The most useful products: zodiac sign


You can evaluate the benefits of products based on vitamins, calories and flavonoids, environmental cleanliness, there are diets based on diseases and blood groups ...

But it is also known that products are perceived unlike the different signs of the zodiac.

And for everyone it is possible to outline the circle of the most wholesome food, the inclusion of which in the daily diet will lead to the flourishing of the sign on the physical, emotional and energy planes.



One of the most striking signs of the zodiac will bring happiness closer and improve health if red and pink fruits appear on the table all the time - cherries, pomegranates, strawberries, radishes, red beans, tomatoes ... And also Aries can use the greenest and crisp vegetables - cucumbers, celery, green beans, asparagus. The sign also positively perceives all soy products, including milk, tofu and meat.



There is nothing surprising in the fact that a serious, firmly standing Taurus is suitable for fruits that are remarkably stored for a year - apples, pumpkins and zucchini, onions of all stripes. It is advisable for the sign to eat more sour milk - cottage cheese and sour cream, kefir and yogurt - this is its "bread", which should be present on the daily menu.



The well-being of Gemini in terms of nutrition is possible only if they do not lack vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, pumpkin seeds ... And coconuts - in any form, this is a kind of edible talisman of this zodiac sign. Astrologers also recommend paying attention to orange fruits - apricots, pineapples, oranges and grapefruits, papaya ... and carrots (not a fruit today, but in ancient Egypt, that's interesting, they thought it was!).



It is interesting that the Moon protects this sign and the fruits are very useful for it in a yellowish palette like it - pears, mangoes, bananas, melons, quinces ... And the Cancer table will not be complete without bread and chocolate, coffee. From what will make Cancer's life better in every sense, it is also worth noting nuts, especially cedar, walnuts and pistachios.


a lion

The element of Fire significantly affects this sign in terms of nutrition - it recommends spices and spices, especially cloves, barberry, turmeric, all peppers, juniper and curry.

Also, vitality will come to Leo through the refined seafood - shrimp, squid and shellfish. But from vegetables, the sign, oddly enough, is suitable for the most ordinary root crops - potatoes, beets, carrots and turnips.



According to astrologers, only this sign can bring such benefits to mushrooms, in particular - ceps, thrills, chanterelles, mushrooms and champignons. But the table of the Virgin will not be complete without other products. For example, without any "filling" from fish - caviar, milk, cod liver - everything is useful. Any fruit turned into dried fruit becomes much more useful for the Virgin. In addition, I will present the sign should always keep in the refrigerator butter and something like lard (or meat with mouth-watering layers of fat) and cane sugar, maple syrup, doshab (boiled condensed fruit juice).



The representative of this sign is recommended to pay attention to persimmons and edible flowers (and this is amazing food, for example, pink jam, zucchini inflorescences in batter). The element Air also gives Libra good grape leaves and berries, ripening completely after the onset of frost - viburnum, mountain ash, blackthorn. In order to stay healthy and happy, Libra just needs to allow only dietary, lean meat to its table - turkey and rabbit are perfect.



Astrologers say that a happy Scorpio is a well-fed Scorpio. And nothing saturates it so well in every sense as red meat, as well as all kinds of cereals - from "pearl" - pearl barley, to rice of all kinds (including black, which is generally from another plant - water citric) and corn. Cauliflower, green peas and eggplant are also very useful for the sign.



This sign can be of particular benefit from various roots - ginger, chicory, the famous "white", and yams are extremely useful to it. Astrologers advise Sagittarius to eat moldy cheese more often and not to neglect herbal, not classic black and green tea. The element of the sign is Fire, and perhaps that is why various cereal semi-finished products such as bread, breakfast cereals are so suitable for its nutrition. In addition, the health of Sagittarius will be stronger than pomegranate, if he pays attention to such fruits as avocado, kiwi and passion fruit.



Uniquely useful foods for him are tapioca balls and glass noodles (made from starch). Although this sounds fantastic, Capricorn should sometimes treat himself to crab sticks and milk condensed with sugar. Representatives of this sign are useful giblets of poultry and gelatin. From the plant world - raspberries, rambutan, dragons fruit, gooseberries, cranberries and cherries, as well as those varieties of apples and pears that, for final ripening, need to be ripened for a while, indoors. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that Capricorn is recommended to consume the most non-fat sour-milk products and be sure to sometimes enjoy the sprouts (for example, wheat, soy).



Probably, this is dictated by the influence of the elements Air and flowers corresponding to the sign, but the most useful products for Aquarius include plums, figs, dark grape varieties, as well as blueberries and blueberries. Hard cheeses with a rich taste and crumbly, light from goat milk fit very harmoniously into the Aquarius menu. Astrologers also recommend that the sign is sometimes treated to pasta made from whole grain, buckwheat, rice flour.



On the table of the representative of this sign should always be fresh greens - spinach, aromatic herbs of the Mediterranean cuisine, salads and chard. The rush of vitality for Pisces also contribute to poultry eggs and milk, cream. But Pisces has a special relationship with honey - they are extremely sensitive to its variety variety.


Watch the video: Eugene Ranks Every Astrological Sign From Best To Worst (June 2024).