The best varieties of onions. What varieties of onions are considered the best according to the reviews of experienced summer residents: early, mid-season, and late


Onions are an indispensable vegetable for every household. To grow crops in the garden, you must correctly select the varieties. They can be early, medium and late. The selection of a particular variety should be carried out depending on when the owner wants to get a crop.

Early grades

Onions are characterized by a short growing season and rapid ripening. The most popular varieties include:

· Farmer early. The fruits are characterized by a round shape, thin scales and a dense structure. The vegetable is quite large and can be up to 280 grams. The fruits have a yellow shiny flake. After ripening the onion, it turns white. This variety is characterized by long storage.

Ellan. It is an elite early ripe vegetable. Its underground and ground parts are developing quite quickly. Bulbs can have an oblong or round shape. Fruits weigh up to 300 grams and are characterized by a sweet taste. To obtain a good harvest, rare watering is recommended. Onions are stored for 8 months.

Edelweiss. Bulbs are characterized by transverse epileptic forms. The color of the scales is directly affected by the juiciness of the culture. It may be yellow or brown. On average, the weight of one onion is 85 grams. The variety is characterized by high productivity. Foliage is erect or semi-erect and has a rich green color.

Early ripe onion varieties are characterized not only by rapid ripening, but also by a good percentage of shelf life for a long time.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-season varieties include onions, the ripening of which is observed within 110 days after planting. The most often landing in our region is:

· Aleko. This is a single-bud variety, which is characterized by a well-developed terrestrial part. From one set, several bulbs are formed, the mass of which reaches one hundred grams. The fruits have a dense texture and a round shape. They have a dark purple color. This culture is characterized by a low level of resistance to disease. That is why the culture needs proper care.

· Chalcedony. Planting this plant is recommended in the southern regions of our country. After planting the seeds of the crop, you can harvest after 95 days. The average weight of one fruit is 90 grams. The variety is characterized by disease resistance and good shelf life.

· Alvina. The cultivation of this variety is carried out from seeds or seeds. After planting the crop, harvesting is carried out after 110 days. The shape of the bulbs is flattened. Their weight is 85 grams. It is characterized by a pleasant peninsular taste. Onion flakes can have a crimson, red or lilac-pink color. Most often, the variety is used for conservation.

Snowball This plant is characterized by a white color of the scales and fairly large fruits. Rarely enough, bulbs fire arrows. The plant is resistant to pests and diseases.

· Fun. It is a commercial mid-season variety. Has a flat-rounded shape of the fruit, which reach 120 grams. Dry scales have a deep red color. Inside the onion is white and characterized by the presence of a red-violet hue. The fruits are characterized by a semi-sharp taste. Due to the bright color of vegetables, they are widely used for salads. The variety is an annual crop and can be stored for a long time.

· Globe. It is a mid-late variety that reaches within 94 days. The bulb is oval. Dry flakes are characterized by a light brown or brown color. Inside, the scales have a white color and is characterized by the presence of a light green hue. The average weight of the fruit is 85 grams. Vegetables ripen at the same time and can be stored for a long time.

· Markovsky. It is characterized by round-round bulbs, the weight of which reaches 300 grams. After drying the scales, they become yellow. In some cases, the scales have a pink tint. A square meter of planted onion has a yield of 3-4 kilograms. The crop is preserved fully for six months.

· Red Baron. This is a mid-season variety, ripening of which is carried out after 90 days. Fruits are characterized by a flat-rounded shape. Despite the rather small size of the bulbs, this variety is characterized by stable productivity. The average weight of one fruit is 20 grams. In order to get large fruits, it is recommended to carry out the cultivation of crops from seedlings. A distinctive feature of the variety is that it contains ascorbic acid in large quantities. After mowing, a good ripening of the culture is observed. Onion has a semi-sharp taste, therefore it is widely used in cooking.

Mid-ripe varieties are widely grown in our country, which is explained by long-term storage and ease of care.

Late grades

Late onion reaches within 140 days. It is characterized by long storage. Under optimal conditions, the crop can be preserved until spring. The most popular varieties are:

Volsky. It is a late-ripening variety that ripens in 135 days. Cultivation is carried out from seeds. This variety is characterized by oval-rounded fruits, the weight of which reaches 150 grams. Dry scales have a dark sand color. Vegetables are characterized by a semi-acute sweetish taste. The variety can be stored for a sufficiently long time. All fruits ripen at the same time.

Volzhanin. Ripe fruits have an adjacent dry husk. The weight of one fruit reaches 130 grams. Onions have a white, flesh-like taste that has a pronounced speck. Vegetation varieties last 140 days. If appropriate conditions are provided, then the fruits will last for 9 months. If good care and proper watering is provided, then this will ensure high productivity.

· Late farmer. It belongs to the category of late-ripening varieties and is characterized by rather large fruits, weighing 350 grams. Dry scales are characterized by a dark brown color. Onions are resistant to disease and can be stored for a long time.

· Setton. Cultivation of this culture is carried out if there is a need for long-term storage. Bulbs are quite large and have a mass of up to 190 grams. The culture is characterized by a sharp taste and yellowish flesh.

Snowball This is a white onion, the cultivation of which is engaged in a large number of gardeners. It can be stored until late spring. With the help of vegetables, a variety of salads are prepared. Large bulbs are regular in shape.

There are a variety of onion varieties that differ in color, taste and ripening period. This allows the gardener to choose the most suitable version of vegetables for himself.


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