Diet number 7 - with kidney disease


Diet number 7 refers to therapeutic diets and is prescribed for chronic nephritis outside the acute period and nephritis during the recovery period, starting from the 3rd week of treatment. This diet is used to relieve the load on the kidneys, reduce hypertension and edema, and activate the excretion of various metabolic products.

Diet number 7 - a general description

This therapeutic diet is characterized by a limited content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which, however, is within physiological norms. All food in this diet is prepared without salt, it is given to the patient in an amount that must be indicated by the attending physician and can be from 3 to 6 grams or more. As for the amount of free liquid, it decreases on average to 1 l. With diet number 7 from the diet should abandon the extractives of meat, fish, mushrooms, sources of oxalic acid and essential oils. Means, meat and fish in this case are subject to cooking. The food consumed should be of normal temperature.

Diet with diet number 7

The diet for this diet is represented by the following indicators:

the amount of carbohydrates is from 400 to 450 grams, of which 80 to 90 grams fall to sugar;
the amount of proteins - 80 gr., from them from 50 to 60% fall to animals;
the amount of fat - from 90 to 100 grams., of which 25% are vegetable;
the amount of free fluid is from 0.9 to 1.1 liters;
calorie per day ranges from 2700 to 2900 kcal.

Power frequency when diet No. 7 is 4-5 times a day.

Permitted foods and dishes with diet number 7

1. Soups: vegetarian with vegetables, cereals, potatoes; fruity, limited to dairy. For their filling you can use butter, sour cream, dill, parsley, citric acid, vinegar; boiled or browned onions.
2. Bread and flour products: salt-free bread, pancakes, pancakes with yeast and without salt.
3. Meat and poultry: lean beef, veal, meat and edged pork, lamb, rabbit, turkey, chicken, boiled or baked, in a slice or in chopped form (you can fry slightly after boiling).
4. Fish: lean, boiled, can be followed by light roasting or roasting, stuffed, filler after boiling.
5. Dairy products: milk, sour cream, cream, dairy drinks, cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes with vegetables and rice.
6. Eggs: in the form of yolks, added to dishes; whole soft-boiled eggs (no more than 2 per day), omelettes - subject to a decrease in the amount of consumed meat, fish or cottage cheese.
7. Groats: rice, corn, pearl barley, and pasta in any cooking.
8. Vegetables in any culinary processing.
9. Snacks: vinaigrettes without pickles, salads from fresh vegetables and fruits.
10. Fruits, sweets and sweets: various fruits and berries, raw, boiled, stewed fruit, jelly, jelly, honey, jam, candy, popsicles.
10. Sauces and spices: tomato, dairy, sour cream, fruit and vegetable sauces, vanilla, cinnamon, citric acid, vinegar.
11. Drinks: tea, weak coffee, fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip broth.
12. Fat: cream unsalted, cow baked and refined vegetable oils.

Prohibited foods and dishes with diet number 7:

1. Soups - meat, fish and mushroom broths, as well as bean soups;
2. Bread and flour products: bread usual pastries, flour products with the addition of salt.
3. Meat and meat products: fatty sorts, fried and stewed dishes without boiling, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned goods.
4. Fish: fatty species, salted, smoked fish, caviar, canned food.
5. Cheese.
6. Vegetables: legumes, onions, garlic, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, pickled, pickled and fermented vegetables, mushrooms. 7. Sweets: chocolate.
8. Sauces and spices: meat, fish and mushroom sauces, pepper, mustard, horseradish.
9. Drinks: strong coffee, cocoa, sodium mineral waters.
10. Fat: lard.

Diet number 7 - examples of the menu

For the first breakfast a soft-boiled egg with buckwheat porridge and tea is eaten.
As a second breakfast, you can eat baked apples.
You can dine vegetarian borsch with sour cream, boiled meat with chips, dried fruit compote.
Tea time consists of broth hips.
For dinner, you can eat chops carrot-apple baked with noodles with cottage cheese and tea.

Examples of dishes for diet number 7

Vegetarian borsch


1. carrots - 2 pcs.,
2. onions - onions 2 pcs.,
3. potatoes - 2 pcs.,
4. cabbage - 100 gr.,
5. tomatoes - 2 pieces,
6. beets - 1 pc.,
7. Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Put the pan on the stove and pour the vegetable oil there.
2. Add there beets, diced, carrots, grated grated, and finely chopped onion with tomato paste.
3. Lightly fry everything, add a glass of hot water and cook the vegetables for about 15 minutes.
4. Peel the potatoes and, cut them into cubes, add to the soup, salt it to taste.
5. When the soup with potatoes begins to boil, add the shredded cabbage, then, a few minutes before readiness, season the soup with sliced ​​fresh or salted tomatoes and greens. Before serving, add sour cream.

Carrot Apple Beat


1. carrots - 2 pcs.,
2. apples - 2 pcs.,
3. semolina - 30 gr.,
4. egg - 1 pc ...

Cooking method:

1. Grate the carrots and cook in a small amount of milk, then add the semolina, stir well and cook for another 10 minutes.
2. Finely cut peeled apples, mix with carrots and semolina, add sugar, raw egg.
3. Knead and form patties, pour sour cream and bake in the oven.


Ilona 03/23/2016
I didn’t expect that there is a decent diet for women with kidney diseases. Thank you Women's opinion. I will try to enter the diet number 7 with my head held high, and just as well go out more slim :)

Zhanna 03/23/2016
The photos of allowed products are so bright and positive that I want to go on a diet number 7 right now. In addition, my favorite pancakes are allowed, hooray !!! How little a woman needs to be happy.

Manyunia 03/23/2016
I am a fanatical meat eater. I can not live without meat, and now the 9th day I exist perfectly in this diet. I have not yet bothered to cook culinary delights :)) Although I’m too lazy to invite you to run to the danar around the corner ...

Elena Yuryevna 03/23/2016
A very professionally made diet. To maintain the health of the kidneys, you just need to comply with it. She was approved by my attending nephrologist. Thanks for the clear and reliable information!

Women 03/23/2016
Does even the temperature of the food served really matter? Girls, how difficult a person is. Diet number 7 is just for me, we will bring my diseases to clean water !!!!


Watch the video: 7 Foods to Limit with Late Stage Kidney Disease (July 2024).