Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2016 - favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts


Not so long ago, scientists have found that the biological clock of a person is “wound up” by a little more than 24 hours, and by about 24.5 - 25 hours. What does it mean? Lunar day? Indeed, the influence of the moon is impossible to deny. Depending on this cycle, each of us experienced ups and downs of mood during a full moon, and new hopes and dreams appeared on the new moon.

For women, it is important not only the emotional state, but also their own hairstyle, which can also depend on the location of the moon. After all, silky well-groomed hair can ennoble even the most ordinary person, and this is not only a gift of nature, but painstaking work. Using our horoscope hairstyles, you can be more well-groomed and properly allocate time to stay beautiful in any position of the heavenly body.

Nature wants to start a new moon each time in a new sign, gradually moving through the horoscope in the order of succession. For example, if the previous new moon was in Virgo, the next one will be in Libra. October 2016 is rich in new moons - this month there are two of them at once: the 1st and the 30th. The full moon awaits us on October 16th. According to the lunar calendar, hair between October 1 and 16 will grow faster, then their growth will slow down.

Lunar haircut calendar for October 2016 - favorable days for hair coloring

A worthy alternative to the most famous methods of hair coloring is henna dyeing. This tool can be used to change the color of the hair, and for their recovery. The mask with henna makes hair healthy and shiny, like after a visit to a hair salon.

Henna is dried and ground into powder leaves of Lawsonia. In the East, it is traditionally used to treat dry seborrhea and hair loss, strengthen and accelerate their growth, as well as for coloring. This natural product does not contain any chemical compounds, it nourishes and heals the hair.

Little red secrets

Before applying the hair henna diluted with boiling water, you can add burdock oil or jojoba oil into it. Thus, a double effect will be achieved: thanks to oil, the coloring will occur more evenly, and the hair roots will also have a strengthening effect. Smoothness and silkiness will help to give henna, diluted not with boiling water, but well-heated milk whey.

Dye your hair between the new moon and the full moon to keep the color bright longer. In October 2016 it is from the 1st to the 16th. Favorable days are also in Leo (23,24) and Virgo (25,26,27).

Lunar haircut calendar for October 2016: favorable days for curling hair

The easiest way to be beautiful is to be born with such beautiful and curly hair. However, this is an ideal option, which pleased not every girl. Therefore, the rest of us who are not so lucky, are forced to use all sorts of wisdom and curl hair to achieve the desired result. For example, perm. In October 2016, the auspicious days will be Leo (23.24), Capricorn (8.9.10), Taurus (17.18), Virgo (October 25.26.27).

Question: When do I need to wash my hair before a perm?

Before the procedure you need to wash the hair with shampoo, but do not massage the scalp. Hair flakes will open slightly, and the chemical composition will penetrate better. Then, after applying the chemical agent to the bobbins, it is washed off only with running water. At the end means is applied to restore the structure of the hair.

Lunar haircut calendar for October 2016 - favorable days for haircuts

In October 2016, cut the hair in Virgo (25,26,27), Libra (1,2,28,29) and Gemini (19,20), and to grow hair faster, cut it on the growing Moon - from 2 to 15 number.

Want to look younger? Cut the bangs off. This simple method will help to visually narrow wide cheekbones, soften facial features, give the image of romance. In addition, bangs will emphasize the makeup, where the emphasis is on the eyes.

Long and straight bangs are now recognized as fashionable, however, many girls opted for asymmetrical ones. Such an attractive and playful bangs on the side skillfully hides the flaws of the face. Bangs - an interesting element of hair, giving charm, youth and good mood.

Lunar haircut calendar for October 2016 - unfavorable days for haircuts

Save your hair and do not go to the hairdressers on the days of the full moon and the new moon - October 1, 16 and 30 - this is the worst time. But if you cut and dye your hair these days is not recommended, you can beautifully put and fix the hair well.

Hair styling secrets

What only is not produced by the industry for fixing hair. But you need to understand when it is better to use lacquer, and for whom it is more useful to fix the haircut with mousse. For thin hair it is better to take the foam - it will give volume and will not stick together strands. Spray is better to use for those who suffer from excessive oily hair, he will be able to keep even the most complex hairstyles. Thick hair is fixed with wax containing mineral and vegetable fats.

Lunar haircut calendar for October 2016 - conclusion

Beautiful hairstyle - fluffy hairstyle. In order to give the hair pomp, our grandmothers tormented their hairs with hairs and “fed” them with sugar water. Modern cosmetic lines can make fluffy the most straight and thin hair, flying around "straw".

Hard hair for this pre-rinsed with a special tool to soften the hair. The main enemy of volume is moisture. It is to protect the hair from moisture need a thin film, which gives both the hair stiffness. As a rule, it contains proteins and vitamins of group B.

Tip: How to make hair splendid at home?

To do this, you can rinse them with beer. Hair will become more elastic, the form will remain stable, will last for a long time.

Half of the success in creating beauty lies in the use of the right cosmetics for hair, the second half is in the right choice of time for the hairstyle. With our lunar calendar you will always be beautiful!


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