Olga Buzova shared the secrets of a successful business


Recently, TV presenter Olga Buzova and her sister Anna opened another jewelry store in Sochi. And in general, throughout Russia there is a whole network of fashion boutiques, which Olga opened along with the C & C brand.

TV presenter decided to share the basic principles of creating a successful business.

First, according to Buzova, it is prudent to build on your own hobby when creating your own business: to bring to the professional level what you really like. Olga cites herself as an example: she always liked the fashion industry, so she chose her as her business.

The second is not to ignore your own inner voice, which usually prompts the right actions.

The third one is to advertise one's own example: to come to a secular party in clothes or jewelry of one’s own brand.

Fourth - pedantic control over the business. No need to take the manager first. Initially, you need to put your brainchild on its feet, and then invite managers.

Fifth, helpers should be from among friends and relatives.

The sixth is a permanent financial investment in business expansion.


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