Do not like mushrooms? Just do not know how to cook them! Mushroom cooking mistakes


Morels, truffles and mushrooms were familiar to people even before our era. It is strange, why so far not everyone knows how to cook mushrooms correctly? This is a special product that requires certain knowledge. But there is nothing complicated and intricate to prepare. It is only important to know some nuances and not make mistakes.

The main question is: cook or not?

There are mushrooms that are eaten raw. The most famous of them are champignons, truffles, oyster mushrooms. All other types require preliminary cooking. The product is heavy, it is not easy to digest, it gives a very strong load on the digestive tract. Therefore, it is necessary to boil, and then cook according to the recipe. Forest mushrooms are boiled without fail. Prolonged boiling removes alkaloids. These are toxic substances that adversely affect health and lead to poisoning.

Mushrooms are boiled in two waters. It is necessary.

During the initial cooking, harmful substances go into the water. It lasts 5-10 minutes. Then the water is changed, mushrooms are boiled for another 30 to 45 minutes.

How much to cook different mushrooms:

  • Champignon and oyster mushrooms are cooked symbolically for 5-10 minutes, oriented to your taste.
  • Chanterelles, boletus. They take a little longer to cook, on average 20 minutes. Large specimens can be boiled for 25 minutes.
  • Russula. Although the name says a lot, in raw form, these mushrooms are better not to eat. Half an hour of cooking they will not interfere.
  • Boletus, porcini mushrooms. Prepare 40-45 minutes in boiling water.
  • Again Boil in at least 40 minutes in the second water, preferably 50-55 minutes until completely cooked.

And only the breasts do not lend themselves to general rules. These mushrooms require soaking. They are kept in cold water for at least an hour, and then boiled and only a quarter of an hour. You can soak the mushrooms all night or all day.

By the way, in ancient times, when cooking in a pot with mushrooms, they threw a head of onion. Allegedly, she showed with her color whether a poisonous specimen was caught. In fact, this method has no scientific explanation.

The nuances of processing and preparation

Regardless of the dish and the type of mushrooms, they require washing, cleaning. And here it is important to know some points. Mushrooms are similar in structure to sponges. They also quickly absorb water, are saturated, this increases their mass and spoils. No need to soak the mushrooms to get rid of contaminants faster. It is wiser to work under running water, use soft brushes and washcloths.

Highlights of preparation:

  • From the cap boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms, they clean the film on the hat. It is tough, even after prolonged cooking it does not become softer.
  • The mushroom is always checked for worms. Sometimes only the legs are affected, this must be taken into account. Wormy parts are thrown away immediately.
  • If the gills of the mushrooms are black, soft, slimy, then they are carefully cut with a knife, trying not to touch the hat.
  • You can cook mushrooms in slices, but it is better to whole, and cut before frying or stewing.

In addition to the ability to absorb water, there are a lot of it in mushrooms. That is why after cooking they decrease in size, lose weight. This must be taken into account during cooking and buying a product.

Legs and hats

The legs are much tougher than the caps, contain other substances, are more difficult to process by the stomach. They are usually cooked more. It is even better to use separately, for example, for soups, toppings in pies, pancakes. From the legs, wonderful mincemeat is obtained, which can be added to potatoes, eggs, mixed with meat, rice, herbs.

If you do not want to spend time and energy on separate cooking, then you can simply cut the legs smaller than the hats, for example, with plates across the fibers. Enough thickness of 2-3 millimeters. Due to its sinewy structure, the pieces will not fall apart during cooking.

Dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are not cooked like fresh counterparts. They need to return to their former softness and freshness, volume. Most often, forest mushrooms are harvested this way. It is almost impossible to meet mushrooms in dry form. Therefore, after soaking the mushrooms need to be boiled. Boil them for at least 35 minutes. Then you can fry, stew, bake.

How to cook dried mushrooms.

  1. Pour cold water. Since the product has lost 80-90% moisture, at least 1.5 liters are used per 100 g.
  2. Leave for at least 3 hours, maximum for 5-6 hours. You don’t need to keep longer, the taste will go into the water.
  3. Put the mushrooms on the stove in the same water, add a little more if necessary. Boil the above time.
  4. Drain into a colander, drain. After that, you can use the mushroom for dishes, broth as a broth.

If the mushrooms are initially dirty, then they need to be soaked for an hour, washed with a brush, change the water, let it swell in a clean liquid. When cooking, it is not changed in order to maintain a rich taste.

Secrets of cooking mushrooms from French culinary specialists

  • When frying, mushrooms are thrown only in oil, which is almost warmed to a boil. This product does not like low temperatures. Otherwise, it begins to absorb fat no worse than water, it becomes tasteless.
  • For soup, sauces and other dishes use only the second mushroom broth. In the first water, harmful substances, the remains of sand, earth, it is dark in color.
  • If you need to beautifully fry boiled mushrooms, then they are lightly sprinkled with flour. You can powder through a strainer.
  • Mushrooms love butter, but add it at the very end. For frying, it is better to use vegetable fats.
  • Mushrooms can be frozen fresh or boiled. If they were cooked after freezing, then you can’t do it again, you should determine the whole amount.

TOP 5 mushroom dishes

  1. Julienne. The famous French dish, which is baked in portioned dishes with cheese. In addition to mushrooms, chicken, milk sauce, onions, mayonnaise, and garlic are often present.
  2. Fried mushrooms. Russian dish. Mushrooms are fried in a pan, often with onions and sour cream.
  3. Mushroom soup. The most popular first mushroom dish. Usually cooked with vegetables. Soup can be ordinary, but now at the peak of popularity cream options with cream and cheese.
  4. Mushrooms with potatoes (roast). This is not the first, but not the second dish. Universal option for dinner and lunch. Sometimes mushrooms are stewed with vegetables and meat or poultry.
  5. Mushroom caviar. Snack and preparation for the winter. More often cooked from mushrooms. Great for sandwiches.


Watch the video: Science: Why You Literally Can't Overcook Mushrooms (July 2024).