Diet with kidney stones: food selection, sample menu, drinking mode. Keeping a diet with kidney stones is essential!


Kidney stones, or in medical language - calculusThese are dense formations that are formed in various cavity organs, including the kidneys.

Urinary, or kidney stones are formed in the urinary tract and chemical composition (acid residue), are divided into groups: urates, oxalates, phosphates and carbonates.

The most common are the first two types of stones.

The main features of the diet for kidney stones

Among the many factors in the formation of kidney stones, one of the main ones is nutritional features. Kidney stone formation is provoked by the abuse of salty, acidic and spicy foods, as well as the use of high-salt drinking water. As an unhealthy diet is one of the factors in the development of urolithiasis, so a proper, dietary diet promotes recovery. Only a nephrologist or dietitian can prescribe a therapeutic diet for kidney stones. It may not be the same for all patients with urolithiasis. It is carefully selected according to the chemical composition of kidney stones.

The main thing in the diet for kidney stones is to limit those substances whose metabolism differs from the norm. Alternatively, you can add to the usual diet (without exacerbation of the disease), products that neutralize the formation of stones. And yet, it is worth adhering to the rule that for each type of kidney stones there is its own diet.

Diet for kidney stones - oxaluria

Oxaluria, or the presence of oxalate kidney stones, is the most common type of urolithiasis. This disease develops on the background of a violation of mineral metabolism in the body, excretion with urine and the formation of oxalate calcium salts in the form of stones. The diet with kidney stones (oxaluria) is characterized by a decrease in the diet of foods containing oxalic acid and calcium salts. It is worth paying attention not only to the quality composition of the diet, but also to the diet. Food should be six times a day, with small portions in volume.

Nutritionists advise do not turn on foods and dishes in the diet:

• Strong broths of meat and fish, aspic, aspic;

• Smoked, fried and canned meat and fish;

• Green vegetables (sorrel, spinach, parsley, lettuce, rhubarb), eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, peppers, garlic, beans, lentils, beans, cauliflower, red cabbage and Brussels sprouts, radishes, beets;

• Berries of red currant and gooseberry;

• Mushrooms and mushroom sauces, all kinds of spices and hot sauces;

• Remove from the diet drinks: alcohol, coffee, tea, cocoa, bread kvass, beer, juice from oranges, grapes, tomatoes.

Nutritionists recommend include the following products in an individual diet:

• In small quantities, boiled, low-fat meat and fish, egg dishes and milk soups;

• Vegetable dishes from white cabbage, turnips, pumpkins, etc;

• Products and dishes containing large amounts of vitamin B6 and A: buckwheat, barley and barley groats, liver;

• Fruits that help remove oxalic acid salts from the body: apples, pears, cornel;

• Products containing magnesium, necessary for oxaluria: sea kale, prunes, dried apricots, millet;

• Of drinks, preference should be given to green tea, juices, freshly squeezed apple juice.

An important condition in the treatment of oxaluria is cleansing the body of oxalic acid salts due to the large volume of fluid (minimum - 2 liters per day). The use of natural slightly alkaline mineral waters, such as Borjomi, is recommended.

Approximate one-day menu with oxaluria

• Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese, green tea, dried white bread;

• Second breakfast: milk buckwheat porridge, apple juice;

• Lunch: vegetable soup, baked lean fish (pollock), table mineral water;

• Snack: boiled potatoes, cucumber salad, dogrose broth;

• Dinner: rice casserole, with berry jelly, dried fruit compote;

• Second dinner: kefir or milk jelly.

Approximate weekly menu for oxaluria

Having a list of recommended products, you can make an approximate weekly menu for oxaluria.


• Breakfast: semolina porridge, with berries, green tea with honey, white bread;

• Lunch: baked apple;

• Lunch: rice soup, with vegetables, boiled chicken fillet with cucumber salad, fruit and berry jelly;

• Snack: boiled egg, a decoction of rosehip berries;

• Dinner: boiled cod, mashed potatoes, green tea, white bread;

• Second dinner: acidophilus.


• Breakfast: milk rice porridge, white bread, herbal tea;

• Second breakfast: cottage cheese dessert with apples;

• Lunch: vermicelli milk soup, steam meatballs in a milk sauce, berry jelly;

• Snack: kefir;

• Dinner: cabbage rolls lazy, white bread, apple compote;

• Second dinner: prunes.


• Breakfast: rice pudding with raisins, rhubarb jelly, wheat bread;

• Second breakfast: carrot cutlets, steam with sour cream;

• Lunch: vegetarian soup with croutons, baked fish (cod), boiled potatoes, mineral water;

• Lunch: dried apricot mousse;

• Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, green tea;

• Second dinner: fermented baked milk.


• Breakfast: white cabbage salad with apples, oatmeal porridge, tea from herbs;

• Lunch: baked apple;

• Lunch: vegetable soup in chicken broth, steam cutlets with buckwheat, white bread, berry jelly;

• Dinner: tender omelet, cucumber salad, mineral water;

• Second dinner: kefir.


• Breakfast: buckwheat friable, green tea, white bread;

• Second breakfast: boiled egg, dried apricots compote;

• Lunch: soup with meatballs, vegetable, cottage cheese with dried apricots, green tea, wheat bread;

• Snack: fresh apple;

• Dinner: manna with milk sauce, wheat bread, fruit jelly;

• Second dinner: milk with honey.


• Breakfast: pudding with white bread, green tea;

• Second breakfast: warm milk;

• Lunch: borsch in chicken broth, steamed meatballs with stewed cabbage, dried fruit compote;

• Snack: vegetable salad;

• Dinner: zucchini fritters with sour cream, fresh apple compote;

• Second dinner: kefir.


• Breakfast: oatmeal with prunes, herbal tea, white crackers;

• Lunch; fruit salad seasoned with light yogurt;

• Lunch: oatmeal soup, boiled beef tongue, rice with sour cream sauce, plum juice;

• Lunch: curd cheese;

• Dinner: potato and meat roll with sour cream sauce, berry jelly, white bread;

• Second dinner: kefir.

Diet for kidney stones - uraturia

Menu with a different type of kidney stones - uratah, should be aimed at excreting uric acid salts from the body.

They are a product of the metabolism of purine substances in the body. Uric acid salts are urates that are deposited in the form of crystals and kidney stones. The diet for kidney stones (urates) is based on foods that are low in purines. We can say that the main treatment for uratemia is diet therapy.

With kidney urate from the diet should be excluded: fatty meat and fish, canned meat, fish and vegetables, meat and fish broths, animal fats, offal, chocolate and cocoa, cabbage, spinach, onions, beans, spices.

It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt and bread. Since the appearance of urates in the urine is a consequence of an unbalanced diet, with a large number of meat products, nutritionists recommend eating more vegetables and fruits in the diet.

It is necessary to include in the menu apples, pears, grapes, citrus fruits, nuts, apricots, watermelons, pumpkin, cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes, dairy products, eggs. Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regimen, excluding water with a high calcium content from it. Alcohol is recommended to refuse.

Sample menu for the day with kidney stones (urate)

• Breakfast: wheat and apple pudding, tea with jam or honey;

• Lunch: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, rosehip decoction;

• Lunch: macaroni milk soup, potato patties with sour cream, fruit and berry jelly;

• Snack: pear;

• Dinner: stuffed bell peppers (rice with carrots), still water, still;

• Second dinner: wheat bran with kefir.

An approximate menu for a week, with urate in the kidneys

Diet with kidney stones is not burdensome, if from the permitted products to prepare a variety of dishes.


• Breakfast: fruit salad with honey and yogurt, tea with bread;

• Second breakfast: warm milk with simple drying;

• Lunch: vegetable soup with greens, potato zrazy with sour cream, jelly;

• Snack: hard boiled egg with fresh cucumber;

• Dinner: cottage cheese, apple juice;

• Second dinner: fermented baked milk.


• Breakfast: rice casserole, coffee;

• Lunch: muesli with kefir;

• Lunch: oatmeal soup, stewed cauliflower, tomato juice;

• Snack: squash caviar with rye bread, apple juice;

• Dinner: rice cakes with milk sauce, dry biscuits with milk;

• Second dinner: warm milk.


• Breakfast: oatmeal in milk, tea with jam and dryers;

• Second breakfast: boiled beet salad with olive oil;

• Lunch: soup with cauliflower and greens, boiled fish (cod) with rice, coffee;

• Snack: tea with marmalade or jam;

• Dinner: carrot cutlets with sour cream, pear juice;

• Second dinner: muesli with kefir.


• Breakfast: semolina porridge, tea with honey;

• Second breakfast: hazelnuts (50 g), coffee drink;

• Lunch: vegetable cream soup, pumpkin porridge with raisins and rice, table still water;

• Snack: orange juice;

• Dinner: cottage cheese with sour cream, fruit jelly;

• Second dinner: banana.


• Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, grated apple, with sour cream, tea with lemon;

• Second breakfast: fruit and berry jelly with biscuit cookies;

• Lunch: milk vermicelli soup, vegetable cabbage with rice, apple compote;

• Snack: a cheese sandwich and tea;

• Dinner: squash patties with sour cream, tea with biscuits;

• Second dinner kefir.


• Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, tea made from dried berries, dry biscuits;

• Lunch: fresh cucumber and tomato salad, with olive oil, a piece of dried rye bread;

• Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled pollock with rice and carrots, tomato juice;

• Snack: a cheese sandwich and tea with lemon;

• Dinner: curd souffle with milk sauce, orange;

• Second dinner: kefir.


• Breakfast: pasta with cheese, baked milk, bread;

• Second breakfast: fresh or baked apple;

• Lunch: potato soup with herbs, zucchini fried with sour cream, watermelon;

• Snack: orange juice;

• Dinner: scrambled eggs, apple juice, biscuits;

• Second dinner: milk with honey.

A diet with kidney stones can become diverse and useful if you add allowed cereal dishes, vegetables, fruits, sweets, freshly squeezed juices, compotes, decoctions to it.

In addition to the diet, with kidney stones, the drinking regimen, with a large amount of fluid drunk per day, plays an important role. Its volume should not be less than 2 liters.

It is also worth remembering fractional nutrition and small amounts of servings.


Watch the video: Jason Phillips: "Practical Nutrition Application". Talks at Google (June 2024).