Arthritis: folk remedies will help, will be effective? How to defeat arthritis with folk remedies: baths, ointments, compresses, decoctions, tinctures


Joint pain caused by inflammation is called arthritis.

There are several types of disease:

• rheumatoid arthritis

• gout

• infectious arthritis

Classification, symptoms and etiology of arthritis

The most common is osteoarthritisthat develops due to wear of the joints. This type of ailment is more characteristic of older people. As a rule, the disease occurs gradually, affecting the knees, hips, hands.

Rheumatoid arthritis not only the old, but also the young are sick. The disease spreads to several joints, hands.

For gout pains in only one joint are characteristic. Most often, knees and elbows are affected. The disease is directly related to metabolic disorders, and more often men than women suffer from it.

The main symptoms by which you can judge the presence of the disease swelling, pain, inflammation, redness of the joints are. The patient feels weak, the movements are difficult for him, a characteristic crunch is felt during physical exertion.

With infectious arthritis to the above signs is added an increase in body temperature and the associated chills, aches.

Arthritis is capable of causing unbearable suffering to a person due to pain. It is characterized by acute or chronic, sluggish, form. In the first case, there is a sharp pain in the joints, in the second - the disease develops on an increasing basis.

Why arthritis? The main causes of the disease are:

• frequent injuries with joint damage

• infections (viral, fungal, bacterial)

• colds, SARS

• tuberculosis

• interruptions in metabolic processes

• excessive exercise

• some nerve pathologies

• malfunctions of the immune system

• genetic predisposition

In addition, arthritis can appear due to banal hypothermia, allergies, a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of prolonged exposure to bad habits on the body.

Finger arthritis can be safely attributed to occupational diseases. They suffer from seamstresses, masseurs, hairdressers. But arthritis of the spine is more familiar to people of working specialties, loaders.

If you feel constant pain in the joints, and in the morning - stiffness, then you should seek help from a specialist. The sooner a disease is discovered and treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of maintaining joints and their mobility.

A qualified specialist with the help of modern MRI, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, etc. studies can distinguish arthritis from similar diseases and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

At home, you can use simple folk methods that can increase the chance of recovery.

Arthritis Treatment Folk Remedies - Baths

1. Bath with sea salt. Pour sea salt (200 g) into not too hot water. Stir the composition well and immerse in it for 15-20 minutes so that the water reaches the armpits.

Such a bath is considered to be common, therefore, the salt concentration is low. You can use local baths. In this case, the salt should be twice as much.

Instead of sea salt, it is advisable to use ordinary table salt or salt with aromatic additives (in the absence of allergies). Perform the procedures every other day.

Worth to know! Salt baths are contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases, fever, thyroid diseases, and trophic skin lesions.

After water treatment, there is no need to wash off the saline solution. Simply wipe yourself with a terry towel, put on linen and go to bed.

The effect of the healing mixture is able to last for 2 hours. That is, you are sleeping sweetly, and salt is still "working."

This method is extremely effective and tested for centuries. After all, the great Hippocrates discovered and applied it a long time ago.

2. With inflammation of the small joints, local help well baths with a decoction of birch leaveshaving an extremely rich composition of useful components: essential oils, vitamins, tannins, etc. Leaves of birch have a strong disinfectant, diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare a life-saving healing folk remedy for the treatment of arthritis, pour (in arbitrary proportions) leaves of birch with boiling water. Then boil the mixture a little over low heat. Remove the container from the stove and dilute the composition with cold water. Without filtering, lower your arms or legs into it.

For greater efficiency, during the preparation of the mixture on the stove, add a few pine needles to it, and immediately before using the bath - sea or ordinary salt.

10 days after regular medical procedures, you will feel noticeable relief.

3. Pine bath - The strongest folk remedy for the treatment of arthritis, provided proper preparation. Pour needles needles (about 1 kg) into a cotton bag, boil it in plenty of water for half an hour.

Prepare a rather hot bath, place a bag in it and conduct thermal procedures.

Important! After this type of treatment, you can not go out. The best option is to go to bed.

Arthritis treatment folk remedies - decoctions and tinctures

1. A special place in the treatment of many diseases, including arthritis, is occupied by the most useful product, without which it is impossible to imagine the preparation of spicy dishes - garlic.

Arthritis can be treated well if you use such garlic tincture: peel and chop about 5 heads of garlic.

Attention! When preparing the product, metal objects should be avoided.

Pour the healing pulp with vodka (0, 5 l) and let the mixture brew somewhere in the closet for about 10 days.

After the deadline, strain the composition, pour it into a clean glass container and take a teaspoon, washed down with water at least 3 times a day.

A more advanced recipe: combine the pulp of 3 heads of garlic with the juice of 10 lemons. Add a teaspoon of freshly prepared chopped horseradish to the mixture.

Insist the product longer than in the first recipe (3 weeks) and drink 1 tsp., Diluting in a glass of water in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before eating.

2. Grind horse chestnut roots (50 g). Pour vodka (1 liter) into a container with raw materials. Shaking periodically, allow the mixture to infuse for 12 days in the far corner of the cabinet.

Drink a healing composition on a tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and before you go to bed.

3. For arthritis, taking herbs such as tansy and yarrow. Mix both crushed ingredients taken over a tablespoon. Pour boiling water over the composition (1 cup) and let stand longer.

After 2 hours, strain the mixture and begin treatment: drink a tablespoon before each meal.

Arthritis treatment with folk remedies - compresses and ointments

Not the last place in the treatment of arthritis is healing compresses, lotions, ointments.

1. Potatoesor rather, its already greened tubers copes with the disease. Wash thoroughly and chop several fruits without peeling. Put the pulp in hot water and heat.

Make a compress using gauze or a cotton towel, attach it to a sore spot, wrap it with cellophane and a scarf.

If you did everything right, then within half an hour you should feel pleasant warmth, relieving pain and contributing to a calm fall asleep.

2. Grind in a simple way - with a fine grater garlic, squeeze the juice and make compresses of it on the sore spots. Do not forget to pre-lubricate the skin with vegetable oil (to avoid burns).

3. The pain will go away in half an hour if you use your own cooked tincture of chestnut inflorescences as a grind.

Fill the glass container two-thirds with pre-prepared raw materials. Top up with alcohol. Infuse the mixture for at least 3 weeks in a dark place. Use as directed.

Tip: keep the joints warm after the procedure.

4. Connect laurel leaves and juniper needles (6 parts and 1 part, respectively). Grind the components to a powder state, mix and add a little softened butter (12 parts) to the composition.

This folk remedy for the treatment of arthritis soothes, relieves pain. Use it 2 times a day.

5. Prepare an effective anti-inflammatory ointment: combine clover flowers (2 tablespoons) with petroleum jelly. Pre-chop the grass. Rub the composition well with a spoon and use as directed. Instead of clover, you can use St. John's wort flowers. From this, the ointment will not completely lose its healing effect.

6. Wrapping large joints burdock leaves, cabbage they are analgesic, relieve inflammation.

Like any other disease, arthritis is better treated at the initial stage. For joint pain, morning discomfort it is important to consult a doctor on time for making an accurate diagnosis.

Only then, alternative methods of treating arthritis in combination with conventional therapy will give the positive result you are counting on.


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