Good sedatives for the nervous system: how to choose a drug. TOP effective sedatives


Psychological stress and stressful situations have a negative effect on a person and his nervous system. You can try to cope on your own, try to calm down, take hot baths. There is an option to choose a good sedative, but you can buy it only after consulting a specialist.


This is an effective soothing medicine, which is recommended for use in the afternoon. This is due to the fact that the drug prepares a person for sleep. At the same time, attacks of drowsiness are not provoked. One bag is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which it is infused for a quarter of an hour. Drink regardless of the meal. It can be consumed before meals, or after.

Such a remedy is indicated for use with problems with sleep, agitation, with a primary degree of hypertension, with some spastic diseases provoked by a reduction in smooth muscles of the internal organs.

It is important before use to stir up the medicine. It is very well tolerated by patients and never causes external reactions. But it should not be taken when bearing a child and lactation.


This drug is related to mild antidepressants, characterized by a tranquilizing effect. It is an effective soothing remedy on herbs. The active component of the drug is the extract of St. John's wort. The effect will be observed only with prolonged use, which is a couple of months.

The remedy differs from the rest in that it can accumulate an antidepressant and anxiolytic effect. There is no pronounced sedation after the first use. That is, the tool will not help to instantly cope with a sense of anxiety. But the drug does an excellent job of creating an even mood background.

The medication is prescribed by doctors with persistent indifference, decreased mood, with easy and moderate current depressive states. After administration, addiction does not appear and there are no third-party reactions. It is forbidden to take when carrying a baby, breastfeeding, children under 12 years old.


This is a highly effective drug that has only natural ingredients in its composition. The medicine acts quickly and effectively. A medication is prescribed for neurasthenia, accompanied by a sense of anxiety, fear, distraction, irritability. Also, the drug is indicated for excessive excitability.

The medicine can be used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. It is rarely used in the treatment of allergic ailments. The effect after application is noticed 30 minutes after administration. It is indispensable for neurosis.

Despite the fact that the drug is very effective, it can provoke some third-party reactions. It can be nausea, dizziness or dyspeptic disorders. Also, a medication can lower attention. It is forbidden to use the drug for children under 12 years of age.


Afobazole is a modern effective sedative drug related to tranquilizers and anxiolytics. It is characterized by anti-anxiety effects, helps to improve mood, and is characterized by light and soft stimulating thinking and memory effects.

In adults, the drug is used to eliminate anxiety disorder, cure a lot of anxiety conditions. Reception promotes normalization of sleep. It has an auxiliary effect in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.

The tool is practically not characterized by third-party effects, which makes it the most effective sedative drug to cure these ailments. Also, the medication is not addictive. But the medication should not be used by children. It is contraindicated in pregnant women and during pregnancy.


The drug is produced in the form of drops, which include only natural components. They have a mild sedative effect. The main active substance is valerian, which has a sedative effect on the nervous system.

Hop cones enhance the effect of valerian, peppermint gives a spicy taste and has an additional effect on nerve cells. Drops are prescribed by doctors in such conditions:

• insomnia;

• irritability;

• increased nervous excitability;

• anxiety;

• constant stress state.

This drug is recommended for adults only. At a time, no more than 30 drops are indicated. Drops are diluted in a glass of liquid and taken orally. The drug is dispensed in the form of an alcohol solution, therefore, it is necessary to take it with caution when driving a car.


Persen is a good calming drug that contains only natural substances. The product is characterized by a sedative effect, helps bring sleep and mood back to normal, and has a mild antispasmodic effect.

Persen is indicated for use in neurosis, which is accompanied by problems with sleep, depression and anxiety. Often used for prophylaxis in various psychosomatic disorders.

The medication is not addictive in patients. It does not cause a decrease in concentration. This means that the tool can be used by patients engaged in activities requiring increased attention. But some may experience hypersensitivity to individual components in the composition of the product.

Peony tincture

The drug is made from the rhizomes of the evading peony. The drug is characterized by a wide range of applications, as it is prescribed from cardiological to skin ailments. It serves as an excellent sedative, which increases vigor, normalizes biological rhythms, normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

Pete 30 drops before a meal. Course duration no more than 15 days. It has a painkiller effect. But there is alcohol in the composition, therefore it is forbidden to use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and drivers.


Watch the video: "Sedatives and Procedures" by Gregory Hollman for OPENPediatrics (June 2024).