of dryness and peeling of the skin. In addition, the baths are capable of:

• moisturize and nourish the skin;

• help get rid of wrinkles and sweating problems;

• soften and remove keratinized layers of the skin;

• open the sebaceous glands;

• increase local lymphatic flow and blood flow;

• relieve fatigue;

• treat joint pain;

• remove accumulated toxins;

• strengthen and treat nails.

But sometimes hand baths done at home can cause harm. It is not advisable to do such procedures:

• if there are cuts and wounds on the hands;

• if the hands are affected by dermatological diseases;

• with diabetes;

• women with dilated blood vessels and blood clotting problems;

• with increased pressure, with the exception of emergency baths;

• in the presence of viral skin lesions and purulent inflammations.

A careful approach to holding baths is also necessary for women with a large number or unusual moles on their hands. In such situations, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist in advance in order to exclude the possibility of degeneration of such marks. Paraffin baths are not recommended for pregnant women.

Paraffin baths for hands at home: recipes

Fashionable paraffin baths do not have to be done in expensive salons. Similar procedures can be easily carried out at home.

For such baths, only pure refined paraffin. Cosmetic therapeutic component in the form of paraffin for baths can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Keep in mind that for one procedure you will need about 200 grams. solidified material.

The use of ordinary or church candles, or other decorative paraffin souvenirs for cosmetic procedures is prohibited. Such raw materials have not undergone special cleaning and can harm the skin.

To prepare paraffin for holding baths, it will have to be dissolved. Ideally, for this you need to use special bath-heaters that can evenly heat paraffin and maintain the desired temperature.

But you can use a simple method of melting paraffin in a saucepan or in a water bath. In no case do not heat paraffin in the microwave. Microwaves can destroy the structure of paraffin molecules.

Choose the type of paraffin depending on the purpose of the procedure. So paraffin with the addition of peach oil is suitable for sensitive skin. And for regeneration and recovery, use paraffin with chocolate. However, a pure product without perfumes and additives shows rather good results after holding baths for hands.

Hand baths at home: recipes

For home baths, a variety of ingredients are used in the form of oils, salt, herbal decoctions, juices of vegetables or fruits, soda.


Helps to combat brittleness and exfoliation of nails. In heated oil of corn and almonds in a volume of 60 ml, you need to drip vitamin A and lemon juice in 5 drops. Keep your hands in this mixture for about 15 minutes.


Salt helps strengthen nails and helps prepare your hands before manicure. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of salt in warm water, into which you can add mandarin oil. 15 minutes are enough for the procedure.


Chamomile decoction helps to heal wounds and helps rejuvenate the skin. Chamomile flowers are brewed about 2 tablespoons in half a liter of boiling water. After cooling in the broth, you need to lower your hands and stand for about 7 minutes.


Such a bath helps strengthen nails. After warming about 120 ml of olive oil, add juice squeezed from fresh lemon (10 drops) to it. Fingers stand in this mixture for up to 7 minutes.


Soda baths help eliminate persistent contaminants, disinfect and soften the skin. To make a home bath, you need to mix a spoonful of soda with liquid soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water. After this, you need to add a spoonful of ammonia to the resulting composition. Such a bath is held for about 20 minutes.


Cabbage helps soften the skin, eliminate inflammation and strengthen nails. You will need sauerkraut juice, in which you need to add kefir in the same amount. This procedure should last up to 10 minutes.


The product has a moisturizing effect. In a small volume of water, stir a spoonful of starch, then add about a liter of warm water. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

Paraffin baths for hands at home: sequence of actions

The procedure for conducting paraffin baths is not complicated, but requires compliance with a certain proven technology:

1. First of all, prepare paraffin for the procedure by heating it to a liquid consistency in the bath-heater or simply by steam.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly and remove the varnish or protective coating from the nails.

3. Additionally, scrape the skin on the hands. This will get rid of dead particles and enhance the effectiveness of the paraffin procedure.

4. Dry your hands with a soft cloth and gently apply a moisturizer to them, which will serve as a protective layer.

5. Make a warming massage for the hands. It is impossible to lower unheated hands into the hot composition. This can damage the vessels.

6. Check the temperature of the melted paraffin. It should be pleasantly warm, but not burn the skin.

7. Dip the handles into the prepared molten paraffin and immediately remove them.

8. Wait about 10 seconds for the film to freeze and repeat the manipulation.

9. You need to lower your hands in warm paraffin several times to form paraffin gloves on your hands.

10. Wear protective gloves made of cellophane on the handles or use a cling film.

11. On top of plastic gloves, you need to wear warmer fabric mittens or wrap handles.

12. Withstand paraffin gloves on the hands for up to 20 minutes.

13. At the end of the procedure, remove both pairs of gloves, and remove the paraffin with wet wipes.

14. At the end of the procedure, apply your favorite nourishing cream to your cleaned hands.

The use of used paraffin for repeated procedures is not recommended.

Hand baths at home: beautician tips

So that the baths for hands really benefit, carry out procedures when you do not plan to do household chores or go out in the cold in the near future. The ideal time is an evening when you can calmly devote time to yourself.

After holding the baths of a therapeutic or contrasting nature, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream only to dry skin. If desired, the final stage of the procedure can be done with a massage using a special cream or oil.

To achieve maximum results, healing baths for hands should be carried out at home at least three times a week. The treatment course of procedures lasts about a month.

As for paraffin baths, they are enough to do once a week. With dry skin, a repeat of paraffin treatments is allowed after 4 days.

In order for the paraffin baths to have an effective effect, use only high-quality products to apply a moisturizing protective layer for paraffin. In fact, pens as nutrients will receive exactly those components that will be applied directly under paraffin.

Take care of your pens, carry out regular cosmetic procedures and manipulations, apply folk and natural ingredients, and the result in the form of beautiful well-groomed pens will not disappoint you.


Watch the video: Glove Treat Mitt with Parasilk Paraffin Wax Therapy Treatment (July 2024).