The best books on psychology: how to choose really useful? We read to understand ourselves and understand others


It is not by chance that literature on psychology is so in demand all over the world. With its help, many were able to change their lives. It provides the keys to solving complex psychological problems.

Mental Traps at Work, Mark Goulston

One of the best books on psychology written by a practicing psychiatrist and psychologist. The main idea of ​​the book is the principles of an effective behavioral line at work. She will help to understand the relationship with bosses and colleagues, teach how to cope with a new task and how not to be upset about the demotion. The author analyzes psychological traps in detail and reveals the secrets of how to overcome them. He will teach you to change yourself - without changing yourself. The book will be useful to those who not only want to climb the career ladder, but want to successfully manage their career growth.

The Way to Prosperity, Martin Seligman

This book is a real find, because it provides recipes for well-being. The author provides the reader with step-by-step algorithms on how to accumulate the positive psychological capital that is needed to achieve your goals. The book contains exercises that help to cultivate resilience and fight helplessness. By following these simple exercises you can achieve sustained success. There is no slogan in the book calling for being happy. Martin Seligman pays attention to problems and how to solve them. The book is intended for those who want to broaden their horizons and tune in a positive way.

"Never Eat Alone," Kate Ferrazzi, Tal Rez

This book is by far the best seller that inspires change. According to one of the authors, the mind, talent and origin - not the most important thing in life. Nothing can be done alone. The authors convey to us a true philosophy of life. The philosophy of communication and mutual assistance. The book will be useful to those who really want to expand the range of useful contacts. The reader will find here a lot of new, perhaps controversial, but, nevertheless, very useful.

“Turning on the charm of the special services”, Jack Schafer, Marvin Carlins

The book is very relevant for a modern person living in the era of digital technology, when it is becoming increasingly difficult to make new acquaintances in reality. The authors will introduce the reader to the golden rule of friendship, the main principles of conversation and will provide an opportunity to find out what lies at the heart of a strong long-term relationship. This book is intended for anyone who wants to make new acquaintances or strengthen existing relationships, tune in to a pleasant wave, and be more open towards people. It will be useful for parents who need to establish a relationship with their children.

“Change your thinking and you will change your life,” Brian Tracy

When it comes to the best books on psychology, this is one of the best. She is from the category of books that everyone should read. For many, it will become a reference book. The author gives invaluable advice on how to ensure positive changes in life by changing personal ideas about yourself and your potentials. The book inspires and gives confidence in success, but subject to the work on your thinking. Read carefully and your life will never be the same.

"How to Stop Worrying and Start Living," Dale Breckenridge Carnegie

If you need practical advice on how to make your life happy and calm, then it is better not to find this book. This is one of the most relevant topics in modern society. Often, anxiety prevents people from living in the full sense of the word, prevents them from breathing deeply, makes them hesitate when they need to take a step forward. Many of the author’s thoughts will become guiding stars in life. If fate is testing a person for strength, then reading this bestselling book will help get rid of fears and anxieties, from stress and depression. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

"I read your mind," Glass Lillian

By intonation and non-verbal signals, learning to “read” people as an open book is everyone’s dream. The author gives recommendations on how to learn to analyze the incoming information, and offers exercises on how to develop photographic memory, properly abstract, and conduct breathing techniques. The book contains many examples and is written in an accessible language. It is intended for those who want to learn how to understand people.

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

This book will teach you to recognize emotions and manage them, because emotions guide our thinking, determine our values, help us survive. It provides a unique opportunity to take a fresh look at your life situation and evaluate the difficulties that we have with enviable constancy in building relationships, both with business partners and in personal life. The pricelessness of the book is that the reader will find the answer to the question of how to quickly get out with minimal losses from a stressful or conflict situation. Primarily recommended for intellectuals.

"One habit a week," Brett Blumenthal

The book is written by an expert on a healthy lifestyle. The idea of ​​the author is to achieve one small positive change in your life every week. And so 52 weeks. In her opinion, this is enough to learn how to defend oneself from diseases, increase one’s working capacity, escape stress and feel the fullness and diversity of life. The book is for those who want to achieve a lot and permanently get rid of stress.

To exist for a person outside of society is very difficult. Books on psychology will help the reader to build harmonious relationships with friends and colleagues, advise how to get rid of depression and normalize self-esteem, will be useful in solving a number of personal problems. Such books are a guide to action. By reading them, first of all, you help yourself.


Watch the video: 5 Things to Know Before Taking Psychology Courses (July 2024).