Dog attacks - what to do?


Most dogs are cute pets or reliable guards. They are smart and loyal to their masters. But do not forget that this is still an animal prone to instincts, and if the dog did little training or is generally homeless, wild - then a meeting with such an animal can turn into a tragedy. So if there are flocks of wild dogs in the area, then these tips are vital to remember.

If you are "lucky" to stumble upon an aggressive animal that only grinds its teeth but does not attack, then by all means avoid provocation.

Eye contact will anger the dog even more, so it’s better to keep the danger in sight, but not look into the eyes.

You can’t turn away and all the more, turn your back to the beast!

Also forbidden to smile - if for people a smile is a symbol of goodwill and disposition, then for a dog it looks like a grin and exposure of teeth - and therefore, aggression.

No need to scream, wave your arms - It also looks aggressive.

If there is an opportunity to call someone for help, it is better to do it in a quiet calm voice.

You must step back slowly and with your back from the dog, and facing her. It is necessary to suppress the desire to run - this will make the dog chase after the prey, and the person runs much slower.

If possible, you need to throw a jacket, sweater or other voluminous, dense outerwear on the dog. This will give several seconds or even tens of seconds to run away, climb a tree, hide in a building.

Also you can distract the dogthrowing something to the side, it is better not very far, but not too close - so that there is time to run away, but so that the dog has not yet noticed that this is a "trick".

When attacking, you need to protect the neck and try to press the dog to the ground - to limit its movement. With a bite, you don’t need to tear your arm or leg out of your mouth - the dog will still not let go, and tearing soft tissues can be very easy.

It’s all the same avoid shouting, waving your arms strongly and looking into the eyes - It will also make the dog act even more aggressively.

The dog was driven away or ran away, but the bite has already been received.

The first thing you need to do is to clean the wound - wash it with soap and water and treat it with alcohol.

You can call an ambulance or get to the hospital yourself.
If a rabies vaccine has been given, that’s good. If there is no and it is not known whether the animal has a vaccination, then it must be done immediately!

Procrastination can cost a life. Even if the animal looked healthy, you should not neglect going to the hospital.


Watch the video: How to Survive a Dog Attack (June 2024).