The benefits, harm and caloric chicory: tops and roots. Secrets of a mysterious product, chicory - useful or harmful?


Chicory is called a substitute coffee, and even tea.

Its magic properties are known since ancient times, and aroma and taste tempt more than one generation of gourmets.

Types of plants. The composition of chicory, beneficial properties and calorie

As a plant, chicory belongs to the Aster family. Its leaves are added to salads and vegetable borscht.

And as a drink it is used in ordinary and dietary cuisine. Some manufacturers include chicory roots when roasting coffee beans. Such an additive gives the coffee product a savory velvety taste.

For the first time with chicory met in the Mediterranean. From there, on merchant ships, he was taken to Eurasia, Africa, and America. Until they discovered a wonderful flower on their own continents. After all, chicory, the beneficial properties of which have long been proven, has an excellent composition and special substances in it. In the Soviet period, the drink appeared in Russia.

If we consider the general classification of chicory, then we can get acquainted with the information, where it is said that chicory is of two types: salad and ordinary. Both are harvested in the wild, as well as grown on special land.

But most people are interested in very different types of chicory. Namely, those that can be consumed as drinks. Consider them closer:

Liquid concentrate. Such a product can only be obtained by evaporation of substances from the roots of a plant. It is considered the first and most natural version of chicory. On the package with the product, it says “natural chicory extract”;

Soluble raw materials. First, it is still evaporated, then dried to a powder. When high-tech and gentle methods are used in the manufacture of powder, all its useful properties are retained;

Roasted and ground product. With this production, roasting and grinding of chicory root is performed. This is the lowest quality product option. But it also contains beneficial ingredients, only in a lower concentration.

Usually, calorie content chicory is calculated as the ratio of calories per 100 grams of product. For the soluble drink is characterized by the ratio: 11 kcal per 100 grams. The extract has a higher energy value.

The composition of the plant is extremely interesting, both from a scientific and from the everyday point of view. The processed root contains almost no fat. Protein in its composition is about 0.1 grams. A carbohydrate 2.8 grams. Thus, chicory, the health benefits of which are obvious, becomes not only useful, but also a dietary product.

Him vitamin composition also remarkable. Chicory contains vitamins groups. B, C and E. What, a priori, elevates it to the rank of tonic drinks. Pectins and minerals in his personal table make chicory very healing. A unique inulin allows diabetics around the world to enjoy a great drink at any time.

Multifaceted product. The benefits of chicory for any organism

In moderate doses, chicory is useful for almost everyone. It is used for baby food in the gardens, and they are also watered by patients in hospitals. But there are diseases in which the unique properties of chicory are especially valuable:

- vascular diseases;

- light nervous disorders;

- blood diseases;

- intestinal imbalance;

- metabolic diseases (including diabetes);

- diseases of the kidneys and spleen.

Chicory is able to excrete toxins and slags from the body. And also to fight pathogenic microflora. At the same time he has a charming smell and nontrivial taste. The beneficial properties of chicory are complemented by its taste properties.

Harm chicory. Be careful

There are such special conditions of the body and diseases in which chicory is not desirable to use. These are the following aspects:

- cholelithiasis. Chicory stimulates the production of bile, worsening the general well-being of such patients;

- Allergic to Compositae. After all, the product belongs to this family;

- hemorrhoids and varicose veins. These are problems where vessels should not be overloaded;

- aggravated gastritis. Chicory is not drunk during these periods, because it can intensify some undesirable processes in the inflamed stomach;

- serious nervous disorders. As a tonic, chicory, may unnecessarily excite the psyche with deviations from the norm.

Still him not recommended for children under three years oldand those children who are obese. Chicory, the harm from which is caused by simple medical contraindications, rarely causes a real allergy, and is useful even for pregnant women. In general, chicory is quite a harmless drink.

Eating pregnant and lactating. Chicory damage

At the beginning of pregnancy, and throughout all the upcoming months, young mothers have to radically restructure their taste habits. And if most of them refuse coffee, then chicory comes to their aid. But he has his contraindications, both for pregnant women and for nursing mothers.

Chicory slightly dilates blood vessels, so it can not be used for pregnant women with problems such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It tones, and with gastritis, as well as an ulcer in pregnant women, it should be abandoned.

An obstacle to its reception is banal allergy to plants of this family. And this allergy may be absent in the mother, but manifest in the child whom she nurses. Chicory, like most substances, easily passes into breast milk.

Children. The benefits of chicory for the body

Is chicory harming or benefiting children? The answer depends on the age of the child and his health. Chicory, the health benefits, which are obvious, can be harmful.

The most important "childish" contraindication for chicory is allergy. Then go all the same diseases as adults. And also, oddly enough, childhood obesity.

It can harm, but it can also solve children's problems. And if the baby suffers from abdominal distention, dysbacteriosis or weak tone, then the mother should drink chicory, passing its beneficial properties through breastfeeding. Of course, after consulting with a doctor.

Before reaching the age of three, this product may enter the body of a baby with mother's milk. But the direct reception of the product is fraught with complications. Since the children's body is actively being formed.

The rest of the chicory drink can successfully replace coffee, can be used in diabetes, and pregnancy. Its versatile properties benefit the body. And it doesn't matter at all whether it is a child or an adult.

Diet and weight loss. Chicory: good or bad?

Chicory, the use of which has long been known, improves metabolism. Due to the effects on metabolism and low calorie chicory, this product contributes to weight loss.

By means of its properties, more slags are released from a body that is losing weight; more lipids and carbohydrates are exchanged. Chicory has the ability to reduce unhealthy cholesterol.

The caloric content of chicory is very low, so those who follow a diet can drink it even an hour before bedtime. This product reduces appetite, contributes to the successful digestion of food.

Science has proven that the pectins contained in this product are powerful. fat burners. And the substance "intibin" prevents the direct penetration of fat into the cell.

This natural fat burner is compatible with other slimming plants. They can be herbs, or ginger, which, by the way, also helps the body lose weight.

Advice to losing weight: "If you use chicory daily, and at the same time reduce the number of calories consumed per day to 1500, you can lose weight by the kilogram per week."

Drink chicory strengthens the body. Sports when it is applied are more effective. Significantly improved sleep and appearance of a person. Today developed special teas for weight loss, which is based on this substance.

Excessive use of it on an empty stomach can lead to exacerbations of inflammatory processes. Do not use it and in the presence of allergies. The rest of the medical research confirms the positive effect of the drink on the body's weight loss process.

This product is very fond of healthy food supporters. Its taste and smell cause pleasant associations, and the practical benefits are so great that contraindications to its use are quite rare.

Interesting facts about chicory

The plant was known to the ancient Greeks. In Europe, has spread as "Prussian coffee", or "coffee substitute" in the 18th century. A significant contribution to the spread of chicory around the world made the French. They, like the Americans, cultivated it with whole plantations.

In the central institute of the sugar industry (Moscow) conducted significant studies of plants. They date from the beginning of the 20th century. The study revealed the percentage of inulin in the root. He was 18 percent. What is considered a fairly high figure.

The pharmacological area also did not deprive chicory with its attention. The plant extract is successfully used in the treatment of such terrible diseases as hepatitis, diabetes. Of course, as part of complex therapy.

Training on frogs, British cardiologists have found that chicory tincture extract slows heart rate. So, they can be treated for tachycardias, arrhythmias, and other heart diseases. Such universality and world fame make chicory a plant, the benefits to the body of which are incredibly great.


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