Selection of curtains: which color to prefer considering energy? Curtains in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and nursery


Choosing curtains, you need to consider several important points. One of the main ones is color.

A fairly serious choice is the selection of curtains and color schemes for windows. Color is one of the most powerful tools that affects the mental and emotional state of a person. He is able to evoke various feelings: calm, excitement, inspiration, anger and anxiety.

Color selection

To select a color scheme for curtains and windows, various parameters must be taken into account. So if the windows face south, then you need to use shades of red, and if to the north, then any shades of black and blue will do. Also, when choosing curtains, you can focus on the season of the year. For example, if autumn is outside the window, then it is worth choosing curtains of white, gray, or metallic color, and if it is spring, then preference should be given to green.

Red color

Another parameter and, perhaps, the most important, will be the energy of color. So red will be the color of life and happiness, but in excess such a color leads to overexcitation and unreasonable aggression. This color will be perfect for sports halls and game rooms.

Blue curtains

If the curtains are blue, then this personifies energy and spirituality. The blue color calms the soul, relaxes the body, cools the senses and pacifies the emotions of a person. Such curtains are suitable for a bedroom, or a special room for relaxation, and the blue color will be appropriate in the toilet, bathroom or pool.

Green curtains

But the green curtains symbolize nature and health, both physical and emotional. Such a color brings profit and prosperity, harmony in relationships and restoration of mental energy. Green curtains are used in bedrooms and children's rooms.


If you choose curtains of yellow color, the color of the sun, then they will fill the room with laughter and fun, extraordinary energy. Such curtains fuel mental work and creative activity. They are intended for guest rooms of an apartment and a house.

White color

The white color of the curtains symbolizes purity and sincerity, but it should be used only in some details of both the curtains and the interior, since with an excess of color a feeling of anxiety and anxiety appears.

Black color

And finally, the black color in the curtains will symbolize a riddle, inner strength and some secret. It must also be used only in some elements, since completely black curtains will cause a feeling of pain, fear and complete hopelessness.


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