February 13: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on February 13th.


Holidays February 13

World Radio Day

In February 1946, on February 13, the world first heard the call signs of UN Radio. In 2011, UNESCO decided to establish World Radio Day and, in honor of the first broadcast of Radio UN, chose the date of celebration on February 13th. According to the plans of UNESCO, the holiday will help strengthen cooperation both between large broadcasting companies and between single lovers.

The first time World Radio Day was celebrated on February 13 last year, and all the broadcasting companies of countries belonging to UNESCO took part in it. Radio fans also celebrate World Amateur Radio Day, and in Russia also Radio Day. Now Russian signalmen will celebrate three holidays dedicated to this very popular form of information transfer.


February 13, Armenia celebrates the national holiday of Terendez. Initially, the celebration was called Derendez and was a pagan ritual of fire worshipers. With the adoption of Christianity by Armenia, not only the name changed, but also the meaning of the holiday. Now this is not a simple worship of the spirits of fire with a request to help grow a bountiful harvest, but a cheerful celebration of the newlyweds.

The main acting “face” remains a bonfire lit in the evening of February 13. Through the fire, hand in hand, the newlyweds or lovers jump. It is believed that the family will be strong if young people can jump without opening their hands. Childless women jump after the couple, hoping that the fire will help them become pregnant. At the end of the ritual, all participants, holding hands, lead a round dance around the fire. On this special day, February 13th, a ritual bonfire gives happiness and well-being to those whom it touches. The ash remaining after the fire is collected and scattered across the fields, because initially it is a prayer holiday for a good harvest.

Where there is no possibility to light a fire, light candles. The newlyweds walk on the evening of February 13 with candles in their hands. Terendez is a very beautiful holiday, reminiscent of Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala Day and Valentine's Day at the same time.

The end of the carnival in Germany

It is believed that the first carnival was held in Munich in 1295. This holiday takes place in all the Catholic regions of Germany and precedes Lent. These days, the center of science, culture and politics, Munich, is turning into an arena for jokes, fun, and entertainment.

The festival lasts one week and begins with a visit to the temple. Then the women dress up in carnival costumes and have fun alone, without men. The next day, carnival costumes are worn on children who go to them even to school. In the end, men dress up in costumes.

The main event of the holiday is a magnificent carnival procession. For several hours in a row, in any weather, clowns, kings, princesses, barons, musicians, dancers go and go along the streets of the city. The procession ends on the largest square with a concert for all participants in the carnival. The celebration ends on February 13 with a service in the temple, after which comes the turn of "Ash Wednesday."

Ash Wednesday

February 13 - the beginning of Lent at the Catholics. This day is called Ash Wednesday and symbolizes repentance and sorrow. Consecrated ashes are applied to the faithful's forehead in the form of a cross. Throughout Lent, strict fasting and a righteous lifestyle are observed.

February 13 on the folk calendar

Nikita the fireman (February 13, according to the new style)

On this day, February 13, the memory of St. Nikita is celebrated. He was born in Kiev and, having adopted monastic tonsure at an early age, became a recluse. Nikita was subjected to devilish temptation and could not resist him. After expelling demons from the monk, Nikita began to lead a righteous life and excelled others in virtues. Nikita the fireman is considered a guardian from the scorching sun, lightning and fire. This saint with his prayers could put out the fire and prevent drought.

Folk signs on February 13 are associated with fire: if the flame in the furnace turns red, then wait for the onset of cold weather, and if it is white - thaw. It was believed that on February 13 a skate on the roof of a house could saddle a goblin. In this case, the house may collapse, and “thin winds” approach the porch. The peasants on Nikita especially closely watched the house.

Historical events February 13

February 13, 1547 wedding of Ivan the Terrible first marriage

After the wedding to the kingdom, 16-year-old Ivan began to choose a wife. More than one and a half thousand brides were selected by noble dignitaries for the bride. The king chose Anastasia, the daughter of a poor widow. For the young sovereign it was important not the nobility of the clan, but the personal qualities of the bride. The wedding took place on February 13 and the marriage lasted 13 years. After the death of his wife, Ivan the Terrible began the first campaign against the boyars, believing that they had poisoned his wife. It is not known exactly, but it is believed that the king had seven wives: four - legal, "crowned" and three - illegal from the point of view of the church.

February 13, 1720 Peter I founded the Main Magistrate

The central state Russian institution, the Main Magistrate, was founded by Peter I on February 13. The new body was subordinate to the tsar and the Senate, and Prince Trubetskoy became its first leader. Under the supervision of the magistrate were the craft, trade and other rights of citizens. The main magistrate operated until 1727 and was temporarily replaced by the Town Hall. The magistrate Catherine II was finally eliminated in 1782.

February 13, 1842 the beginning of the construction of the railway Moscow - St. Petersburg

Thanks to Nicholas I, a railway was built that connected the two capitals. Perfectly straight, it was laid for nine years, and only in 1851 the first train hit the road. In memory of Nicholas I, after his death, the railway was called Nikolaevskaya.

February 13, 1895 the emergence of world cinema

February 13, 1895 the Lumiere brothers filed a patent for a new invention: the world's first movie camera, and in December the French saw a miracle: the world's first film. This happened on Kapucinok Boulevard.

February 13, 1934 salvation by the Soviet pilots of the crew of the ship "Chelyuskin"

In August 1933, the Chelyuskin ship left the port in Murmansk to check the patency of a transport ship on the Northern Sea Route. The expedition was led by Otto Schmidt. On February 13, 1934, having been captured by ice, the ship sank, but the crew escaped on a drifting ice floe. Soviet pilots, having made more than a dozen flights, were able to evacuate all Chelyuskinites. The last to leave the camp were Otto Schmidt and Vladimir Voronin, the captain of the ship. Rescue pilots received a high award: the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on February 13

Ivan Krylov (February 13, 1769 - November 21, 1844), the famous Russian poet and fabulist

The first book of Krylov's fables was published in 1809 and immediately became famous. From Krylov’s fables, many winged expressions have come into our everyday language, which have become proverbs.

Fedor Chaliapin (February 13, 1873 - April 12, 1938), great opera singer

Fedor Chaliapin is known throughout the world as a great opera singer, performer of Russian romances and folk songs. His many-sided giftedness practically knew no bounds: talented sculptural works, painting, graphics, literature. Chaliapin can be called a propagandist of Russian art.

Evgeny Vakhtangov (February 13, 1883 - May 29, 1922), Russian actor, founder of the theater, great director

The "people's" theater of Evgeny Vakhtangov is considered a new direction in theatrical art. His last work was "Princess Turandot", before the premiere of which Vakhtangov did not live a couple of weeks. The team of the Vakhtangov Theater carefully preserves the traditions of its founder and teacher, and Princess Turandot has become the hallmark of the theater.

Name Day February 13

Nikita, Ivan, Athanasius, Victor, Ilya.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).