10 divorce myths


Divorces in the modern world are commonplace. And, nevertheless, many relate to the breakup of a marriage very painfully, bear memories and a grudge about a failed relationship in later life. How many stupid myths about divorce live in the head of ordinary women! How much they interfere with a happy life, creating illusory obstacles to building harmonious relationships with a new life partner. Let's look at the ten most popular misconceptions about divorce, widely found in modern society.

1. Marriages after a divorce are more stable.

It is believed that those who have already known the bitter experience of marriage will not make stupid mistakes, so people going down the aisle for the second, third, n-th time enjoying a stronger relationship. Such a thought rarely turns out to be true, a person intuitively searches for a chosen one who resembles a previous partner, therefore all negative traits of character are usually repeated in a new partner. We must not seek a replacement for the previous spouse, and get rid of the type.

2. Marriage is beneficial from loneliness

It often happens that marriage is necessary only to get rid of the feeling of loneliness. Of course, it is very important for a person to feel loved and needed, but getting married out of desperation will not lead to anything good.

3. Civil marriage before formalizing the relationship is useful for spouses.

Such a myth is often cherished by many women and some men, believing that having lived together for a while beforehand, you can count on a strong family in the future. But, as a rule, this path rarely leads to formalizing the relationship.

4. A wife is always financially dependent on her husband.

Such a conclusion is fundamentally wrong. In recent years, a trend is increasingly growing when women earn more than men. Living alone, a woman is able to live with a modest salary, and after marriage, most of the capital is literally eaten. Therefore, the size of wages is not an indicator of dependence, except in the case of, perhaps, with housewives.

5. Having a baby can save a marriage

This myth has been stubbornly living for many years, and because of the blind faith in it, many children born were left without fathers. If the marriage is cracked, the birth of a child will not bring anything good to any of its members, especially the baby.

6. Actively clarifying relationships will inevitably lead to a break.

If scandals arise constantly and are reduced to dissatisfaction of the spouses with each other, then the probability of a divorce is great. Often, however, clarification of the circumstances is simply necessary for couples to relieve the tension and not to hide insults.

7. Do not save marriage for children

Except in rare cases, when one spouse is able to cause physical or moral harm to a child, the preservation of marriage always has a positive effect on the psyche of children. Having a full-fledged family is especially important for children who do not always understand the reasons for the separation of parents and are extremely negative about this process.

8. Most often, the husband leaves the family

Emancipation reached before and before marriage, so many wives, starting to experience from family relationships, without fear of anything, leave her husband. Often, material viability becomes an incentive for such actions. Sometimes wives leave their husbands, leaving them in the care of children.

9. For a strong relationship is to marry in adulthood.

Naturally, experience comes with age, but in a relationship it’s not so much an experience that is important as love and human qualities, character traits. More mature people hardly adapt to their partners, therefore their relations proceed with big problems in the “rubbing up” stage.

10. Most divorces occur in the first three years of family life.

This statistic has no basis. The first years are very difficult for spouses, but most often divorced people who have lived together for more than 5 years. The reason is that after years the fuse for attempts to preserve the family has already disappeared, and it becomes clear that the relationship is coming to an end. According to reports, couples who have lived together for less than a year, as well as those who have been married for over 20 years, are least likely to be divorced.


Watch the video: Top 5 Myths about Marriage Everyone Believes (July 2024).