Stone Age Diet


The essence of the diet is simple and it is based on the simple conclusion that you do not need to consider calories as your enemies.

Just because we actually lose weight or gain weight depends on our constitution, the presence of predispositions, including hereditary ones.

However, although the diet is called very peculiarly, this does not mean that you have to fry stones or sharpen a spear for hunting. But we will have to urgently forget about the postulates that nutritionists hamper us, you just need to go back, say, a couple of centuries ago mentally and train yourself to eat what our grandparents once ate.

After all, nature, creating the animal world, including us, immediately took care that its children live comfortably and not its fault that we, having succumbed to the temptation of fast foods, have completely forgotten about it. Maybe that's why our ancestors are much healthier than us young.

So, the diet offers three different food options, if desired, you can even combine products with each other. For breakfast, just follow your daily routine so that your breakfast does not turn out to be lunch or dinner. Keep in mind that our grandparents, even working until the seventh sweat, tried to eat in the time allotted by nature.


For breakfast you need to eat real oatmeal seasoning it with cinnamon and finely grated apple. Add yogurt here, only without any flavoring, no fillers. Pure and nonfat yogurt will help speed up the absorption of food and will cause great gratitude from the digestive tract. Required two boiled eggs and a salad of greens.


For lunch, we can afford to bake a chicken in its juice, without any seasonings, maximum a little pepper ordinary. And add a finely chopped vegetable salad, again: no exotic, just a tomato, cucumber or green salad. If you don’t really like it in this form, you can add a little olive oil. On the second we can have cottage cheesemixed with fruits or berries. Third lunch option: just stew mushroomsif possible with a minimum of oil.


For dinner, you can be generous and bake a few slices turkey meat with vegetables, of course, who loves a thick meal. It can be replaced soya seedlings, carrots and a piece of herring. Well, whoever doesn’t want to eat this, he can just eat at night fruit salad.

The benefits of dieting are obvious. Hunger does not torment, products are non-greasy and with a maximum of protein, in fact, as experts usually advise. At the same time, the body receives everything you need, including calories, which do not need to be frantically calculated. But the most important thing is that since the body does not endure any load and is not under stress, you can sit on such a diet for a very long time. But you need to remember one thing: all products must be only fresh.


No frost, no purchased items - all this will deprive us of the main thing and will nullify the whole essence of the diet. Even if you really wanted to eat - you can’t no fast foods, pies, cakes and other poison. It is better to eat some cereal or a salad of vegetables.

Also diet strictly prohibits sugar in any form, there is no place for carbohydrates, which are invariably present in bread, rolls, and loaves.

The Stone Age diet is adjusted so that the weight decreases to a minimum, making the process of losing weight invisible to the body.


Watch the video: Stone Age Body, Space Age Diet - Dr. Ann Childers (July 2024).