I want to get it at any cost: love spells and conspiracies


Every person wants to find love and reciprocity. Women seek their happiness, and when they find it, they try to keep it in various ways. At this point, the mind overlaps the feelings and the lover is ready to resort to the most sophisticated techniques to achieve mutual feelings from the vending "victim." In the course begin to go love spells, plots and magical rites.

Mankind has stepped into a new era, but announcements and advertisements about love spells do not cease to be full in the media, public places and the Internet. And judging by the number of people who seek the services of magicians and sorcerers, the occult still remains popular. It is necessary to type in one of the virtual search engines a request: "How to make a love spell?", And the system will give out more than a million links.

According to experienced sorcerers, magic has powerful power and can drastically change a person’s fate. Others say that when making a spell, a person enters into a deal with black forces. Probably, the second statement is valid. After all, the most vile things are used for conspiracies and love spells. People add to the food of "beloved person" cigarette ash, snow, earth from the graves. And at the same time they sincerely believe that it will make him love her.

Confessions of Wizards

Rituals with the use of chicken bones, a drop of blood look not only disgusting, but also somewhat ridiculous, even for the psychics themselves. It is only in a magic session that they claim to be in a conspiracy with otherworldly forces that can help bewitch a man. And when their “work” ends, the magicians turn into ordinary people who often joke about the techniques used in the work.

One sorcerer specializing in love spells, said that he himself was skeptical about the rituals performed. He stressed that people in love, offended or angry, are very vulnerable. They can easily inspire the necessary information, decorating it with an aura of magic. Often, customers come back to him, that remove the spell, because the "bewitched" man they just tired.

For the most part, magicians and psychics are good psychologists who know the subtleties of the human psyche. They understand how to push the client to the desired action, and the magic tricks are “face-to-face”. Some people are so self-sufficient that they begin to notice the effect of magical powers on themselves.

Opinion psychologists

Psychologists also treat love spells with some irony. They explain that many people do not want to solve their own problems in their personal sphere, so they seek the help of unknown forces. But you can't force love to force it. In this way, you can only instill lust.

Love spell and conspiracy is action against moral human values. Sexual addiction, resentment, cruelty and illiteracy push people to take such a step. The first two points are psychological problems that fall within the competence of experienced psychologists.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: Black Magic. National Geographic (June 2024).