How to read a plot to sell things?


Commercial success accompanies not everyone, and not all people are naturally endowed with the talent of the seller. However, often in life there is a need to sell something. In the practice of white magic, there are conspiracies, rites and prayers that contribute to a successful sale.

But for the sale of what things can you read the plots? How to prepare for a magical act? Can I read a plot to sell living things?
The answers to each of these questions are presented in this article.

For sale of what things can you read plots?

In fact, you can read a conspiracy for sale in relation to any thing, if:

  • It does not have a magical seal that prohibits a paid transfer of this object to someone;
  • A thing is not cursed by a stronger black magician;
  • Other owners of the property being sold do not oppose its sale;
  • The object is not a clan or a passing gift of hereditary sorcerers.

Preparing for the upcoming sacrament is necessary both physically and psychologically. Practitioners ’witches and adherents of white trade magic recommend:

  • Apply visualization technique. The sorcerer should get comfortable and imagine a good deal, its favorable consequences. The more detailed the successful sale of the caster is, the higher the likelihood of a quality conspiracy;
  • Attend church, pray there daily for a week;
  • During the 7 days preceding the rite, stick to a vegan diet;
  • Often be in nature. Especially recommended walks in the forest.

The ritual of reading the conspiracy to sell things should take place in a closed space with good energy. For this purpose, the personal room of the caster is suitable, if in the near future there were no impressive bursts of negative energy (for example, scandals, family quarrels, etc.). The room should be poorly lit and well ventilated. Immediately before reading the plot, a general cleaning should be carried out, outdated and broken things should be carried out - they often absorb negative things.


Sale of real estate is a difficult and responsible process. However, in no case should not panic and tune in to the worst. The plot for a quick sale of the apartment is read in a state of high spirits and confidence in the successful conduct of the upcoming transaction. To perform the ritual, the owner of the apartment being sold must wait for the phase of the waning moon. After sunset you can start the sacrament:

  • First, salt, sugar and rice are put in a glass in equal proportions;
  • The contents of the container are mixed counterclockwise for three minutes;
  • A safety pin not used before is inserted into the center of the glass. In this case, the caster reads the plot: "To good people - an apartment for happiness, to me, God's Slave [name] - [the amount of money the seller is counting on] for needs. I will sell the apartment, receive money, put a candle for the health of kind people. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.";
  • The pin is pulled out of the glass and placed under the threshold of the apartment.

After a successful sale, the caster must go to the nearest temple and put candles for the health of apartment buyers.

A machine

Experienced commercial magicians recommend reading a plot for a quick sale of a car from a distance. The ritual is performed as follows:

  • The exorcist goes to church, gathers there a small amount of holy water;
  • On the way from the temple you need to buy salt;
  • Upon arrival home, the caster pours a small amount of salt on his left palm, pours a few drops of holy water on top;
  • Hand with salt must be clenched into a fist, saying: "As nothing can live without holy water, so the buyer needs a new car. Come, look - I will give you bread and salt. I will come the second time - pay with generous coins. So be it, Amen!";
  • Upon arrival, buyers should treat them to a dish with the addition of a conspired pinch of salt.

However, not all people tend to eat from strangers. Therefore, we propose to get acquainted with at least a strong conspiracy for a quick and profitable sale of the vehicle. Before selling it is necessary to wash the car with holy water, saying:

"Holy water, key water - dirt washes away, attracts buyers. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."

This plot contributes to the sale of the car as soon as possible.


In the case of the sale of furniture, should be a plot to sell things to read at home, without leaving the room in which the property. To carry out the strongest ritual for success in such a trade will need 3 new broom and water. The plot is read off when the moon wanes.

With the help of each of the three brooms, it is necessary to clean the room, occasionally fanning the furniture being sold in a clockwise direction. The plot should be repeated until the end of the harvest. The spell text is as follows:

"Dirt and rubbish from the hut, sweeping out,
Furniture freshen up,
Buyers begging.
The furniture is beautiful,
Furniture worthy
Buyer - happiness
Seller - money "

This strong plot to sell things should be read in a low voice, but clearly and confidently, in a kind and unconstrained voice. If you raise your voice too much, you can scare off buyers at the energy level.

Plot for the sale of animals: how to read?

Despite the fact that, under human laws, animals are subject to the right of ownership, they cannot be equated to things. These are living creatures with their feelings and biofield. Therefore, the sale of the animal should be approached with extreme caution, tenderness and love. The more love and warmth the seller puts into the plot to sell the animal, the more successful the transaction will be.

The rite for the sale of animals depends on what kind of living creature the seller puts up for sale:

  • Puppies or kittens. A red thread rushes over the animals to be sold. The caster then reads the text: "Puppy / My nice kitten, do not be sad, do not be sad, go from good hands to good hands. I don’t give you, but I give to good hands. The owner will receive a cute animal, and I will be a coin." The spell will work in the next week, after which all the kids will be sold out. Plots on the successful sale of cats and dogs are read with the waning moon;
  • Pigs, lambs, kids, or calves. Plots are read on the growing moon. Before animals place a container with water and speak it: "The moon is born, my word is strengthened. God has a flock - without counting, without a number. As there is a lot of sheep in God’s flocks, my buyer will come to the farm. My woolly buyer will pay me so much wool, for God under God we walk, do not know evils, Amen. " Animals are sprinkled with water conspiracy, the remnants of them can be drunk;
  • Bird. Special ritual is not required, the lunar phase is not important. Before the sale is read the following plot: "The will is given to the bird by God, but I have no will to it. There is a buyer — the heart is clean, good hands. The bird will find the owner, and I am the earnings." The spell is valid the next day.

It is important to considerthat when reading any conspiracy to sell an animal, it is necessary to clearly understand how a living creature passes to another owner. In this case, even in the thoughts of the exorcist, the animal should not suffer. To accompany the animal for sale is also necessary with love and affection.


Watch the video: How to Buy Plot in India - Documents and Process (June 2024).