Child temperature: how to treat and what to do


Raising the temperature in babies gives parents a lot of anxiety. Unlike an adult who clearly defines his condition, a small child behaves differently with the disease. Complicating the situation is also the fact that the heat in children is not always accompanied by other symptoms, and it is not easy to determine the disease. There may be several reasons for the temperature increase.

Heat + additional symptoms. Stomach upset, vomiting, or signs of a cold — runny nose, cough, and a fever, means the onset of the disease. In this case, you must call the doctor for diagnosis and prescription of immediate treatment. It is much more difficult to understand what happens to a child when there are no obvious additional symptoms and the fever is present.

Congenital heart disease (CHD). Toddlers with congenital heart disease are prone to sudden fever. It is associated with poor thermoregulation. Such children harder to acclimatize, sensitive to changes in ambient temperature, worse tolerate extreme heat. You can help them with the help of hardening, and the smallest and weakest babies will have to be protected from a sharp climate change.

Overheat. Often the external cause is the culprit of parental anxieties. Infants overheat faster than adults, and high temperatures are no less dangerous than hypothermia. In no case can not leave the stroller in the sun unattended for a long time - you need to periodically check whether the cradle is heating up. When signs of overheating, it is necessary to carefully remove the extra layers of clothing from the child, take him to a cooler place. In order to avoid serious consequences, in the hot period you need to make sure that the child receives abundant drinking.

Infection. The baby can not complain and tell what concerns him. If you can not determine the cause of the temperature, carefully examine the surface of his body. Wounds, small suppurations and damage to the skin can trigger the temperature due to the inflammatory processes that occur. The wound is required to process and consult with a specialist, informing about the temperature increase.

Teeth. In some babies, teething is difficult, complicated by severe pain and fever. However, the heat can not be attributed only to "teeth", during this period the child’s immunity weakens and a cold or a viral disease is possible.

Foreign body. In older children, the temperature can be a sign of the presence of a foreign body in the body - little researchers love to study their own holes, using them as storage for the most inappropriate items. Most often beads, peas, berries and cereals fall into the child’s nose and ear canal. If other causes of fever are not confirmed, tell your doctor about your suspicions.

Allergy. This unpleasant disease is bad because it can manifest itself at any time, and those who have not shown any signs of allergy are susceptible to it. One of the symptoms of an allergic reaction is a fever. Confirm the diagnosis will help frequent satellites of allergies - skin rash (urticaria), pollinosis (allergic reaction caused by plant pollen), coughing or sneezing. If an allergen has been detected, eliminate it immediately, and give the child an antihistamine. Such actions will help to immediately reduce the temperature.

Nervous irritability. Some children give this reaction to stressful situations. But, unlike adults, stress in children is treated much more widely and can be caused by fatigue, prolonged crying, separation from the mother, fatigue and even joyful over-stimulation. The problem can be solved by changing the situation for a calm, relaxing, cool bath and sleep.

When is temperature dangerous?

You can not panic if the thermometer mark stopped at 37 - 37.5. If the temperature continues to rise, it is urgent to call an ambulance. High temperatures are dangerous for children with serious problems with the central nervous system and impaired heart and brain activity.

Febrile seizures

In children under 6 years of age, the fever is capable of provoking febrile seizures. That is why temperatures above 38 degrees are considered dangerous. In the event of febrile seizures lasting less than 15 minutes, an antipyretic is sufficient and the drugs used for general treatment continue. If the attack lasted longer, the use of anticonvulsants is necessary.

Important! Children's diseases are dangerous with the swiftness of their development and course. Very rapid deterioration of health can occur in just one day, while the onset of the disease in many babies occurs unnoticed. Therefore, for any alarming symptoms, only a specialist should diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor (June 2024).