What are classmates dreaming of: young or old? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what a classmate dreams of


In a dream, you can meet completely strangers. You can meet those who have not been seen for a long time. What are classmates dreaming of? It’s worth sorting out.

What classmates dream of - basic interpretations

If in a dream you see a classmate that you meet by chance on the street - such a dream holds promise to you a lot of impressive events. You may not even suspect how happy you will be soon, but after such a dream, you should expect only pleasant surprises.

It is also important to consider all the details of sleep before its interpretation:

· Where exactly did the meeting with a classmate take place;

· How long it took;

· Did you communicate?

· Was the meeting pleasant?

A dream in which a classmate has come to your home and asks to devote some time to him - may indicate that soon you will be in the center of attention of a large company. You may have a celebration or a celebration that you decide not to meet yourself, but with classmates. The dream book says that such dreams are almost always harbingers of positive changes in life.

If in a dream you meet a classmate and turn your head away from him - such a dream means that you will hide true feelings from yourself. Your past was not always joyful and serene. Most likely you have a difficult experience in the past. Complicated experience in relationships and communication. And you do not have the opportunity to live happily on, you are constantly plunging into the past, constantly looking for some compromises, but still return to the past.

If you meet on the street with a classmate, and joyfully communicate with him - that means you are not running from the past - you are ready for it and have completely lived it. Such a dream can also mean that it’s time for you to happily go ahead in life and not pay attention to household chores and problems. The future will be truly joyful and positive for you.

If in a dream you greet a classmate's hand - such a dream means that you will soon make a wonderful friend who will help you in solving many everyday and other problems. Such a dream means that you will be grateful to life for getting acquainted with such a useful person.

If in a dream you kiss a classmate on the cheek - such a dream means that you will get acquainted with a man and you will have tender feelings for him, but they will not be mutual, most likely, a man will simply like you as an interlocutor and as a person.

A dream in which you will talk a lot and talk with your classmate - talks about your need for communication. You lack attention not only from the opposite sex, but also from others. You do not quite understand why these or other events happen in your life. You really want to not only be useful to others in a particular case, you also want them to contact you on their pressing issues.

A dream in which a classmate gives you flowers - indicates that a period of renewal and new opportunities will begin in your life. During this period, you can get a tempting offer from strategic partners, you can become a real specialist in your field. And at work, they will be without hands without you.

Also, such a dream can mean new gifts and surprises from loved ones. These can be either gifts of great value or trinkets. In any case, you decide for yourself what to spend the extra profit that will come to you after such a dream.

If you dream that you are arguing with a classmate in a dream, such a dream means that it’s time for you to put all the points in certain difficult situations. So, if you have long wanted to pay off loans - now is precisely the time to do this. Now is the moment in life when, through a period of stress, you will endure for yourself only a positive and very important experience for you.

Also, such a dream can mean conflicts and misunderstandings in reality. You can swear with colleagues who will demand increased attention from you, even more fulfilling your responsibilities. The dream interpretation advises not to support the conflict and try to distance oneself from it. If you can’t do it, don’t take everything that will happen in your life so close to your heart.

A dream in which you yourself are yelling at a classmate means that you have many complaints against others. You do not give them the opportunity to argue their point of view. Just make complaints and get offended all the time. This situation is not at hand for you. You spoil your reputation this way. The dream book advises to abandon excessive conflict and proceed to a deliberate discussion of the problem.

If a classmate hit you in a dream, such a dream means that in reality you will have conflicts and disagreements with others, but they can reach the point of absurdity and it will be very difficult for you to defend your point and your point of view in the future. Try not to put your interests above human qualities now.

Why do classmates dream of Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that a classmate dreams of being a symbol of relationships with men in the past. Your relationship to your past experience depends on how you interacted with a classmate in a dream.

If you swear with a classmate in a dream - you also swear inside yourself with your past. You do not accept your past relationship experience. You are always looking for some kind of catch in them, some kind of negative. You cannot put up with the state of things that has developed in your life. Dream Interpretation advises not to complicate intimate life.

A dream in which you break up with a classmate and cry bitterly means that you will be very upset because someone will leave your life. It can be either your beloved person or just your acquaintance.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she says goodbye to her classmate - such a dream means that she will overcome her fears and everything will be just wonderful in her life, everything will be smooth and without conflicts. Also, such a dream may mean that nothing threatens her health.

What are classmates dreaming about in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what classmates dream of. Such a dream can mean both the upcoming positive events of life, and a huge amount of domestic negativity, which you will have to face soon.

So, if in a dream you started a fight with a classmate, you will in reality be fiercely defending your rights. You will try to impose your innocence on others and at the same time, you will not listen to their arguments. The dream, in which your classmate is fighting with someone, means that you will witness someone's conflict. This will be your mistake - you yourself will provoke a person into a conflict and will expect a reasonable solution from him.

If you hold a classmate’s hand in a dream and don’t want to leave, such a dream means that soon you will be drowned in memories and they will greatly injure your soul. The dream book advises to release even those memories that give you joy. This is your past that should not become present.

Why classmates dream of other dream books

In a dream book Grishina said that dreams about classmates dream when a person needs help, support and the presence of loved ones in his life. Such dreams do not carry a clear negative, and at the same time they can talk about the dependence on other people's attitude to themselves.

If you meet friends in a restaurant and celebrate something joyfully - such a dream means that you are ready for a change in your life for the better, but you need someone’s good word from the side that would support or condemn you. The dream book says that you are not independent in making important decisions. And this prevents you from realizing yourself.

Aesop’s dream book says that a dream about classmates is a symbol of your memory about your youth, about the times when you knew life. Perhaps you want to return to those old days, but you are unlikely to succeed. Realize your school experience, remember all its pros and cons and live on. Now this will be the right step into the future.

Whatever the dream, you decide how your life goes on. Do not expect anything special from people. Try to be an example yourself, try to be a kind and happy person. Then your life will be much easier and more fun. Dreams will help you find the right path in life.


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