5 years of married life: the crisis crept unnoticed


Sooner or later, but almost every family is faced with the fact that a certain tension arises in relations between spouses, sometimes leading to a divorce.

There is a certain pattern associated with years of living together. The crisis usually arises both in a year, and after 3, 5, 7, 13, 25 years. Each time new specific factors appear, although there are some general patterns.

The first signs of a family crisis

Their appearance suggests that there are all signs of the upcoming crisis. That is why it is important to know about them as much as possible.

- Constantly there are conflicts, the reason for which can serve as any little thing. Moreover, each of the parties absolutely does not pay attention to each other's arguments, but tries to express their opinion.

- Aggressive behavior is becoming more characteristic and even comes to the assault.

- Intimacy occurs less or less altogether.

- The addiction affects the behavior of the spouses. They cease to monitor their appearance and behavior, especially at home.

- Everyone goes into their cares, especially after the birth of children, and less and less often manage to make joint decisions.

- Workaholism also does not contribute to the rapprochement of the family.

Of course, each crisis year has its own characteristics; they also concern a five-year residence.

Crucial moment

After five years, there comes a moment that will allow either to improve relations or only aggravate the already tense relations. Then the next crisis or divorce is just around the corner.

- Very often, by this time a child is born in the family and is growing up. This joyful event often affects the deterioration of the financial situation and leads to the permanent resolution of various problems. For example, you need to arrange your child in kindergarten.

- Usually, many efforts to take care of the baby and the house more fall on his wife, and this affects distance and some dissatisfaction with himself or her spouse.

- The husband spends more and more time at work and other interests and hobbies appear. Although right now it is necessary to pay more attention to the household chores and their loved ones.

- The daily routine is increasingly sucking in and the usual fatigue from work and constant troubles, which seem to have no end, begin to be felt.

Right now it is important to change the situation, to try to do everything so that a sufficiently young family could not only survive, but also live in complete harmony for many years.

Ways to overcome the crisis of family relations 5 years

Is it possible to quickly overcome the crisis that arose in the fifth year of marriage? Many psychologists and scientists believe that this is quite realistic.

- The most important thing to do is to start communicating and talking with each other again. At the same time, it is necessary not only to listen, but also to find common interests.

- It is important to learn to forgive, and not sulk over trifles for several days in a row. It is better to immediately ask for time in order to calm down.

- Care for the child should be evenly distributed among themselves. If possible, you can hire a nanny or ask your grandmother to sit with her grandson or granddaughter.

- In his spare time, you can go to the movies together or swim in the pool. Ballroom dancing can also bring a new attitude to the relationship.

- Nothing bad will happen if the spouses spend a vacation with their friends, having gone to the sea or fishing. Everyone should have their own personal space. One can read a favorite book, and the other to play any game on the computer.

Of course, some prefer to seek help from a psychologist. It is only important to remember that in the first place everything will depend on itself. We must learn to listen to your partner more and make compromises.

Any relationship crisis is not a sentence. It is important to overcome it faster, then family life will again shine with bright edges and will move to a new level. It is important to get rid of the negative and draw all the necessary conclusions for yourself in order to try to avoid a repetition of such a situation.


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