Why can't a woman lose weight after giving birth? The main causes and methods of dealing with excess weight after the birth of a child


When a woman is pregnant - she is beautiful and does not think about extra pounds, but after giving birth she immediately feels fat and dreams of losing weight.

Naturally, during pregnancy, the woman’s weight increases, in addition to the gained kilograms due to the weight of the child, the weight increases due to the uterus, amniotic fluid, increase in the amount of blood, and the woman herself sometimes starts to gain extra kilograms due to active nutrition.

There are those who, in a short time after childbirth, dump everything superfluous and look absolutely the same as before pregnancy, this cannot be envied, but not everyone is lucky. And a larger percentage of women still complain that they can’t get rid of the unfortunate kilograms. Naturally, such a failure has certain reasons and there may be several.

Breastfeeding interferes with losing weight?

At times, breastfeeding interferes with losing weight. The fact is that when mommy breastfeeds her baby, she herself begins to want to eat more and more often, and of course she does, because otherwise she begins to feel exhausted, her mood worsens, her general well-being, etc. You can simply wait until breastfeeding is over and at the same time inexorably gain kilograms, or you can begin to control your diet, making it more useful, abandoning fatty foods, controlling portion sizes. No need to think that starting to eat right can lose milk. This is a myth and a fallacy, but overeating obviously will not lead to anything good. You can eat for two neither during pregnancy nor after it. So the baby will take all the important nutrients he needs from his mother’s milk. You do not need to adhere to an overly strict diet to finally begin to lose weight, just the diet must be drawn up correctly, then no problems will arise.

Food on the Run

The reason that pounds do not go away may be fast food. The newly minted mother becomes catastrophically short of time for absolutely everything, including food. As soon as she sits down at the table to finally have a bite, a child begins to cry in the next room, and the woman, stuffing the contents of the plate into her mouth on the way to the room, tries to eat. In such cases, the feeling of fullness usually does not come, so you want to eat again and again, in addition, it is not even useful for digestion. You need to look for ways that will help to eat normally. You can use the help of loved ones who, during the meal of the mother, can sit with the baby or you can try to use the sling, thanks to which at least the woman’s hands will be free and she will be able to eat normally.

Staying at home

Almost all the women who have just given birth spend most of their time at home in the immediate vicinity of a white friend called a refrigerator, and I constantly want to look into it. In this case, you need to either control yourself, or try not to buy at all those products that can contribute to weight gain.

We’re eating ...

When breastfeeding comes to naught, a woman is not always able to lose weight. The child begins to eat from a spoon, but not always attempts to feed his child are successful. Naturally, babies begin to refuse food and what do many mothers do? They begin to show how to eat by their own example, and then completely eat up all the food for the baby. It is necessary to abandon this habit or, in this case, give up your servings so that there is no overeating.

Cafes and other pleasures of life

For a woman on maternity, going out with friends is a real celebration. Typically, such meetings take place in a cafe and a cup of tea is not limited to. In the process of a fascinating conversation, it is very difficult to control everything that enters the stomach, hence the extra pounds. It’s best not to order too many dishes, and sometimes just take a salad and a cup of tea. In order not to succumb to the temptation, you can generally go to a cafe with only a limited amount of money.
