Carrot and apple salad - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to prepare a salad of carrots and apples.


Cooking has provided to our attention a variety of vitamin salads, which are able to one degree or another to normalize the level of vitamins in our body. Vitamin deficiencies are especially felt in the spring, when there are still few fresh vegetables and fruits on the shelves, and their reserves in our body are already running out. The first signs of such a deficiency are reflected in the paleness of the skin, when combing hair, you begin to notice that every time more and more hair remains on the comb, etc. To maintain the level of vitamins in the body, it is recommended to eat vitamin salads throughout the winter, of which is a salad of carrots and apples.

These two products are available all winter, so you can cook salads regularly. If you add various additional ingredients to these vitamins and fill them with different dressings and sauces, then you can get new results each time. This is especially important for children, who very soon everything becomes boring. Let's try to work on recipes and pick up some interesting options for your menu.

Recipe 1. Carrot and Apple Salad

Ingredients Required:

- carrot - 3 pcs .;

- apple sweet and sour - 1 pc .;

- raisins - 150 g;

- sour cream - 4 tbsp. and granulated sugar - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

First of all, we need to pour boiling water over the raisins and leave it for 10-15 minutes so that it is well swollen and softened. Time is up, so you need to drain some water, rinse the raisins in clean water and dry it with a towel.

Peel carrots and a big sweet and sour apple. Grate them and combine with raisins. Put it in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and pour sour cream. Mix well, put it in a salad bowl and can be served.

Recipe 2. Carrot and Apple Salad

Ingredients Required:

- carrots - 300 g;

- apple - 300 g;

- lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

- A pinch of salt, a teaspoon of granulated sugar and sour cream - 100 g

Cooking method:

This salad is cooked very simply, and in just a few minutes a delicious vitamin salad will flaunt your table. Peel carrots and apples from the peel and rub them on a coarse grater. Add sugar and mix. You can even shuffle your hands, squeezing their juice a little. Pour lemon juice or lime to the salad, add a pinch of salt and fill it with sour cream. We will lay out such a salad in a salad bowl and try it - tasty, tender and pleasant.

Recipe 3. Carrot and Apple Salad

Ingredients Required:

- carrot - 300 g;

- apples - 100 g;

- radish - 100 g;

- orange juice - 1-2 tablespoons l .;

- icing sugar - 1 tsp;

- Cinnamon and ginger - to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel apples and carrots with a vegetable cutter. Remember that most vitamins are directly under the skin, so try to brush as thin as possible. If you have a young carrot, then it is better not to clean it at all, but just wash it well with a brush and apply it to the salad in this form. So, we carefully rubbed the cleaned ingredients on a grater. Add to them a little cinnamon and grated ginger, powdered sugar and pour orange juice. Mix, leave the salad for 10-15 minutes, and we can immediately begin the meal.

Recipe 4. Carrot and Apple Salad

Ingredients Required:

- apples - 100 g;

- carrots - 200 g;

- bananas - 100 g;

- Oranges - 100 g;

- wheat bran - 2 tablespoons l .;

- nuts - 50 g;

- raisins - 50 g;

- natural liquid honey - 1 tbsp. or a spoon of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Finely peel apples and carrots. Remove the orange zest, peel off the white film, remove the skin from the banana. Raisin pour boiling water and set aside for 10-15 minutes. While our raisins will swell, we rub carrots on a fine grater. Apples, banana and peeled orange cut into cubes. Grind the walnut kernel. Drain the water in which we soaked the raisins and wash it in clean water. On request, raisins can be a little chop, but not necessarily. Now we carefully mix all the ingredients, add honey or powdered sugar to the salad, and wheat bran. Stir again, cover the dishes with a film and leave the salad aside for half an hour. If after this time you notice that you have a rather dry salad (it depends on the level of carrot and apple juiciness), you can add orange juice to the salad.

Recipe 5. Carrot and Apple Salad - Original Cocktail Salad

Ingredients Required:

- apples - 3 pcs .;

- baby carrot - 400 g;

- young celery root - 300 g;

- lime - 0.5 pcs .;

- orange - 1 pc .;

- Cashew - 30 g;

- raisins - 30 g;

- Cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

First we need to properly prepare the ingredients. There are several options here. They can be boiled, baked or used raw. We offer you the following option. We clean fruits and vegetables according to the recipe. Carrots and celery root stew. Apples (2 pieces) are sent to the oven and baked. Pour boiling water over the raisins, chop the cashews without frying it. Clear the orange from the zest and fry it together with the third apple. Squeeze juice from half lime.

When our vegetables and fruits are ready, we will cool them down, puree separately and begin to lay out the plates in the following order:

Put one part of the carrot in one plate, another part of celery, the third - celery with apples and the fourth - celery with apples and carrots.

Now we pour each part with lime juice.

Puree of orange add to all parts except carrots.

Cashews and raisins are added to all parts, except carrots with celery.

In each part, add a little ground cinnamon.

We have prepared the ingredients, and now we can proceed to lay out our cocktail cocktail on kremenkam layers. So, the first layer is celery with apples, nuts and raisins. Then - celery with apple carrot, nuts and raisins. After this there is a thin layer of carrot, and the topmost layer in the bowl will be celery with carrot, that is, on one side the carrot, and on the other celery. It turns out the original look. Decorate each ice-cream bowl with slices of lime, orange and apples.

Such a salad - a cocktail with pleasure is eaten not only by adults, but also by children. Good and good health to you all.

Carrot and apple salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

- A salad of carrots and apples should be prepared just before use for a few minutes. Keep this salad is not recommended in the refrigerator.

- When cleaning the skin from fruits and vegetables, try to remove thin layers. Remember that a lot of useful vitamins are just under the skin.


Watch the video: How to Make Carrot Apple Salad (July 2024).