Vegetable soup with dumplings - satisfying and healthy!


Soup with dumplings is a long-forgotten recipe against the background of modern first courses: borscht, pickles, etc., but it is not inferior to them in taste, and even saves in terms of economy, because it consists of the most common products that everyone has at home and they will not even need to be additionally purchased!

Dumplings can be cooked literally in each soup, but it is better not to overload complex first courses with them, but add them to vegetable soups and meat broths, where they will best reveal their mouth-watering taste. And so that the dumplings do not turn out to be fresh - add salt and spices to them!

To prepare 4 servings of soup with dumplings, you will need:

- 1/2 head of cabbage;

- 1 chicken egg;

- 4 potatoes;

- 1 onion;

- 1 bunch of spinach;

- 1 tbsp. wheat flour;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 0.5 tsp. seasonings;

- 2-3 bay leaves for fragrance;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil.

To make your vegetable soup nourishing and appetizing, pre-fry the onion in vegetable oil. To do this, clean the onion head from the husk and rinse it in water, and then chop into cubes. In a skillet or pan with a non-stick bottom, heat the vegetable oil and add the onion to it. Pass to softness for 3-5 minutes, depending on the size of the cut.

Peel the potato tubers and rinse in water. Cut into large cubes and add to the fried onions. Let the crust on potato cubes grab for 2 minutes during roasting, and then pour in hot water. The amount of water depends on your taste, pouring a larger amount - get a thin soup, less - more thick. However, do not forget that there will be more dumplings in your first course - they will take up half a saucepan or pan.

Then chop a half of the cabbage head and add it to the boiling water.

Do the same with spinach. Wash a bunch of spinach cut into strips, throwing tails, and place in a saucepan.

Beat the egg with a whisk, salt it and add the seasonings you have chosen. Add wheat flour and knead the dough like a pancake. It should be thickish, but not cool.

Reduce the heat on the stove to the minimum and, using a teaspoon, spread the dough into boiling soup in portions, making sure that you do not touch one another. The fire must be reduced, since boiling liquid will not allow the dough to grab outside and divide it into parts, and you will end up with a film of dough on the surface of the soup.

Laying out all the dough in this way, salt the soup and add a few bay leaves. Cover and simmer for about 2 minutes. During this time, the dumplings will grow about twice in size.

Pour the soup into deep plates and serve with mayonnaise or sour cream, do not forget to sprinkle with chopped green onions. Enjoy your meal!

Since you have already seen that cooking dumplings is not a difficult and expeditious matter, you should also consider the actual cost of the cooked first course!

For 4 servings you spent:

- 1/2 cabbage - 8 rubles;

- 1 chicken egg - 3 rubles;

- 4 potatoes - 8 rub .;

- 1 onion - 2 rubles .;

- 1 bunch of spinach - 10 rubles;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil -5 rubles.

Total: the cost of a whole capacity of an appetizing soup with dumplings is 36 rubles. And 1 portion of the first will cost only 9 rubles and you will not need to buy bakery products for it, because dumplings are already present in the hot vegetable broth! You see how you can feed your family sparingly and tasty - cook with us, and we will tell you about budget meals for holidays and weekdays!


Watch the video: BHealthy: Southern Chicken and Dumpling Soup (July 2024).