Fricassee in cream sauce is a simple French dish. Cooking options for fricassee in creamy sauce with mushrooms, vegetables and cheese


Classic fricassee in a creamy sauce based on chicken, veal or rabbit. Interesting dish options are obtained with chicken, goat meat or poultry liver. Many restaurants offer visitors this dish of pork, lamb and even pigeon meat. In simple words, fricassee is a meat stew in a white cream sauce. The sauce is traditionally prepared white on the basis of cream and wheat flour. Any vegetable or cereal side dish is suitable for serving fricassee.

Fricassee in cream sauce - general principles of preparation

The meat is pre-washed, all excess is removed, dried and cut into portioned pieces.

Before directly cooking fricassee, the meat for it can be marinated. Rub the pieces with a mixture of salt and herbs. Pour citrus juice and leave for half an hour. Before stewing, always fry the meat for a golden crust over high heat. This is important for the peculiar taste of fricassee and for the effective presentation of the finished dish. Stew on a small fire. Cooking time depends on the age of the meat used.

Garnish in fricassee can be prepared separately or with meat. A more profitable option is when the side dish is stewed with meat in the sauce. Mainly served with fricassee with rice. But also suitable: buckwheat or pasta.

If rice is chosen as an addition to fricassee, there are two ways to cook it. The first is to cook separately and rinse, warm in butter in a pan. The second - in a half-finished fricassee, pour a handful or two of steamed rice. Do not rinse the rice, otherwise it will stick together and become porridge. Just sprinkle and cover the dish. Stew until cereal is cooked.

Breaded fricassee in creamy sauce


Half a kilo of chicken;

150 ml cream;

50 g of wheat flour;

40 ml of sunflower oil;

A pinch of ground pepper;

· Salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken with water. Cut into slices. If possible, remove excess coarse skin. Leave the fat.

2. In a separate cup, mix the salt and ground pepper. Rub the chicken pieces with a mixture and roll them in flour.

3. Warm the pan with sunflower oil and fry the chicken on it. A fry color should appear on the pieces.

4. Cream slightly warmer separately. Salt and pepper. Pour into a chicken pan.

5. Turn down the heat. Stew the dish for 15-20 minutes until thickened. Cover the lid.

6. Once the dish is cooked, close the lid and leave it for a few more minutes.

Fricassee in a creamy sauce with vegetables


A pound of chicken thighs;

· 100 ml of boiled water or broth (chicken or vegetable);

2-3 cloves of garlic;

· One head of onion;

· One bell pepper;

A bunch of fresh dill;

· 20 g of wheat flour;

· 1 tbsp. l butter;

· 20 ml of sunflower oil;

Half a glass of cream;

· salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare all vegetables. Rinse the garlic, onion and sweet pepper and peel off any excess. Cut into large slices. Sort out dill and soak in a cup of cool water. Then dry and chop finely.

2. Rinse the chicken thighs. Remove the skin, it will not be needed. Dry the meat slightly from moisture. Due to excess water, the pieces will slide on the cutting board and shoot hard when frying.

3. Heat a pan with butter and sunflower oil. Send the chicken pieces to fry on it.

4. When the chicken is coated in a uniform golden color, pour the heated broth (or water) to it and add the vegetables. Close the lid and turn down the heat. Quench a quarter of an hour.

5. Mix cool cream with flour, salt and season with pepper. Pour the mixture into the chicken and vegetables. Stew for another 10-15 minutes.

6. Serve the fricassee in a creamy sauce to the table with chopped dill.

Fricassee in cream sauce with mushrooms


· One chicken;

200 g champignons;

· One carrot;

Onion head;

50 g of wheat flour;

40 ml of liquid oil;

Half a glass of cream (10-20%);

· Two quail eggs;

· salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the mushrooms from dirt and rinse in water. Cut into slices, but not finely.

2. Rinse and peel the onions and carrots. Cut into thin slices or strips.

3. Chop the chicken into small pieces. Rinse them in cold water, dry. Bread in flour and fry in butter until a slight blush. The fire must be strong, and the pan is not covered with a lid.

4. Then put vegetables and mushrooms in the meat. Simmer over a slow fire, constantly stirring with a spatula, for a quarter of an hour.

5. Separately mix the cream with salt and pepper. Break the quail eggs there. If desired, instead of them, you can take two yolks from chicken eggs.

6. Pour the cream mixture over the meat and simmer until tender. That is, about 15 minutes.

7. After a while, turn off the heat of the stove and leave the dish closed for a few more minutes. After that, lay the meat in the sauce on the plates.

Oven in fricassee cream sauce


One chicken;

· Onion head;

Head of garlic;

· 100 g of dried porcini mushrooms;

A glass of cream;

· 2-3 g of grinded mixture of chili peppers;

· Salt to taste;

· 20 ml of fruit liqueur;

50 g of hard cheese;

50 ml of sunflower oil;

· 20 g butter.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken in running water and dry it slightly with a paper towel. Slice into portions over the joints of the bird. Cut off skin and excess fat from meat. Dry with paper towels if necessary.

2. Peel the onion and garlic and rinse. Cut into small crumbs.

3. Grind the dried mushrooms in a blender to a crumbly structure.

4. Combine the butter and sunflower oil in a pan. In this mixture, fry the chicken on both sides to a crispy crust. Make fire strong.

5. Transfer the chicken pieces to a small baking sheet.

6. And put onions and garlic in the pan. Add dry mushrooms. Fry a little and send to the chicken. Try to distribute evenly.

7. Sprinkle salt and chopped chili pepper on top. Instead of chili, you can take any other pepper. It is permissible to use a special mill with a set of peppers or seasoning for poultry.

8. Mix cream with fruit liqueur. Pour into a baking tray with chicken.

9. Place the pan in a hot oven at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

10. Remove the pan for a while. Grind hard cheese on a grater. Sprinkle a dish on them. Cook another 10 minutes in the oven until the cheese is browned.

Fricassee in cream sauce with rabbit


A pound of rabbit meat;

· 10 g of table mustard;

· Half a glass of dry white wine;

· 2-3 g of ground pepper;

· Salt to taste;

· Half a glass of low fat cream;

40-50 g of wheat flour;

50 ml of sunflower oil;

· Two heads of onions;

A pinch of dry ginger;

A pinch of ground nutmeg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rabbit carcass and chop into portions. Dry a little with a napkin or towel. The same recipe can be used for goat meat. Pound the pieces of meat with table mustard and leave for half an hour for marinating.

2. Peel and wash the onion heads in water. Cut into half rings.

3. Heat a high stewpan or ducklings over high heat. Pour in the liquid oil and lay out the rabbit pieces. Fry so that a crispy color appears on the entire surface of the meat.

4. Reduce the heat to a minimum. Sprinkle the meat with flour and mix. Pour white wine. Cover with chopped onions. Close the lid and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes.

5. Cream with salt and pepper. Add ginger and nutmeg. If desired, add to the sauce to taste a mixture of aromatic herbs. Pour into the saucepan and close the lid again.

6. Stew the dish for another half hour. Stir pieces of meat occasionally.

7. Put the prepared meat on a plate next to the side dish. Pour the stew remaining in the sauce. Serve hot with your favorite side dish.

Fricassee in creamy turkey liver sauce


A pound of turkey liver;

1 tsp dry garlic;

3 tsp dry onions or a fresh head;

150 ml of 20% cream;

· 2 tbsp. l wheat flour;

· Salt to taste;

10 g butter;

10 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Flush turkey liver. Dry a little. Cut each piece into two halves. Make incisions obliquely.

2. Put flour on a plate and parry the whole liver. Try to make the breading cover the entire surface of the pieces.

3. In a saucepan, mix the butter and sunflower oil. Heat and quickly fry pieces of the liver on it. Now the main thing for the dish is a golden crust.

4. Reduce heat and add dry onion seasonings to the stewpan. You can use fresh vegetables, then cut them into small cubes. Shuffle.

5. Pour the cream into a bowl. Enter the flour diluted with water and salt.

6. Combine the cream dressing with the liver. Close the stewpan with a lid and simmer after boiling for about 10-15 minutes.

Fricassee in Cream Sauce - Tips and Tricks

· It is better to take tender young meat for cooking fricassee.

· You can marinate meat for cooking fricassee according to your own taste.

· To pre-fry the meat well, it is better to send it to the pan in parts. Otherwise, it will immediately begin to stew.

· Cream for sauce is best taken with a fat content of at least 20%.

· To make the meat in the dish softer, add a teaspoon of table mustard in a creamy sauce. Tomato paste is also suitable.

· For a more effective taste and to soften the meat, you can add dry white wine to the sauce.


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