How to cook ryazhenka at home. Ryazhenka at home - how to cook main dishes, desserts and pastries with her


An old fermented milk product, fermented baked milk, at home is significantly different from the one sold in stores. More delicate creaminess on the palate, a pleasant sourness sends associations to natural rustic products, and the consistency can vary from a drinkable product to a very thick treat that is eaten with a spoon.

Ryazhenka at home - general principles of preparation

For the preparation of fermented baked milk, choose fatter milk, ideally from 3.2%. Fat and only natural should be sour cream, playing the role of leaven. Fermented baked milk at home can also be made from milk and fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yogurt or factory special sourdough. Any preparation of ryazhenka begins with the conversion of fresh milk into baked milk. Ceramic dishes are best for this purpose, but in the absence of such, any suitable for cooking in the oven will do. After adding sour cream to the baked milk, it is fermented in heat for 6-12 hours, then the fermented baked milk is kept in the refrigerator, where it becomes even tastier and thicker.

Oryazhenka at home in the oven


· 2 liters of milk;

50-220 g of sour cream.


· Pouring milk into a ceramic pot, place it in the oven without covering and set the oven to heat up to about 160 degrees;

· Take care that the milk does not run away, for which it is reasonable to fill the dishes not to the top;

· When a milky brown crust forms on the milk, open the oven and knock it with a spatula, lower it into a pot. On average, it takes 3-6 hours for milk to languish and during this time the crust will have time to form more than once, and again it needs to be lowered down with a spatula;

· Remove the baked milk from the oven and cool to 40-50 degrees;

· Remove the crusts from it, fold it on a saucer;

· Add sour cream to milk, mix thoroughly, dissolving it;

· Gently transfer the crusts to milk;

· Covering the dishes with a lid, wrap it with a kitchen towel and set to ferment, it is better in warmth, for example, near a stove or battery;

· The waiting time for the ryazhenka will be 8-12 hours, and its readiness can be checked by tilting the dishes - the ryazhenka should be separated from the walls;

· Put the finished fermented baked milk for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, which will stop the fermentation process that no longer needs to be continued, and significantly improve its taste.

Ryazhenka at home in a slow cooker


· 2 liters of milk;

50-220 g of sour cream.


· Pour milk into the bowl of the multicooker and first do not cover, but make sure that it does not froth high, running away;

· When the milk has reached a boil, lower the temperature, close the bowl and select the "Stew" mode for 6 hours. Unlike languishing in the oven, when cooked in a multiquark, a crust does not form on milk;

· Cool the milk to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, add sour cream to it and mix it well;

· Cover the bowl with a lid and select the appropriate mode - “Yogurt” for 4-6 hours, or “Preheat” for 30 minutes. In the second case, after half an hour, fermented baked milk is simply left to infuse in the bowl for 6-10 hours;

· The finished fermented baked milk should easily move away from the walls of the bowl, when it is tilted;

· If it seems that fermented baked milk is not thick enough, you should repeat the "Heating" mode;

· To complete the preparation, it remains only to place the ryazhenka in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Baked ryazhenka cream with chocolate and peaches


· 1 liter of ryazhenka;

4-8 Art. tablespoons of sugar;

· 2 eggs;

· 2 teaspoons of cornmeal (can be replaced with potato starch);

· A bar of milk chocolate;

· 175 g canned peaches in syrup;

Butter for greasing molds;

Butter rusks


· The creation of this dessert requires preliminary preparation of ryazhenka. Put it for 10-12 hours in the freezer to freeze well, like ice cream;

· Next, place a colander over a saucepan or deep bowl and line it with several layers of clean gauze;

· Transfer the fermented baked milk to the colander, put the lid on it and put it in the refrigerator to defrost;

· About a day, the fermented baked milk thaws, excess liquid drains from it and only its thick, cream-like part remains in the colander;

· Beat eggs with sugar, but do not need to turn everything into an air cream;

· Combine eggs with ryazhenka, add flour, stir;

Grease portioned baking tins with butter, sprinkle with crushed crackers and put peaches on their bottom;

· Put finely chopped chocolate on peaches;

· Put the cream in the molds and place them on a baking sheet with high sides, filled with water;

· Bake the cream in the oven, for half an hour, at 150-160 degrees;

· Cool the finished cream in the refrigerator, and before serving, dip each mold in hot water for 10 seconds, then quickly turn it upside down, shake it on a plate and serve.

Ryazhenka pie with nuts and dried fruits


500 ml ml of ryazhenka;

· 4 eggs;

200-250 ml of sunflower oil;

500-600 g of wheat flour;

· 4 teaspoons of baking powder;

300-400 g of sugar;

75 g dried apricots;

75 g of prunes;

55 g of yellow raisins

50 g peeled hazelnuts;

Butter for form lubrication;

· 3 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar.


· Dry dried fruits with boiling water, then dry, finely chop the prunes and dried apricots;

Chop chop hazelnuts with a knife or chop nuts in a blender bowl;

· Break the eggs into a bowl, pour sugar in them and beat the mass until splendid;

· Add a little vegetable and fermented baked milk in a bowl, stir;

· Add baking powder to flour, sift it twice;

· Introduce flour in small portions to the rest of the ingredients, stirring gradually, without leaving lumps;

· Add nuts and dried fruits to the dough, stir;

· Spread the bottom and sides of the baking dish with butter and fill it with dough;

· Put the cake for 45-50 minutes in the oven, preheated to 190-200 degrees;

· When it is ready - let cool and serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pancake pancakes


750 ml of liquid fermented baked milk;

· 3 eggs;

4-5 Art. tablespoons of vegetable oil;

· 225 g of wheat flour;

· 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;

A pinch of two salts;

· 0.5 teaspoon of soda.


To make pancakes tender and lacy, instead of granulated sugar, take powdered sugar and sift flour twice. If you want to get thinner pancakes, dilute the dough with water or milk.

· Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt to them and shake with a fork or whisk;

Pour about 400 ml of ryazhenka to the eggs, pour in soda and shake again;

· In small portions add flour to the mixture, stirring well so that there are no lumps left;

· When the flour is over, pour out the remaining ryazhenka, butter, mix well and leave the dishes for a quarter of an hour so that the dough comes up;

· Having greased a well-heated pan with oil, proceed to baking pancakes, which can be served with any sweet additives and fillers.

Potato salad with ryazhenka sauce


For salad:

· 6 medium potatoes;

300 g tomato;

200 g of fresh cucumber;

50 g of fresh spinach;

· 30 g of fresh sorrel;

· 4 eggs.

For the sauce:

250 ml of thick fermented baked milk;

· 4 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce;

· 2 teaspoons of horseradish sauce;

· 3 tbsp. tablespoons chopped greens of dill;

2 cloves of garlic.


· Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into cubes;

· Cut the cucumber into thin circles;

Chop the tomato into small pieces;

· Chop large spinach with sorrel;

· Chop a large egg;

· Mix salad ingredients and arrange in portions in portions;

· To prepare the sauce, combine fermented baked milk, horseradish and soy sauce, add dill and garlic crushed on the press;

· Before serving the salad, pour the sauce on it.

Ryazhenka at home - tips and tricks

· Prepare fermented baked milk not only from the store, but from homemade milk, which, first of all, before turning into baked milk, should be boiled on the stove;

· For the production of ryazhenka milk is suitable not only for cow, but also for goat and sheep;

· If the opportunity presents itself, be sure to cook the ryazhenka in a real Russian oven. Any food from it, including sour-milk drinks, will turn out to be very special, very tasty. Unfortunately, this cannot be repeated, despite all the technologies, in a modern kitchen;

· It’s simple and guaranteed to cook delicious ryazhenka at home in a yogurt maker (manufacturing aspects are disclosed in the user manual);

· Sweet creams are prepared from ryazhenka, used for cakes, profiteroles, Belgian waffles and much more. To prepare the basic version of the cream, the fermented baked milk is frozen, then thawed, letting the liquid drain, and the remaining creamy mass is whipped with butter and powdered sugar;

· Poultry meat and beef, pork, rabbit meat are pickled in ryazhenka. Being a product with sourness, fermented baked milk not only gives the meat a delicate creamy aftertaste, but also makes it softer. This variety of marinade is suitable for preparing meat for frying in a pan or grill, for frying, followed by stewing, and baking. Other ingredients are common for pickles - for example, onions, herbs, spices and salt, lemon juice, vegetable oil, mashed tomatoes in their own juice;

· Eat fermented baked milk as you like - chilled, at room temperature or warmed up. If acidity is not pretty - you can add sugar, honey, jam;

· Almost every type of dough can be made on ryazhenka - shortbread, puff, custard, pancakes, fried and baked pies, pizza, bread, cake cakes;

· Smoothies and smoothies are prepared with fermented baked milk, mixing it with other, more liquid drinks - ordinary and melted milk, cream, and whey.


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