Masks of black dots - clean the skin at home


Velvet, fresh and radiant skin is not only the dream of every girl, but also a mirror of health.

However, not everyone can boast of perfect skin. Even in the absence of inflammation, a generous scattering of black spots on the nose, forehead and chin, often spoil the mood.

Comedones (black dots) - faced almost everyone, regardless of age. And the lack of proper facial care, improperly made cleaning often leads to serious cosmetic problems and to the penetration of infection. That is why it is important to know how to properly clean and deal with such imperfections at home.

Basic rules of care:

• every day, morning and evening, wash off cosmetics and impurities from your face;

• Replace fatty cream with a lighter or gel;

• weekly (2 times) perform additional cleaning of the face - scrubbing and cleansing masks;

• Revise your daily menu: fatty foods, alcohol and coffee provoke black spots. Drink more water.

Black Point Mask with Activated Carbon

Coal is a natural adsorbent with a large absorbent surface, so after using this mask-film, comedones will quickly disappear from your face.

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in 1 tablespoon of pure water or nonfat milk. Heat on a steam bath, stirring continuously until gelatin is completely dissolved. Just do not bring to a boil, otherwise the beneficial qualities of gelatin (collagen) are destroyed. Take 1-2 tablets of activated carbon, crush it well, and add to the mixture, mix. Wait until it cools down and apply on the face with a sufficiently thick layer. After 15 minutes you can flush.

Protein mask from black dots

The protein has a light and airy consistency, and can penetrate the depth of the skin, renewing the work of the cells. Protein-based masks have an instant effect - you will enjoy the wonderful effect after the first cleansing event.

Option 1

This mask is the best substitute for expensive stripes that clean the pores. She perfectly copes with greasy traffic jams - all slags will remain on a napkin! The complexion will become more even, redness will disappear, and the skin will become much softer.

Take a small egg, separate the white from the yolk and whisk the whites of the whites and the yolk separately in different bowls. Lubricate with a thin layer of white face protein, glue the napkin on top of the entire contour. On top of the mask of napkins can be covered with another thin layer of protein. Wait until the mask is completely dry (about 20-30 minutes). While drying, you will feel the skin tightening. After a sharp movement, remove the mask. Wash and apply egg yolk to soften and moisturize. After 10 minutes, you can wash and enjoy the result, because the skin will be clean and velvety.

Option 2

Take an egg, separate the white and whip it well (the yolk in this mask is not used), add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and aloe, mix. Smear the face first with half of the resulting mask, wait until it dries (about 10 minutes) and apply the rest. After the mixture is completely dry (10 - 15 minutes), wash with warm water. This protein mask has a cleansing effect, but also whitens and prevents the formation of inflammation (due to the juice of lemon and aloe).

Mask of black dots with soda

Soda perfectly bleaches, exfoliates and has an antibacterial effect. It can also stimulate blood circulation and normalize the acid balance in the skin. However, if your skin is too tender and irritable, there are rashes, then refuse soda masks. Choose a more gentle purification option.

Option 1

You will need: soda, fine salt, gel for washing (liquid soap) - 1 teaspoon.

Foam gel and add salt and baking soda. This mixture is carefully applied to the face with a cotton pad or swab. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but do not worry - this is the result of a cleansing action. Wash in 5-10 minutes with cool water. Tone your face and moisturize with cream.

Option 2

For cooking, you will need: oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and lemon juice, 2-3 spoons of milk (kefir).

Crush cereal to get very fine crumbs. Mix with soda, lemon juice and milk. We add milk (kefir) in order to get a mask of the correct texture, which will be convenient to use. Apply it on a clean face, after 10 - 15 minutes, roll the mask with wet fingers with gentle movements on the massage lines, and wash off the remnants of water.

Rice mask from black dots

Rice is a wonderful natural antioxidant and absorbent, it copes well not only with cleansing and peeling, but also in a complex tightens, softens and whitens the skin. No wonder all the oriental beauties regularly make themselves masks of rice, because in just 15 minutes the skin will become clean, smooth and matte, the pores will narrow.

For its preparation, you will need rice (1/4 cup), rinse well and pour boiling water in such a way that all rice is covered. Close the lid and leave to steam for the night (6 - 10 hours). The next morning you need to drain excess water from the rice and turn it into a porridge with a fork. After applying to the skin with light massaging movements and wait just 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

By the way, the water remaining after soaking the rice is very useful - it perfectly cleans the body. Therefore, drink it for health.

Mask from the black dots of clay

Natural cosmetic clay is an ideal option for those who wish not only to get rid of comedones, but also to heal and tighten the entire face skin.

Universal clay, suitable for absolutely everyone - white and blue. For oily skin, use green clay, for dry - red.

Simply dilute the powder with warm boiled water and mix. Apply over the entire face and hold until the clay is completely dry (10 - 15 minutes). During the exposure of the mask completely relax your face, do not talk.

Tomato mask from black dots

This mask of tomato will help solve the problem with black dots - narrow pores, normalize the sebum secretion, and get rid of facial blemishes. The mask has a soothing and rejuvenating effect.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l kefir (low-fat), grated tomato without seeds and skin (1/4 cup), 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.

Mix all food in a bowl. Before you apply a mask, first it is useful to steam the skin of the face, as an option - take a hot shower. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, wash with cool water. Due to the high acidity and the content of vitamins, tomatoes and lemon deeply clean the pores and nourish, and kefir will lighten the skin of the face, giving it firmness and elasticity.

Apple mask from black dots

Long since women actively used "rejuvenating" apples in their beauty secrets. And it is not surprising, because an apple is a real vitamin storehouse. Therefore, apple masks are effective not only in cleansing, but also in nutrition, rejuvenation and hydration. The skin after apple sessions looks fresh, radiant and taut.

Finely grate 1 apple, not peeling, and combine with liquid honey (5 tablespoons). If honey is candied, then you can water it on a steam bath. After applying on the face, wait 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water (preferably cool).

How to prepare the skin?

Carefully remove all dirt and makeup. Ideally, you need to steam so that the pores open. So the mask will be much more effective.

How to steam the skin?

Put the pot of water on the stove, bring to a boil. If desired, you can add herbal decoction or aromatic oils. After you can begin the process that can be carried out in two ways.

Method number 1

Bend your face over the pan (distance - at least 20 cm) and cover yourself with a towel. Let your skin so "breathe" a few minutes - you will determine when it softens and disappears.

Method number 2

You will need a small towel. Dampen it in broth, do not squeeze it out very much and cover your face. As soon as the towel cools down - repeat. Use at least 3-4 towels.


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